mod diff; mod snippet; use crate::snippet::SnippetDef; use annotate_snippets::{display_list::DisplayList, snippet::Snippet}; use glob::glob; use std::{error::Error, fs::File, io, io::prelude::*}; fn read_file(path: &str) -> Result { let mut f = File::open(path)?; let mut s = String::new(); (f.read_to_string(&mut s))?; Ok(s.trim_end().to_string()) } fn read_fixture<'de>(src: &'de str) -> Result, Box> { Ok(toml::from_str(src).map(|a: SnippetDef| a.into())?) } #[test] fn test_fixtures() { for entry in glob("./tests/fixtures/no-color/**/*.toml").expect("Failed to read glob pattern") { let p = entry.expect("Error while getting an entry"); let path_in = p.to_str().expect("Can't print path"); let path_out = path_in.replace(".toml", ".txt"); let src = read_file(&path_in).expect("Failed to read file"); let snippet = read_fixture(&src).expect("Failed to read file"); let expected_out = read_file(&path_out).expect("Failed to read file"); let dl = DisplayList::from(snippet); let actual_out = dl.to_string(); println!("{}", expected_out); println!("{}", actual_out.trim_end()); assert_eq!( expected_out, actual_out.trim_end(), "\n\n\nWhile parsing: {}\nThe diff is:\n\n\n{}\n\n\n", path_in, diff::get_diff(expected_out.as_str(), actual_out.as_str()) ); } }