use annotate_snippets::display_list::*; use annotate_snippets::snippet::{self, Snippet}; #[test] fn test_source_empty() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Empty, }]); assert_eq!(dl.to_string(), " |"); } #[test] fn test_source_content() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![ DisplayLine::Source { lineno: Some(56), inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Content { text: "This is an example", range: (0, 19), }, }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: Some(57), inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Content { text: "of content lines", range: (0, 19), }, }, ]); assert_eq!( dl.to_string(), "56 | This is an example\n57 | of content lines" ); } #[test] fn test_source_annotation_standalone_singleline() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Annotation { range: (0, 5), annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::None, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "Example string", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Error, annotation_part: DisplayAnnotationPart::Standalone, }, }]); assert_eq!(dl.to_string(), " | ^^^^^ Example string"); } #[test] fn test_source_annotation_standalone_multiline() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![ DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Annotation { range: (0, 5), annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Help, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "Example string", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Warning, annotation_part: DisplayAnnotationPart::Standalone, }, }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Annotation { range: (0, 5), annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Help, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "Second line", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Warning, annotation_part: DisplayAnnotationPart::LabelContinuation, }, }, ]); assert_eq!( dl.to_string(), " | ----- help: Example string\n | Second line" ); } #[test] fn test_source_annotation_standalone_multi_annotation() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![ DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Annotation { range: (0, 5), annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Info, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "Example string", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Note, annotation_part: DisplayAnnotationPart::Standalone, }, }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Annotation { range: (0, 5), annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Info, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "Second line", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Note, annotation_part: DisplayAnnotationPart::LabelContinuation, }, }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Annotation { range: (0, 5), annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Warning, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "This is a note", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Note, annotation_part: DisplayAnnotationPart::Consequitive, }, }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Annotation { range: (0, 5), annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Warning, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "Second line of the warning", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Note, annotation_part: DisplayAnnotationPart::LabelContinuation, }, }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Annotation { range: (0, 5), annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Info, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "This is an info", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Info, annotation_part: DisplayAnnotationPart::Standalone, }, }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Annotation { range: (0, 5), annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Help, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "This is help", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Help, annotation_part: DisplayAnnotationPart::Standalone, }, }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Annotation { range: (0, 0), annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::None, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "This is an annotation of type none", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::None, annotation_part: DisplayAnnotationPart::Standalone, }, }, ]); assert_eq!(dl.to_string(), " | ----- info: Example string\n | Second line\n | warning: This is a note\n | Second line of the warning\n | ----- info: This is an info\n | ----- help: This is help\n | This is an annotation of type none"); } #[test] fn test_fold_line() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![ DisplayLine::Source { lineno: Some(5), inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Content { text: "This is line 5", range: (0, 19), }, }, DisplayLine::Fold { inline_marks: vec![], }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: Some(10021), inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Content { text: "... and now we're at line 10021", range: (0, 19), }, }, ]); assert_eq!( dl.to_string(), " 5 | This is line 5\n...\n10021 | ... and now we're at line 10021" ); } #[test] fn test_raw_origin_initial_nopos() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Origin { path: "src/", pos: None, header_type: DisplayHeaderType::Initial, })]); assert_eq!(dl.to_string(), "--> src/"); } #[test] fn test_raw_origin_initial_pos() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Origin { path: "src/", pos: Some((23, 15)), header_type: DisplayHeaderType::Initial, })]); assert_eq!(dl.to_string(), "--> src/"); } #[test] fn test_raw_origin_continuation() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Origin { path: "src/", pos: Some((23, 15)), header_type: DisplayHeaderType::Continuation, })]); assert_eq!(dl.to_string(), "::: src/"); } #[test] fn test_raw_annotation_unaligned() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Annotation { annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Error, id: Some("E0001"), label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "This is an error", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, source_aligned: false, continuation: false, })]); assert_eq!(dl.to_string(), "error[E0001]: This is an error"); } #[test] fn test_raw_annotation_unaligned_multiline() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![ DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Annotation { annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Warning, id: Some("E0001"), label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "This is an error", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, source_aligned: false, continuation: false, }), DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Annotation { annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Warning, id: Some("E0001"), label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "Second line of the error", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, source_aligned: false, continuation: true, }), ]); assert_eq!( dl.to_string(), "warning[E0001]: This is an error\n Second line of the error" ); } #[test] fn test_raw_annotation_aligned() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Annotation { annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Error, id: Some("E0001"), label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "This is an error", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, source_aligned: true, continuation: false, })]); assert_eq!(dl.to_string(), " = error[E0001]: This is an error"); } #[test] fn test_raw_annotation_aligned_multiline() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![ DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Annotation { annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Warning, id: Some("E0001"), label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "This is an error", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, source_aligned: true, continuation: false, }), DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Annotation { annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Warning, id: Some("E0001"), label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "Second line of the error", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, source_aligned: true, continuation: true, }), ]); assert_eq!( dl.to_string(), " = warning[E0001]: This is an error\n Second line of the error" ); } #[test] fn test_different_annotation_types() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![ DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Annotation { annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Note, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "This is a note", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, source_aligned: false, continuation: false, }), DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Annotation { annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::None, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "This is just a string", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, source_aligned: false, continuation: false, }), DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Annotation { annotation: Annotation { annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::None, id: None, label: vec![DisplayTextFragment { content: "Second line of none type annotation", style: DisplayTextStyle::Regular, }], }, source_aligned: false, continuation: true, }), ]); assert_eq!( dl.to_string(), "note: This is a note\nThis is just a string\n Second line of none type annotation", ); } #[test] fn test_inline_marks_empty_line() { let dl = DisplayList::from(vec![DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![DisplayMark { mark_type: DisplayMarkType::AnnotationThrough, annotation_type: DisplayAnnotationType::Error, }], line: DisplaySourceLine::Empty, }]); assert_eq!(dl.to_string(), " | |",); } #[test] fn test_anon_lines() { let mut dl = DisplayList::from(vec![ DisplayLine::Source { lineno: Some(56), inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Content { text: "This is an example", range: (0, 19), }, }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: Some(57), inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Content { text: "of content lines", range: (0, 19), }, }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Empty, }, DisplayLine::Source { lineno: None, inline_marks: vec![], line: DisplaySourceLine::Content { text: "abc", range: (0, 19), }, }, ]); dl.anonymized_line_numbers = true; assert_eq!( dl.to_string(), "LL | This is an example\nLL | of content lines\n |\n | abc" ); } #[test] fn test_raw_origin_initial_pos_anon_lines() { let mut dl = DisplayList::from(vec![DisplayLine::Raw(DisplayRawLine::Origin { path: "src/", pos: Some((23, 15)), header_type: DisplayHeaderType::Initial, })]); // Using anonymized_line_numbers should not affect the inital position dl.anonymized_line_numbers = true; assert_eq!(dl.to_string(), "--> src/"); } #[test] fn test_i_29() { let snippets = Snippet { title: Some(snippet::Annotation { id: None, label: Some("oops"), annotation_type: snippet::AnnotationType::Error, }), footer: vec![], slices: vec![snippet::Slice { source: "First line\r\nSecond oops line", line_start: 1, origin: Some(""), annotations: vec![snippet::SourceAnnotation { range: (19, 23), label: "oops", annotation_type: snippet::AnnotationType::Error, }], fold: true, }], opt: Default::default(), }; let expected = r#"error: oops --> :2:8 | 1 | First line 2 | Second oops line | ^^^^ oops |"#; assert_eq!(DisplayList::from(snippets).to_string(), expected); } #[test] fn test_point_to_double_width_characters() { let snippets = Snippet { slices: vec![snippet::Slice { source: "こんにちは、世界", line_start: 1, origin: Some(""), annotations: vec![snippet::SourceAnnotation { range: (6, 8), label: "world", annotation_type: snippet::AnnotationType::Error, }], fold: false, }], title: None, footer: vec![], opt: Default::default(), }; let expected = r#" --> :1:7 | 1 | こんにちは、世界 | ^^^^ world |"#; assert_eq!(DisplayList::from(snippets).to_string(), expected); } #[test] fn test_point_to_double_width_characters_across_lines() { let snippets = Snippet { slices: vec![snippet::Slice { source: "おはよう\nございます", line_start: 1, origin: Some(""), annotations: vec![snippet::SourceAnnotation { range: (2, 8), label: "Good morning", annotation_type: snippet::AnnotationType::Error, }], fold: false, }], title: None, footer: vec![], opt: Default::default(), }; let expected = r#" --> :1:3 | 1 | おはよう | _____^ 2 | | ございます | |______^ Good morning |"#; assert_eq!(DisplayList::from(snippets).to_string(), expected); } #[test] fn test_point_to_double_width_characters_multiple() { let snippets = Snippet { slices: vec![snippet::Slice { source: "お寿司\n食べたい🍣", line_start: 1, origin: Some(""), annotations: vec![ snippet::SourceAnnotation { range: (0, 3), label: "Sushi1", annotation_type: snippet::AnnotationType::Error, }, snippet::SourceAnnotation { range: (6, 8), label: "Sushi2", annotation_type: snippet::AnnotationType::Note, }, ], fold: false, }], title: None, footer: vec![], opt: Default::default(), }; let expected = r#" --> :1:1 | 1 | お寿司 | ^^^^^^ Sushi1 2 | 食べたい🍣 | ---- note: Sushi2 |"#; assert_eq!(DisplayList::from(snippets).to_string(), expected); } #[test] fn test_point_to_double_width_characters_mixed() { let snippets = Snippet { slices: vec![snippet::Slice { source: "こんにちは、新しいWorld!", line_start: 1, origin: Some(""), annotations: vec![snippet::SourceAnnotation { range: (6, 14), label: "New world", annotation_type: snippet::AnnotationType::Error, }], fold: false, }], title: None, footer: vec![], opt: Default::default(), }; let expected = r#" --> :1:7 | 1 | こんにちは、新しいWorld! | ^^^^^^^^^^^ New world |"#; assert_eq!(DisplayList::from(snippets).to_string(), expected); }