// only-x86_64 #![feature(repr_simd, never_type)] use std::arch::{asm, global_asm}; #[repr(simd)] struct SimdNonCopy(f32, f32, f32, f32); fn main() { unsafe { // Inputs must be initialized let x: u64; asm!("{}", in(reg) x); let mut y: u64; asm!("{}", inout(reg) y); let _ = y; // Outputs require mutable places let v: Vec = vec![0, 1, 2]; asm!("{}", in(reg) v[0]); asm!("{}", out(reg) v[0]); asm!("{}", inout(reg) v[0]); // Sym operands must point to a function or static const C: i32 = 0; static S: i32 = 0; asm!("{}", sym S); asm!("{}", sym main); asm!("{}", sym C); //~^ ERROR invalid `sym` operand asm!("{}", sym x); //~^ ERROR invalid `sym` operand // Register operands must be Copy asm!("{}", in(xmm_reg) SimdNonCopy(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); //~^ ERROR arguments for inline assembly must be copyable // Register operands must be integers, floats, SIMD vectors, pointers or // function pointers. asm!("{}", in(reg) 0i64); asm!("{}", in(reg) 0f64); asm!("{}", in(xmm_reg) std::arch::x86_64::_mm_setzero_ps()); asm!("{}", in(reg) 0 as *const u8); asm!("{}", in(reg) 0 as *mut u8); asm!("{}", in(reg) main as fn()); asm!("{}", in(reg) |x: i32| x); //~^ ERROR cannot use value of type asm!("{}", in(reg) vec![0]); //~^ ERROR cannot use value of type `Vec` for inline assembly asm!("{}", in(reg) (1, 2, 3)); //~^ ERROR cannot use value of type `(i32, i32, i32)` for inline assembly asm!("{}", in(reg) [1, 2, 3]); //~^ ERROR cannot use value of type `[i32; 3]` for inline assembly // Register inputs (but not outputs) allow references and function types let mut f = main; let mut r = &mut 0; asm!("{}", in(reg) f); asm!("{}", inout(reg) f); //~^ ERROR cannot use value of type `fn() {main}` for inline assembly asm!("{}", in(reg) r); asm!("{}", inout(reg) r); //~^ ERROR cannot use value of type `&mut i32` for inline assembly let _ = (f, r); // Type checks ignore never type let u: ! = unreachable!(); asm!("{}", in(reg) u); } } // Sym operands must point to a function or static const C: i32 = 0; static S: i32 = 0; global_asm!("{}", sym S); global_asm!("{}", sym main); global_asm!("{}", sym C); //~^ ERROR invalid `sym` operand