// edition:2021 // Test borrow checker when we precise capture when using boxes struct MetaData { x: String, name: String } struct Data { m: MetaData } struct BoxedData(Box); struct EvenMoreBoxedData(Box); // Check diagnostics when the same path is mutated both inside and outside the closure fn box_1() { let m = MetaData { x: format!("x"), name: format!("name") }; let d = Data { m }; let b = BoxedData(Box::new(d)); let mut e = EvenMoreBoxedData(Box::new(b)); let mut c = || { e.0.0.m.x = format!("not-x"); }; e.0.0.m.x = format!("not-x"); //~^ ERROR: cannot assign to `e.0.0.m.x` because it is borrowed c(); } // Check diagnostics when a path is mutated inside a closure while attempting to read it outside // the closure. fn box_2() { let m = MetaData { x: format!("x"), name: format!("name") }; let d = Data { m }; let b = BoxedData(Box::new(d)); let mut e = EvenMoreBoxedData(Box::new(b)); let mut c = || { e.0.0.m.x = format!("not-x"); }; println!("{}", e.0.0.m.x); //~^ ERROR: cannot borrow `e.0.0.m.x` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable c(); } // Check diagnostics when a path is read inside a closure while attempting to mutate it outside // the closure. fn box_3() { let m = MetaData { x: format!("x"), name: format!("name") }; let d = Data { m }; let b = BoxedData(Box::new(d)); let mut e = EvenMoreBoxedData(Box::new(b)); let c = || { println!("{}", e.0.0.m.x); }; e.0.0.m.x = format!("not-x"); //~^ ERROR: cannot assign to `e.0.0.m.x` because it is borrowed c(); } fn main() { box_1(); box_2(); box_3(); }