#[deny(unused_imports)] mod rank { pub use self::Professor::*; //~^ ERROR glob import doesn't reexport anything //~| ERROR unused import: `self::Professor::*` pub use self::Lieutenant::{JuniorGrade, Full}; //~^ ERROR `JuniorGrade` is private, and cannot be re-exported //~| ERROR `Full` is private, and cannot be re-exported //~| ERROR unused imports: `Full`, `JuniorGrade` pub use self::PettyOfficer::*; //~^ ERROR glob import doesn't reexport anything //~| ERROR unused import: `self::PettyOfficer::*` pub use self::Crewman::*; //~^ ERROR glob import doesn't reexport anything //~| ERROR unused import: `self::Crewman::*` enum Professor { Adjunct, Assistant, Associate, Full } enum Lieutenant { JuniorGrade, Full, } pub(in rank) enum PettyOfficer { SecondClass, FirstClass, Chief, MasterChief } pub(crate) enum Crewman { Recruit, Apprentice, Full } } fn main() {}