#[derive(Clone)] enum Either { One(X), Two(X), } #[derive(Clone)] struct X(Y); #[derive(Clone)] struct Y; pub fn main() { let e = Either::One(X(Y)); let mut em = Either::One(X(Y)); let r = &e; let rm = &mut Either::One(X(Y)); let x = X(Y); let mut xm = X(Y); let s = &x; let sm = &mut X(Y); let ve = vec![Either::One(X(Y))]; let vr = &ve; let vrm = &mut vec![Either::One(X(Y))]; let vx = vec![X(Y)]; let vs = &vx; let vsm = &mut vec![X(Y)]; // test for duplicate suggestions let &(X(_t), X(_u)) = &(x.clone(), x.clone()); //~^ ERROR cannot move //~| HELP consider removing the borrow if let &(Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) = &(e.clone(), e.clone()) { } //~^ ERROR cannot move //~| HELP consider removing the borrow while let &(Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) = &(e.clone(), e.clone()) { } //~^ ERROR cannot move //~| HELP consider removing the borrow match &(e.clone(), e.clone()) { //~^ ERROR cannot move &(Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) => (), //~^ HELP consider removing the borrow &(Either::Two(_t), Either::One(_u)) => (), //~^ HELP consider removing the borrow _ => (), } match &(e.clone(), e.clone()) { //~^ ERROR cannot move &(Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) //~^ HELP consider removing the borrow | &(Either::Two(_t), Either::One(_u)) => (), // FIXME: would really like a suggestion here too _ => (), } match &(e.clone(), e.clone()) { //~^ ERROR cannot move &(Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) => (), //~^ HELP consider removing the borrow &(Either::Two(ref _t), Either::One(ref _u)) => (), _ => (), } match &(e.clone(), e.clone()) { //~^ ERROR cannot move &(Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) => (), //~^ HELP consider removing the borrow (Either::Two(_t), Either::One(_u)) => (), _ => (), } fn f5(&(X(_t), X(_u)): &(X, X)) { } //~^ ERROR cannot move //~| HELP consider removing the borrow let &mut (X(_t), X(_u)) = &mut (xm.clone(), xm.clone()); //~^ ERROR cannot move //~| HELP consider removing the mutable borrow if let &mut (Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) = &mut (em.clone(), em.clone()) { } //~^ ERROR cannot move //~| HELP consider removing the mutable borrow while let &mut (Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) = &mut (em.clone(), em.clone()) { } //~^ ERROR cannot move //~| HELP consider removing the mutable borrow match &mut (em.clone(), em.clone()) { //~^ ERROR cannot move &mut (Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) => (), //~^ HELP consider removing the mutable borrow &mut (Either::Two(_t), Either::One(_u)) => (), //~^ HELP consider removing the mutable borrow _ => (), } match &mut (em.clone(), em.clone()) { //~^ ERROR cannot move &mut (Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) //~^ HELP consider removing the mutable borrow | &mut (Either::Two(_t), Either::One(_u)) => (), // FIXME: would really like a suggestion here too _ => (), } match &mut (em.clone(), em.clone()) { //~^ ERROR cannot move &mut (Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) => (), //~^ HELP consider removing the mutable borrow &mut (Either::Two(ref _t), Either::One(ref _u)) => (), _ => (), } match &mut (em.clone(), em.clone()) { //~^ ERROR cannot move &mut (Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) => (), //~^ HELP consider removing the mutable borrow &mut (Either::Two(ref mut _t), Either::One(ref mut _u)) => (), _ => (), } match &mut (em.clone(), em.clone()) { //~^ ERROR cannot move &mut (Either::One(_t), Either::Two(_u)) => (), //~^ HELP consider removing the mutable borrow (Either::Two(_t), Either::One(_u)) => (), _ => (), } fn f6(&mut (X(_t), X(_u)): &mut (X, X)) { } //~^ ERROR cannot move //~| HELP consider removing the mutable borrow }