// compile-flags: -Zdrop-tracking
#![feature(generators, negative_impls, rustc_attrs)]

macro_rules! type_combinations {
        $( $name:ident => { $( $tt:tt )* } );* $(;)?
    ) => { $(
        mod $name {
            $( $tt )*

            impl !Sync for Client {}
            impl !Send for Client {}

        // Struct update syntax. This fails because the Client used in the update is considered
        // dropped *after* the yield.
            let g = move || match drop($name::Client { ..$name::Client::default() }) {
            //~^ `significant_drop::Client` which is not `Send`
            //~| `insignificant_dtor::Client` which is not `Send`
            //~| `derived_drop::Client` which is not `Send`
                _ => yield,
            //~^ ERROR cannot be sent between threads
            //~| ERROR cannot be sent between threads
            //~| ERROR cannot be sent between threads

        // Simple owned value. This works because the Client is considered moved into `drop`,
        // even though the temporary expression doesn't end until after the yield.
            let g = move || match drop($name::Client::default()) {
                _ => yield,
    )* }

fn assert_send<T: Send>(_thing: T) {}

fn main() {
        // OK
        copy => { #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)] pub struct Client; };
        // NOT OK: MIR borrowck thinks that this is used after the yield, even though
        // this has no `Drop` impl and only the drops of the fields are observable.
        // FIXME: this should compile.
        derived_drop => { #[derive(Default)] pub struct Client { pub nickname: String } };
        // NOT OK
        significant_drop => {
            pub struct Client;
            impl Drop for Client {
                fn drop(&mut self) {}
        // NOT OK (we need to agree with MIR borrowck)
        insignificant_dtor => {
            pub struct Client;
            impl Drop for Client {
                fn drop(&mut self) {}