// aux-build: parent-crate-115718.rs // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/115718 #![crate_name = "foo"] extern crate parent_crate_115718; use parent_crate_115718::MyStruct; pub trait MyTrait2 { fn method_trait_2(); } impl MyTrait2 for MyStruct { fn method_trait_2() {} } pub trait MyTrait3 { fn method_trait_3(); } impl MyTrait3 for MyType { fn method_trait_3() {} } // @hasraw 'type.impl/parent_crate_115718/struct.MyStruct.js' 'method_trait_1' // @hasraw 'type.impl/parent_crate_115718/struct.MyStruct.js' 'method_trait_2' // Avoid duplicating these docs. // @!hasraw 'foo/type.MyType.html' 'method_trait_1' // @!hasraw 'foo/type.MyType.html' 'method_trait_2' // The one made directly on the type alias should be attached to the HTML instead. // @!hasraw 'type.impl/parent_crate_115718/struct.MyStruct.js' 'method_trait_3' // @hasraw 'foo/type.MyType.html' 'method_trait_3' pub type MyType = MyStruct;