struct A; fn main() { let a = A; a + a; //~ ERROR cannot add `A` to `A` a - a; //~ ERROR cannot subtract `A` from `A` a * a; //~ ERROR cannot multiply `A` by `A` a / a; //~ ERROR cannot divide `A` by `A` a % a; //~ ERROR cannot mod `A` by `A` a & a; //~ ERROR no implementation for `A & A` a | a; //~ ERROR no implementation for `A | A` a << a; //~ ERROR no implementation for `A << A` a >> a; //~ ERROR no implementation for `A >> A` a == a; //~ ERROR binary operation `==` cannot be applied to type `A` a != a; //~ ERROR binary operation `!=` cannot be applied to type `A` a < a; //~ ERROR binary operation `<` cannot be applied to type `A` a <= a; //~ ERROR binary operation `<=` cannot be applied to type `A` a > a; //~ ERROR binary operation `>` cannot be applied to type `A` a >= a; //~ ERROR binary operation `>=` cannot be applied to type `A` }