#![feature(lint_reasons)] // If you turn off deduplicate diagnostics (which rustc turns on by default but // compiletest turns off when it runs ui tests), then the errors are // (unfortunately) repeated here because the checking is done as we read in the // errors, and currently that happens two or three different times, depending on // compiler flags. // // The test is much cleaner if we deduplicate, though. // compile-flags: -Z deduplicate-diagnostics=yes #![forbid( unsafe_code, //~^ NOTE `forbid` level set here //~| NOTE the lint level is defined here reason = "our errors & omissions insurance policy doesn't cover unsafe Rust" )] use std::ptr; fn main() { let a_billion_dollar_mistake = ptr::null(); #[allow(unsafe_code)] //~^ ERROR allow(unsafe_code) incompatible with previous forbid //~| NOTE our errors & omissions insurance policy doesn't cover unsafe Rust //~| NOTE overruled by previous forbid unsafe { //~^ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block //~| NOTE our errors & omissions insurance policy doesn't cover unsafe Rust *a_billion_dollar_mistake } }