#![deny(unused_attributes)] use std::marker::PhantomData; pub struct Foo<#[inline] const N: usize>; //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to function or closure pub struct Bar<#[cold] const N: usize>; //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to a function //~| WARN this was previously accepted pub struct Baz<#[repr(C)] const N: usize>; //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to a struct, enum, or union // pub struct Foo2<#[inline] 'a>(PhantomData<&'a ()>); //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to function or closure pub struct Bar2<#[cold] 'a>(PhantomData<&'a ()>); //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to a function //~| WARN this was previously accepted pub struct Baz2<#[repr(C)] 'a>(PhantomData<&'a ()>); //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to a struct, enum, or union // pub struct Foo3<#[inline] T>(PhantomData); //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to function or closure pub struct Bar3<#[cold] T>(PhantomData); //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to a function //~| WARN this was previously accepted pub struct Baz3<#[repr(C)] T>(PhantomData); //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to a struct, enum, or union fn main() {}