// When WF checking the hidden type in the ParamEnv of the opaque type, // one complication arises when the hidden type is a closure/generator: // the "parent_substs" of the type may reference lifetime parameters // not present in the opaque type. // These region parameters are not really useful in this check. // So here we ignore them and replace them with fresh region variables. // check-pass #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] #![allow(dead_code)] // Basic test mod test1 { // Hidden type = Closure['?0] type Opaque = impl Sized; fn define<'a: 'a>() -> Opaque { || {} } } // the region vars cannot both be equal to `'static` or `'empty` mod test2 { trait Trait {} // Hidden type = Closure['a, '?0, '?1] // Constraints = [('?0: 'a), ('a: '?1)] type Opaque<'a> where &'a (): Trait, = impl Sized + 'a; fn define<'a, 'x, 'y>() -> Opaque<'a> where &'a (): Trait, 'x: 'a, 'a: 'y, { || {} } } // the region var cannot be equal to `'a` or `'b` mod test3 { trait Trait {} // Hidden type = Closure['a, 'b, '?0] // Constraints = [('?0: 'a), ('?0: 'b)] type Opaque<'a, 'b> where (&'a (), &'b ()): Trait, = impl Sized + 'a + 'b; fn define<'a, 'b, 'x>() -> Opaque<'a, 'b> where (&'a (), &'b ()): Trait, 'x: 'a, 'x: 'b, { || {} } } fn main() {}