#![feature(associated_type_bounds)] use std::mem::ManuallyDrop; struct S1 { f: dyn Iterator } //~^ ERROR associated type bounds are only allowed in where clauses and function signatures struct S2 { f: Box> } //~^ ERROR associated type bounds are only allowed in where clauses and function signatures struct S3 { f: dyn Iterator } //~^ ERROR associated type bounds are only allowed in where clauses and function signatures enum E1 { V(dyn Iterator) } //~^ ERROR associated type bounds are only allowed in where clauses and function signatures enum E2 { V(Box>) } //~^ ERROR associated type bounds are only allowed in where clauses and function signatures enum E3 { V(dyn Iterator) } //~^ ERROR associated type bounds are only allowed in where clauses and function signatures union U1 { f: ManuallyDrop> } //~^ ERROR associated type bounds are only allowed in where clauses and function signatures union U2 { f: ManuallyDrop>> } //~^ ERROR associated type bounds are only allowed in where clauses and function signatures union U3 { f: ManuallyDrop> } //~^ ERROR associated type bounds are only allowed in where clauses and function signatures fn main() {}