// check-pass // compile-flags: -Z print-vtable-sizes #![crate_type = "lib"] trait A: AsRef<[T::V]> + AsMut<[T::V]> {} trait B: AsRef + AsRef + AsRef + AsRef {} trait C { fn x() {} // not object safe, shouldn't be reported } // This does not have any upcasting cost, // because both `Send` and `Sync` are traits // with no methods trait D: Send + Sync + help::MarkerWithSuper {} // This can't have no cost without reordering, // because `Super::f`. trait E: help::MarkerWithSuper + Send + Sync {} trait F { fn a(&self); fn b(&self); fn c(&self); fn d() -> Self where Self: Sized; } trait G: AsRef + AsRef + help::MarkerWithSuper { fn a(&self); fn b(&self); fn c(&self); fn d(&self); fn e(&self); fn f() -> Self where Self: Sized; } // Traits with the same name const _: () = { trait S {} }; const _: () = { trait S {} }; mod help { pub trait V { type V; } pub trait MarkerWithSuper: Super {} pub trait Super { fn f(&self); } }