warning: unnecessary lifetime parameter `'a` --> $DIR/implied_lifetime_wf_check3.rs:6:22 | LL | fn assert_static<'a: 'static>() {} | ^^ | = help: you can use the `'static` lifetime directly, in place of `'a` warning: unnecessary lifetime parameter `'a` --> $DIR/implied_lifetime_wf_check3.rs:15:22 | LL | fn assert_static<'a: 'static>() {} | ^^ | = help: you can use the `'static` lifetime directly, in place of `'a` warning: unnecessary lifetime parameter `'a` --> $DIR/implied_lifetime_wf_check3.rs:22:22 | LL | fn assert_static<'a: 'static>() {} | ^^ | = help: you can use the `'static` lifetime directly, in place of `'a` error: lifetime may not live long enough --> $DIR/implied_lifetime_wf_check3.rs:8:43 | LL | fn test<'a>() where Ty<'a>: 'static { assert_static::<'a>() } | -- lifetime `'a` defined here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ requires that `'a` must outlive `'static` error: lifetime may not live long enough --> $DIR/implied_lifetime_wf_check3.rs:17:46 | LL | fn test<'a>() where for<'b> Ty<'b>: 'a { assert_static::<'a>() } | -- lifetime `'a` defined here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ requires that `'a` must outlive `'static` error: lifetime may not live long enough --> $DIR/implied_lifetime_wf_check3.rs:24:21 | LL | fn test<'a>() { assert_static::<'a>() } | -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ requires that `'a` must outlive `'static` | | | lifetime `'a` defined here error[E0310]: the parameter type `A` may not live long enough --> $DIR/implied_lifetime_wf_check3.rs:32:41 | LL | fn test() where Ty: 'static { assert_static::() } | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ...so that the type `A` will meet its required lifetime bounds | help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound... | LL | fn test() where Ty: 'static { assert_static::() } | +++++++++ error: aborting due to 4 previous errors; 3 warnings emitted For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0310`.