use std::borrow::Cow; use std::char; use std::str; /// A span, designating a range of bytes where a token is located. #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct Span { /// The start of the range. pub start: usize, /// The end of the range (exclusive). pub end: usize, } impl From for (usize, usize) { fn from(Span { start, end }: Span) -> (usize, usize) { (start, end) } } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Token<'a> { Whitespace(&'a str), Newline, Comment(&'a str), Equals, Period, Comma, Colon, Plus, LeftBrace, RightBrace, LeftBracket, RightBracket, Keylike(&'a str), String { src: &'a str, val: Cow<'a, str>, multiline: bool, }, } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Error { InvalidCharInString(usize, char), InvalidEscape(usize, char), InvalidHexEscape(usize, char), InvalidEscapeValue(usize, u32), NewlineInString(usize), Unexpected(usize, char), UnterminatedString(usize), NewlineInTableKey(usize), MultilineStringKey(usize), Wanted { at: usize, expected: &'static str, found: &'static str, }, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Tokenizer<'a> { input: &'a str, chars: CrlfFold<'a>, } #[derive(Clone)] struct CrlfFold<'a> { chars: str::CharIndices<'a>, } #[derive(Debug)] enum MaybeString { NotEscaped(usize), Owned(String), } impl<'a> Tokenizer<'a> { pub fn new(input: &'a str) -> Tokenizer<'a> { let mut t = Tokenizer { input, chars: CrlfFold { chars: input.char_indices(), }, }; // Eat utf-8 BOM t.eatc('\u{feff}'); t } pub fn next(&mut self) -> Result)>, Error> { let (start, token) = match { Some((start, '\n')) => (start, Token::Newline), Some((start, ' ' | '\t')) => (start, self.whitespace_token(start)), Some((start, '#')) => (start, self.comment_token(start)), Some((start, '=')) => (start, Token::Equals), Some((start, '.')) => (start, Token::Period), Some((start, ',')) => (start, Token::Comma), Some((start, ':')) => (start, Token::Colon), Some((start, '+')) => (start, Token::Plus), Some((start, '{')) => (start, Token::LeftBrace), Some((start, '}')) => (start, Token::RightBrace), Some((start, '[')) => (start, Token::LeftBracket), Some((start, ']')) => (start, Token::RightBracket), Some((start, '\'')) => { return self .literal_string(start) .map(|t| Some((self.step_span(start), t))) } Some((start, '"')) => { return self .basic_string(start) .map(|t| Some((self.step_span(start), t))) } Some((start, ch)) if is_keylike(ch) => (start, self.keylike(start)), Some((start, ch)) => return Err(Error::Unexpected(start, ch)), None => return Ok(None), }; let span = self.step_span(start); Ok(Some((span, token))) } pub fn peek(&mut self) -> Result)>, Error> { self.clone().next() } pub fn eat(&mut self, expected: Token<'a>) -> Result { self.eat_spanned(expected).map(|s| s.is_some()) } /// Eat a value, returning it's span if it was consumed. pub fn eat_spanned(&mut self, expected: Token<'a>) -> Result, Error> { let span = match self.peek()? { Some((span, ref found)) if expected == *found => span, Some(_) | None => return Ok(None), }; drop(; Ok(Some(span)) } pub fn expect(&mut self, expected: Token<'a>) -> Result<(), Error> { // ignore span let _ = self.expect_spanned(expected)?; Ok(()) } /// Expect the given token returning its span. pub fn expect_spanned(&mut self, expected: Token<'a>) -> Result { let current = self.current(); match { Some((span, found)) => { if expected == found { Ok(span) } else { Err(Error::Wanted { at: current, expected: expected.describe(), found: found.describe(), }) } } None => Err(Error::Wanted { at: self.input.len(), expected: expected.describe(), found: "eof", }), } } pub fn table_key(&mut self) -> Result<(Span, Cow<'a, str>), Error> { let current = self.current(); match { Some((span, Token::Keylike(k))) => Ok((span, k.into())), Some(( span, Token::String { src, val, multiline, }, )) => { let offset = self.substr_offset(src); if multiline { return Err(Error::MultilineStringKey(offset)); } match src.find('\n') { None => Ok((span, val)), Some(i) => Err(Error::NewlineInTableKey(offset + i)), } } Some((_, other)) => Err(Error::Wanted { at: current, expected: "a table key", found: other.describe(), }), None => Err(Error::Wanted { at: self.input.len(), expected: "a table key", found: "eof", }), } } pub fn eat_whitespace(&mut self) { while self.eatc(' ') || self.eatc('\t') { // ... } } pub fn eat_comment(&mut self) -> Result { if !self.eatc('#') { return Ok(false); } drop(self.comment_token(0)); self.eat_newline_or_eof().map(|()| true) } pub fn eat_newline_or_eof(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let current = self.current(); match { None | Some((_, Token::Newline)) => Ok(()), Some((_, other)) => Err(Error::Wanted { at: current, expected: "newline", found: other.describe(), }), } } pub fn skip_to_newline(&mut self) { loop { match { Some((_, '\n')) | None => break, _ => {} } } } fn eatc(&mut self, ch: char) -> bool { match self.chars.clone().next() { Some((_, ch2)) if ch == ch2 => {; true } _ => false, } } pub fn current(&mut self) -> usize { match self.chars.clone().next() { Some(i) => i.0, None => self.input.len(), } } fn whitespace_token(&mut self, start: usize) -> Token<'a> { while self.eatc(' ') || self.eatc('\t') { // ... } Token::Whitespace(&self.input[start..self.current()]) } fn comment_token(&mut self, start: usize) -> Token<'a> { while let Some((_, ch)) = self.chars.clone().next() { if ch != '\t' && (ch < '\u{20}' || ch > '\u{10ffff}') { break; }; } Token::Comment(&self.input[start..self.current()]) } fn read_string( &mut self, delim: char, start: usize, new_ch: &mut dyn FnMut( &mut Tokenizer, &mut MaybeString, bool, usize, char, ) -> Result<(), Error>, ) -> Result, Error> { let mut multiline = false; if self.eatc(delim) { if self.eatc(delim) { multiline = true; } else { return Ok(Token::String { src: &self.input[start..start + 2], val: Cow::Borrowed(""), multiline: false, }); } } let mut val = MaybeString::NotEscaped(self.current()); let mut n = 0; loop { n += 1; match { Some((i, '\n')) => { if multiline { if self.input.as_bytes()[i] == b'\r' { val.make_owned(&self.input[..i]); } if n == 1 { val = MaybeString::NotEscaped(self.current()); } else { val.push('\n'); } } else { return Err(Error::NewlineInString(i)); } } Some((mut i, ch)) if ch == delim => { if multiline { if !self.eatc(delim) { val.push(delim); continue; } if !self.eatc(delim) { val.push(delim); val.push(delim); continue; } if self.eatc(delim) { val.push(delim); i += 1; } if self.eatc(delim) { val.push(delim); i += 1; } } return Ok(Token::String { src: &self.input[start..self.current()], val: val.into_cow(&self.input[..i]), multiline, }); } Some((i, c)) => new_ch(self, &mut val, multiline, i, c)?, None => return Err(Error::UnterminatedString(start)), } } } fn literal_string(&mut self, start: usize) -> Result, Error> { self.read_string('\'', start, &mut |_me, val, _multi, i, ch| { if ch == '\u{09}' || ('\u{20}' <= ch && ch <= '\u{10ffff}' && ch != '\u{7f}') { val.push(ch); Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::InvalidCharInString(i, ch)) } }) } fn basic_string(&mut self, start: usize) -> Result, Error> { self.read_string('"', start, &mut |me, val, multi, i, ch| match ch { '\\' => { val.make_owned(&me.input[..i]); match { Some((_, '"')) => val.push('"'), Some((_, '\\')) => val.push('\\'), Some((_, 'b')) => val.push('\u{8}'), Some((_, 'f')) => val.push('\u{c}'), Some((_, 'n')) => val.push('\n'), Some((_, 'r')) => val.push('\r'), Some((_, 't')) => val.push('\t'), Some((i, c @ ('u' | 'U'))) => { let len = if c == 'u' { 4 } else { 8 }; val.push(me.hex(start, i, len)?); } Some((i, c @ (' ' | '\t' | '\n'))) if multi => { if c != '\n' { while let Some((_, ch)) = me.chars.clone().next() { match ch { ' ' | '\t' => {; continue; } '\n' => {; break; } _ => return Err(Error::InvalidEscape(i, c)), } } } while let Some((_, ch)) = me.chars.clone().next() { match ch { ' ' | '\t' | '\n' => {; } _ => break, } } } Some((i, c)) => return Err(Error::InvalidEscape(i, c)), None => return Err(Error::UnterminatedString(start)), } Ok(()) } ch if ch == '\u{09}' || ('\u{20}' <= ch && ch <= '\u{10ffff}' && ch != '\u{7f}') => { val.push(ch); Ok(()) } _ => Err(Error::InvalidCharInString(i, ch)), }) } fn hex(&mut self, start: usize, i: usize, len: usize) -> Result { let mut buf = String::with_capacity(len); for _ in 0..len { match { Some((_, ch)) if ch as u32 <= 0x7F && ch.is_ascii_hexdigit() => buf.push(ch), Some((i, ch)) => return Err(Error::InvalidHexEscape(i, ch)), None => return Err(Error::UnterminatedString(start)), } } let val = u32::from_str_radix(&buf, 16).unwrap(); match char::from_u32(val) { Some(ch) => Ok(ch), None => Err(Error::InvalidEscapeValue(i, val)), } } fn keylike(&mut self, start: usize) -> Token<'a> { while let Some((_, ch)) = self.peek_one() { if !is_keylike(ch) { break; }; } Token::Keylike(&self.input[start..self.current()]) } pub fn substr_offset(&self, s: &'a str) -> usize { assert!(s.len() <= self.input.len()); let a = self.input.as_ptr() as usize; let b = s.as_ptr() as usize; assert!(a <= b); b - a } /// Calculate the span of a single character. fn step_span(&mut self, start: usize) -> Span { let end = match self.peek_one() { Some(t) => t.0, None => self.input.len(), }; Span { start, end } } /// Peek one char without consuming it. fn peek_one(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, char)> { self.chars.clone().next() } /// Take one char. pub fn one(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, char)> { } } impl<'a> Iterator for CrlfFold<'a> { type Item = (usize, char); fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, char)> {|(i, c)| { if c == '\r' { let mut attempt = self.chars.clone(); if let Some((_, '\n')) = { self.chars = attempt; return (i, '\n'); } } (i, c) }) } } impl MaybeString { fn push(&mut self, ch: char) { match *self { MaybeString::NotEscaped(..) => {} MaybeString::Owned(ref mut s) => s.push(ch), } } fn make_owned(&mut self, input: &str) { match *self { MaybeString::NotEscaped(start) => { *self = MaybeString::Owned(input[start..].to_owned()); } MaybeString::Owned(..) => {} } } fn into_cow(self, input: &str) -> Cow { match self { MaybeString::NotEscaped(start) => Cow::Borrowed(&input[start..]), MaybeString::Owned(s) => Cow::Owned(s), } } } fn is_keylike(ch: char) -> bool { ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') || ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') || ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') || ch == '-' || ch == '_' } impl<'a> Token<'a> { pub fn describe(&self) -> &'static str { match *self { Token::Keylike(_) => "an identifier", Token::Equals => "an equals", Token::Period => "a period", Token::Comment(_) => "a comment", Token::Newline => "a newline", Token::Whitespace(_) => "whitespace", Token::Comma => "a comma", Token::RightBrace => "a right brace", Token::LeftBrace => "a left brace", Token::RightBracket => "a right bracket", Token::LeftBracket => "a left bracket", Token::String { multiline, .. } => { if multiline { "a multiline string" } else { "a string" } } Token::Colon => "a colon", Token::Plus => "a plus", } } }