// Regression test for issue #64803 (initial attribute resolution can disappear later). // aux-build:test-macros.rs #[macro_use] extern crate test_macros; mod m { use test_macros::Empty; } use m::Empty; //~ ERROR derive macro import `Empty` is private // To resolve `empty_helper` we need to resolve `Empty`. // During initial resolution `use m::Empty` introduces no entries, so we proceed to `macro_use`, // successfully resolve `Empty` from there, and then resolve `empty_helper` as its helper. // During validation `use m::Empty` introduces a `Res::Err` stub, so `Empty` resolves to it, // and `empty_helper` can no longer be resolved. #[empty_helper] //~ ERROR cannot find attribute `empty_helper` in this scope #[derive(Empty)] struct S; fn main() {}