//! A module to define the FFI definitions we use on Windows for `dbghelp.dll` //! //! This module uses a custom macro, `ffi!`, to wrap all definitions to //! automatically generate tests to assert that our definitions here are the //! same as `winapi`. //! //! This module largely exists to integrate into libstd itself where winapi is //! not currently available. #![allow(bad_style, dead_code)] cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(feature = "verify-winapi")] { pub use self::winapi::c_void; pub use self::winapi::HINSTANCE; pub use self::winapi::FARPROC; pub use self::winapi::LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] pub use self::winapi::PUNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE; #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] pub use self::winapi::PRUNTIME_FUNCTION; mod winapi { pub use winapi::ctypes::*; pub use winapi::shared::basetsd::*; pub use winapi::shared::minwindef::*; pub use winapi::um::dbghelp::*; pub use winapi::um::fileapi::*; pub use winapi::um::handleapi::*; pub use winapi::um::libloaderapi::*; pub use winapi::um::memoryapi::*; pub use winapi::um::minwinbase::*; pub use winapi::um::processthreadsapi::*; pub use winapi::um::synchapi::*; pub use winapi::um::tlhelp32::*; pub use winapi::um::winbase::*; pub use winapi::um::winnt::*; } } else { pub use core::ffi::c_void; pub type HINSTANCE = *mut c_void; pub type FARPROC = *mut c_void; pub type LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES = *mut c_void; #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] pub type PRUNTIME_FUNCTION = *mut c_void; #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] pub type PUNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE = *mut c_void; } } macro_rules! ffi { () => (); (#[repr($($r:tt)*)] pub struct $name:ident { $(pub $field:ident: $ty:ty,)* } $($rest:tt)*) => ( #[repr($($r)*)] #[cfg(not(feature = "verify-winapi"))] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct $name { $(pub $field: $ty,)* } #[cfg(feature = "verify-winapi")] pub use self::winapi::$name; #[test] #[cfg(feature = "verify-winapi")] fn $name() { use core::mem; #[repr($($r)*)] pub struct $name { $(pub $field: $ty,)* } assert_eq!( mem::size_of::<$name>(), mem::size_of::(), concat!("size of ", stringify!($name), " is wrong"), ); assert_eq!( mem::align_of::<$name>(), mem::align_of::(), concat!("align of ", stringify!($name), " is wrong"), ); type Winapi = winapi::$name; fn assert_same(_: T, _: T) {} unsafe { let a = &*(mem::align_of::<$name>() as *const $name); let b = &*(mem::align_of::() as *const Winapi); $( ffi!(@test_fields a b $field $ty); )* } } ffi!($($rest)*); ); // Handling verification against unions in winapi requires some special care (@test_fields $a:ident $b:ident FltSave $ty:ty) => ( // Skip this field on x86_64 `CONTEXT` since it's a union and a bit funny ); (@test_fields $a:ident $b:ident D $ty:ty) => ({ let a = &$a.D; let b = $b.D(); assert_same(a, b); assert_eq!(a as *const $ty, b as *const $ty, "misplaced field D"); }); (@test_fields $a:ident $b:ident s $ty:ty) => ({ let a = &$a.s; let b = $b.s(); assert_same(a, b); assert_eq!(a as *const $ty, b as *const $ty, "misplaced field s"); }); // Otherwise test all fields normally. (@test_fields $a:ident $b:ident $field:ident $ty:ty) => ({ let a = &$a.$field; let b = &$b.$field; assert_same(a, b); assert_eq!(a as *const $ty, b as *const $ty, concat!("misplaced field ", stringify!($field))); }); (pub type $name:ident = $ty:ty; $($rest:tt)*) => ( pub type $name = $ty; #[cfg(feature = "verify-winapi")] #[allow(dead_code)] const $name: () = { fn _foo() { trait SameType {} impl SameType for (T, T) {} fn assert_same() {} assert_same::<($name, winapi::$name)>(); } }; ffi!($($rest)*); ); (pub const $name:ident: $ty:ty = $val:expr; $($rest:tt)*) => ( pub const $name: $ty = $val; #[cfg(feature = "verify-winapi")] #[allow(unused_imports)] mod $name { use super::*; #[test] fn assert_valid() { let x: $ty = winapi::$name; assert_eq!(x, $val); } } ffi!($($rest)*); ); ($(#[$meta:meta])* extern "system" { $(pub fn $name:ident($($args:tt)*) -> $ret:ty;)* } $($rest:tt)*) => ( $(#[$meta])* extern "system" { $(pub fn $name($($args)*) -> $ret;)* } $( #[cfg(feature = "verify-winapi")] mod $name { #[test] fn assert_same() { use super::*; assert_eq!($name as usize, winapi::$name as usize); let mut x: unsafe extern "system" fn($($args)*) -> $ret; x = $name; let _ = x; x = winapi::$name; let _ = x; } } )* ffi!($($rest)*); ); (impl $name:ident { $($i:tt)* } $($rest:tt)*) => ( #[cfg(not(feature = "verify-winapi"))] impl $name { $($i)* } ffi!($($rest)*); ); } ffi! { #[repr(C)] pub struct STACKFRAME64 { pub AddrPC: ADDRESS64, pub AddrReturn: ADDRESS64, pub AddrFrame: ADDRESS64, pub AddrStack: ADDRESS64, pub AddrBStore: ADDRESS64, pub FuncTableEntry: PVOID, pub Params: [DWORD64; 4], pub Far: BOOL, pub Virtual: BOOL, pub Reserved: [DWORD64; 3], pub KdHelp: KDHELP64, } pub type LPSTACKFRAME64 = *mut STACKFRAME64; #[repr(C)] pub struct STACKFRAME_EX { pub AddrPC: ADDRESS64, pub AddrReturn: ADDRESS64, pub AddrFrame: ADDRESS64, pub AddrStack: ADDRESS64, pub AddrBStore: ADDRESS64, pub FuncTableEntry: PVOID, pub Params: [DWORD64; 4], pub Far: BOOL, pub Virtual: BOOL, pub Reserved: [DWORD64; 3], pub KdHelp: KDHELP64, pub StackFrameSize: DWORD, pub InlineFrameContext: DWORD, } pub type LPSTACKFRAME_EX = *mut STACKFRAME_EX; #[repr(C)] pub struct IMAGEHLP_LINEW64 { pub SizeOfStruct: DWORD, pub Key: PVOID, pub LineNumber: DWORD, pub FileName: PWSTR, pub Address: DWORD64, } pub type PIMAGEHLP_LINEW64 = *mut IMAGEHLP_LINEW64; #[repr(C)] pub struct SYMBOL_INFOW { pub SizeOfStruct: ULONG, pub TypeIndex: ULONG, pub Reserved: [ULONG64; 2], pub Index: ULONG, pub Size: ULONG, pub ModBase: ULONG64, pub Flags: ULONG, pub Value: ULONG64, pub Address: ULONG64, pub Register: ULONG, pub Scope: ULONG, pub Tag: ULONG, pub NameLen: ULONG, pub MaxNameLen: ULONG, pub Name: [WCHAR; 1], } pub type PSYMBOL_INFOW = *mut SYMBOL_INFOW; pub type PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE64 = Option< unsafe extern "system" fn(hProcess: HANDLE, hThread: HANDLE, lpaddr: LPADDRESS64) -> DWORD64, >; pub type PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64 = Option DWORD64>; pub type PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE64 = Option PVOID>; pub type PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 = Option< unsafe extern "system" fn( hProcess: HANDLE, qwBaseAddress: DWORD64, lpBuffer: PVOID, nSize: DWORD, lpNumberOfBytesRead: LPDWORD, ) -> BOOL, >; #[repr(C)] pub struct ADDRESS64 { pub Offset: DWORD64, pub Segment: WORD, pub Mode: ADDRESS_MODE, } pub type LPADDRESS64 = *mut ADDRESS64; pub type ADDRESS_MODE = u32; #[repr(C)] pub struct KDHELP64 { pub Thread: DWORD64, pub ThCallbackStack: DWORD, pub ThCallbackBStore: DWORD, pub NextCallback: DWORD, pub FramePointer: DWORD, pub KiCallUserMode: DWORD64, pub KeUserCallbackDispatcher: DWORD64, pub SystemRangeStart: DWORD64, pub KiUserExceptionDispatcher: DWORD64, pub StackBase: DWORD64, pub StackLimit: DWORD64, pub BuildVersion: DWORD, pub Reserved0: DWORD, pub Reserved1: [DWORD64; 4], } #[repr(C)] pub struct MODULEENTRY32W { pub dwSize: DWORD, pub th32ModuleID: DWORD, pub th32ProcessID: DWORD, pub GlblcntUsage: DWORD, pub ProccntUsage: DWORD, pub modBaseAddr: *mut u8, pub modBaseSize: DWORD, pub hModule: HMODULE, pub szModule: [WCHAR; MAX_MODULE_NAME32 + 1], pub szExePath: [WCHAR; MAX_PATH], } pub const MAX_SYM_NAME: usize = 2000; pub const AddrModeFlat: ADDRESS_MODE = 3; pub const TRUE: BOOL = 1; pub const FALSE: BOOL = 0; pub const PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION: DWORD = 0x400; pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64: u16 = 43620; pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: u16 = 34404; pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386: u16 = 332; pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT: u16 = 452; pub const FILE_SHARE_READ: DWORD = 0x1; pub const FILE_SHARE_WRITE: DWORD = 0x2; pub const OPEN_EXISTING: DWORD = 0x3; pub const GENERIC_READ: DWORD = 0x80000000; pub const INFINITE: DWORD = !0; pub const PAGE_READONLY: DWORD = 2; pub const FILE_MAP_READ: DWORD = 4; pub const TH32CS_SNAPMODULE: DWORD = 0x00000008; pub const INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: HANDLE = -1isize as HANDLE; pub const MAX_MODULE_NAME32: usize = 255; pub const MAX_PATH: usize = 260; pub type DWORD = u32; pub type PDWORD = *mut u32; pub type BOOL = i32; pub type DWORD64 = u64; pub type PDWORD64 = *mut u64; pub type HANDLE = *mut c_void; pub type PVOID = HANDLE; pub type PCWSTR = *const u16; pub type LPSTR = *mut i8; pub type LPCSTR = *const i8; pub type PWSTR = *mut u16; pub type WORD = u16; pub type ULONG = u32; pub type ULONG64 = u64; pub type WCHAR = u16; pub type PCONTEXT = *mut CONTEXT; pub type LPDWORD = *mut DWORD; pub type DWORDLONG = u64; pub type HMODULE = HINSTANCE; pub type SIZE_T = usize; pub type LPVOID = *mut c_void; pub type LPCVOID = *const c_void; pub type LPMODULEENTRY32W = *mut MODULEENTRY32W; #[link(name = "kernel32")] extern "system" { pub fn GetCurrentProcess() -> HANDLE; pub fn GetCurrentThread() -> HANDLE; pub fn RtlCaptureContext(ContextRecord: PCONTEXT) -> (); pub fn LoadLibraryA(a: *const i8) -> HMODULE; pub fn GetProcAddress(h: HMODULE, name: *const i8) -> FARPROC; pub fn GetModuleHandleA(name: *const i8) -> HMODULE; pub fn OpenProcess( dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheitHandle: BOOL, dwProcessId: DWORD, ) -> HANDLE; pub fn GetCurrentProcessId() -> DWORD; pub fn CloseHandle(h: HANDLE) -> BOOL; pub fn CreateFileA( lpFileName: LPCSTR, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwShareMode: DWORD, lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, dwCreationDisposition: DWORD, dwFlagsAndAttributes: DWORD, hTemplateFile: HANDLE, ) -> HANDLE; pub fn CreateMutexA( attrs: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, initial: BOOL, name: LPCSTR, ) -> HANDLE; pub fn ReleaseMutex(hMutex: HANDLE) -> BOOL; pub fn WaitForSingleObjectEx( hHandle: HANDLE, dwMilliseconds: DWORD, bAlertable: BOOL, ) -> DWORD; pub fn CreateFileMappingA( hFile: HANDLE, lpFileMappingAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, flProtect: DWORD, dwMaximumSizeHigh: DWORD, dwMaximumSizeLow: DWORD, lpName: LPCSTR, ) -> HANDLE; pub fn MapViewOfFile( hFileMappingObject: HANDLE, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwFileOffsetHigh: DWORD, dwFileOffsetLow: DWORD, dwNumberOfBytesToMap: SIZE_T, ) -> LPVOID; pub fn UnmapViewOfFile(lpBaseAddress: LPCVOID) -> BOOL; pub fn CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( dwFlags: DWORD, th32ProcessID: DWORD, ) -> HANDLE; pub fn Module32FirstW( hSnapshot: HANDLE, lpme: LPMODULEENTRY32W, ) -> BOOL; pub fn Module32NextW( hSnapshot: HANDLE, lpme: LPMODULEENTRY32W, ) -> BOOL; } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] ffi! { #[link(name = "kernel32")] extern "system" { pub fn RtlLookupFunctionEntry( ControlPc: DWORD64, ImageBase: PDWORD64, HistoryTable: PUNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE, ) -> PRUNTIME_FUNCTION; } } #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")] ffi! { #[repr(C, align(16))] pub struct CONTEXT { pub ContextFlags: DWORD, pub Cpsr: DWORD, pub u: CONTEXT_u, pub Sp: u64, pub Pc: u64, pub V: [ARM64_NT_NEON128; 32], pub Fpcr: DWORD, pub Fpsr: DWORD, pub Bcr: [DWORD; ARM64_MAX_BREAKPOINTS], pub Bvr: [DWORD64; ARM64_MAX_BREAKPOINTS], pub Wcr: [DWORD; ARM64_MAX_WATCHPOINTS], pub Wvr: [DWORD64; ARM64_MAX_WATCHPOINTS], } #[repr(C)] pub struct CONTEXT_u { pub s: CONTEXT_u_s, } impl CONTEXT_u { pub unsafe fn s(&self) -> &CONTEXT_u_s { &self.s } } #[repr(C)] pub struct CONTEXT_u_s { pub X0: u64, pub X1: u64, pub X2: u64, pub X3: u64, pub X4: u64, pub X5: u64, pub X6: u64, pub X7: u64, pub X8: u64, pub X9: u64, pub X10: u64, pub X11: u64, pub X12: u64, pub X13: u64, pub X14: u64, pub X15: u64, pub X16: u64, pub X17: u64, pub X18: u64, pub X19: u64, pub X20: u64, pub X21: u64, pub X22: u64, pub X23: u64, pub X24: u64, pub X25: u64, pub X26: u64, pub X27: u64, pub X28: u64, pub Fp: u64, pub Lr: u64, } pub const ARM64_MAX_BREAKPOINTS: usize = 8; pub const ARM64_MAX_WATCHPOINTS: usize = 2; #[repr(C)] pub struct ARM64_NT_NEON128 { pub D: [f64; 2], } } #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")] ffi! { #[repr(C)] pub struct CONTEXT { pub ContextFlags: DWORD, pub Dr0: DWORD, pub Dr1: DWORD, pub Dr2: DWORD, pub Dr3: DWORD, pub Dr6: DWORD, pub Dr7: DWORD, pub FloatSave: FLOATING_SAVE_AREA, pub SegGs: DWORD, pub SegFs: DWORD, pub SegEs: DWORD, pub SegDs: DWORD, pub Edi: DWORD, pub Esi: DWORD, pub Ebx: DWORD, pub Edx: DWORD, pub Ecx: DWORD, pub Eax: DWORD, pub Ebp: DWORD, pub Eip: DWORD, pub SegCs: DWORD, pub EFlags: DWORD, pub Esp: DWORD, pub SegSs: DWORD, pub ExtendedRegisters: [u8; 512], } #[repr(C)] pub struct FLOATING_SAVE_AREA { pub ControlWord: DWORD, pub StatusWord: DWORD, pub TagWord: DWORD, pub ErrorOffset: DWORD, pub ErrorSelector: DWORD, pub DataOffset: DWORD, pub DataSelector: DWORD, pub RegisterArea: [u8; 80], pub Spare0: DWORD, } } #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] ffi! { #[repr(C, align(8))] pub struct CONTEXT { pub P1Home: DWORDLONG, pub P2Home: DWORDLONG, pub P3Home: DWORDLONG, pub P4Home: DWORDLONG, pub P5Home: DWORDLONG, pub P6Home: DWORDLONG, pub ContextFlags: DWORD, pub MxCsr: DWORD, pub SegCs: WORD, pub SegDs: WORD, pub SegEs: WORD, pub SegFs: WORD, pub SegGs: WORD, pub SegSs: WORD, pub EFlags: DWORD, pub Dr0: DWORDLONG, pub Dr1: DWORDLONG, pub Dr2: DWORDLONG, pub Dr3: DWORDLONG, pub Dr6: DWORDLONG, pub Dr7: DWORDLONG, pub Rax: DWORDLONG, pub Rcx: DWORDLONG, pub Rdx: DWORDLONG, pub Rbx: DWORDLONG, pub Rsp: DWORDLONG, pub Rbp: DWORDLONG, pub Rsi: DWORDLONG, pub Rdi: DWORDLONG, pub R8: DWORDLONG, pub R9: DWORDLONG, pub R10: DWORDLONG, pub R11: DWORDLONG, pub R12: DWORDLONG, pub R13: DWORDLONG, pub R14: DWORDLONG, pub R15: DWORDLONG, pub Rip: DWORDLONG, pub FltSave: FLOATING_SAVE_AREA, pub VectorRegister: [M128A; 26], pub VectorControl: DWORDLONG, pub DebugControl: DWORDLONG, pub LastBranchToRip: DWORDLONG, pub LastBranchFromRip: DWORDLONG, pub LastExceptionToRip: DWORDLONG, pub LastExceptionFromRip: DWORDLONG, } #[repr(C)] pub struct M128A { pub Low: u64, pub High: i64, } } #[repr(C)] #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct FLOATING_SAVE_AREA { _Dummy: [u8; 512], } #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")] ffi! { // #[repr(C)] // pub struct NEON128 { // pub Low: ULONG64, // pub High: LONG64, // } // pub type PNEON128 = *mut NEON128; #[repr(C)] pub struct CONTEXT_u { // pub Q: [NEON128; 16], pub D: [ULONG64; 32], // pub S: [DWORD; 32], } pub const ARM_MAX_BREAKPOINTS: usize = 8; pub const ARM_MAX_WATCHPOINTS: usize = 1; #[repr(C)] pub struct CONTEXT { pub ContextFlags: DWORD, pub R0: DWORD, pub R1: DWORD, pub R2: DWORD, pub R3: DWORD, pub R4: DWORD, pub R5: DWORD, pub R6: DWORD, pub R7: DWORD, pub R8: DWORD, pub R9: DWORD, pub R10: DWORD, pub R11: DWORD, pub R12: DWORD, pub Sp: DWORD, pub Lr: DWORD, pub Pc: DWORD, pub Cpsr: DWORD, pub Fpsrc: DWORD, pub Padding: DWORD, pub u: CONTEXT_u, pub Bvr: [DWORD; ARM_MAX_BREAKPOINTS], pub Bcr: [DWORD; ARM_MAX_BREAKPOINTS], pub Wvr: [DWORD; ARM_MAX_WATCHPOINTS], pub Wcr: [DWORD; ARM_MAX_WATCHPOINTS], pub Padding2: [DWORD; 2], } } // IFDEF(arm)