// run-pass // needs-unwind // Check that partially moved from function parameters are dropped after the // named bindings that move from them. use std::{panic, cell::RefCell}; struct LogDrop<'a>(i32, Context<'a>); #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct Context<'a> { panic_on: i32, drops: &'a RefCell>, } impl<'a> Context<'a> { fn record_drop(self, index: i32) { self.drops.borrow_mut().push(index); if index == self.panic_on { panic!(); } } } impl<'a> Drop for LogDrop<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { self.1.record_drop(self.0); } } fn bindings_in_params((_x, _): (LogDrop, LogDrop), (_, _y): (LogDrop, LogDrop)) {} fn bindings_with_let(a: (LogDrop, LogDrop), b: (LogDrop, LogDrop)) { // Drop order in foo is the same as the following bindings. // _temp2 is declared after _x to avoid a difference between `_: T` and // `x: T` in function parameters. let _temp1 = a; let (_x, _) = _temp1; let _temp2 = b; let (_, _y) = _temp2; } fn test_drop_order(panic_on: i32, fun: fn((LogDrop, LogDrop), (LogDrop, LogDrop))) { let context = Context { panic_on, drops: &RefCell::new(Vec::new()), }; let one = LogDrop(1, context); let two = LogDrop(2, context); let three = LogDrop(3, context); let four = LogDrop(4, context); let res = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| { fun((three, four), (two, one)); })); if panic_on == 0 { assert!(res.is_ok(), "should not have panicked"); } else { assert!(res.is_err(), "should have panicked"); } assert_eq!(*context.drops.borrow(), [1, 2, 3, 4], "incorrect drop order"); } fn main() { (0..=4).for_each(|i| test_drop_order(i, bindings_in_params)); (0..=4).for_each(|i| test_drop_order(i, bindings_with_let)); (0..=4).for_each(|i| test_drop_order(i, |(_x, _), (_, _y)| {})); }