pub fn f( //~ NOTE function defined here /// Comment //~^ ERROR documentation comments cannot be applied to function parameters //~| NOTE doc comments are not allowed here //~| NOTE id: u8, /// Other //~^ ERROR documentation comments cannot be applied to function parameters //~| NOTE doc comments are not allowed here //~| NOTE a: u8, ) {} fn bar(id: #[allow(dead_code)] i32) {} //~^ ERROR attributes cannot be applied to a function parameter's type //~| NOTE attributes are not allowed here //~| NOTE function defined here //~| NOTE fn main() { // verify that the parser recovered and properly typechecked the args f("", ""); //~^ ERROR arguments to this function are incorrect //~| NOTE expected `u8`, found `&str` //~| NOTE expected `u8`, found `&str` bar(""); //~^ ERROR mismatched types //~| NOTE arguments to this function are incorrect //~| NOTE expected `i32`, found `&str` }