// run-pass #![allow(dead_code)] // Check that constant ADTs are codegened OK, part k of N. enum Bar { C } enum Foo { A {}, B { y: usize, z: Bar }, } const LIST: [(usize, Foo); 2] = [ (51, Foo::B { y: 42, z: Bar::C }), (52, Foo::B { y: 45, z: Bar::C }), ]; pub fn main() { match LIST { [ (51, Foo::B { y: 42, z: Bar::C }), (52, Foo::B { y: 45, z: Bar::C }) ] => {} _ => { // I would want to print the enum here, but if // the discriminant is garbage this causes an // `unreachable` and silent process exit. panic!("trivial match failed") } } }