// aux-build:macro_pub_in_module.rs // edition:2018 // build-aux-docs //! See issue #74355 #![feature(decl_macro, no_core, rustc_attrs)] #![crate_name = "krate"] #![no_core] // @has external_crate/some_module/macro.external_macro.html // @!has external_crate/macro.external_macro.html extern crate external_crate; pub mod inner { // @has krate/inner/macro.raw_const.html // @!has krate/macro.raw_const.html pub macro raw_const() {} // @has krate/inner/attr.test.html // @!has krate/macro.test.html // @!has krate/inner/macro.test.html // @!has krate/attr.test.html #[rustc_builtin_macro] pub macro test($item:item) {} // @has krate/inner/derive.Clone.html // @!has krate/inner/macro.Clone.html // @!has krate/macro.Clone.html // @!has krate/derive.Clone.html #[rustc_builtin_macro] pub macro Clone($item:item) {} // Make sure the logic is not affected by re-exports. mod unrenamed { // @!has krate/macro.unrenamed.html #[rustc_macro_transparency = "semitransparent"] pub macro unrenamed() {} } // @has krate/inner/macro.unrenamed.html pub use unrenamed::unrenamed; mod private { // @!has krate/macro.m.html pub macro m() {} } // @has krate/inner/macro.renamed.html // @!has krate/macro.renamed.html pub use private::m as renamed; mod private2 { // @!has krate/macro.m2.html pub macro m2() {} } use private2 as renamed_mod; // @has krate/inner/macro.m2.html pub use renamed_mod::m2; // @has krate/inner/macro.external_macro.html // @!has krate/macro.external_macro.html pub use ::external_crate::some_module::external_macro; } // Namespaces: Make sure the logic does not mix up a function name with a module nameā€¦ fn both_fn_and_mod() { // @!has krate/macro.in_both_fn_and_mod.html pub macro in_both_fn_and_mod() {} } pub mod both_fn_and_mod { // @!has krate/both_fn_and_mod/macro.in_both_fn_and_mod.html } const __: () = { // @!has krate/macro.in_both_const_and_mod.html pub macro in_both_const_and_mod() {} }; pub mod __ { // @!has krate/__/macro.in_both_const_and_mod.html } enum Enum { Crazy = { // @!has krate/macro.this_is_getting_weird.html; pub macro this_is_getting_weird() {} 42 }, }