// Std use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::mem; use std::ops::Deref; // Internal use crate::builder::{Arg, ArgPredicate, Command}; use crate::parser::AnyValue; use crate::parser::Identifier; use crate::parser::PendingArg; use crate::parser::{ArgMatches, MatchedArg, SubCommand, ValueSource}; use crate::util::Id; use crate::INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG; #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub(crate) struct ArgMatcher { matches: ArgMatches, pending: Option, } impl ArgMatcher { pub(crate) fn new(_cmd: &Command) -> Self { ArgMatcher { matches: ArgMatches { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] valid_args: { let args = _cmd.get_arguments().map(|a| a.id.clone()); let groups = _cmd.get_groups().map(|g| g.id.clone()); args.chain(groups).collect() }, #[cfg(debug_assertions)] valid_subcommands: _cmd.get_subcommands().map(|sc| sc.get_id()).collect(), // HACK: Allow an external subcommand's ArgMatches be a stand-in for any ArgMatches // since users can't detect it and avoid the asserts. // // See clap-rs/clap#3263 #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[cfg(not(feature = "unstable-v4"))] disable_asserts: _cmd.is_allow_external_subcommands_set(), #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[cfg(feature = "unstable-v4")] disable_asserts: false, ..Default::default() }, pending: None, } } pub(crate) fn into_inner(self) -> ArgMatches { self.matches } pub(crate) fn propagate_globals(&mut self, global_arg_vec: &[Id]) { debug!( "ArgMatcher::get_global_values: global_arg_vec={:?}", global_arg_vec ); let mut vals_map = HashMap::new(); self.fill_in_global_values(global_arg_vec, &mut vals_map); } fn fill_in_global_values( &mut self, global_arg_vec: &[Id], vals_map: &mut HashMap, ) { for global_arg in global_arg_vec { if let Some(ma) = self.get(global_arg) { // We have to check if the parent's global arg wasn't used but still exists // such as from a default value. // // For example, `myprog subcommand --global-arg=value` where `--global-arg` defines // a default value of `other` myprog would have an existing MatchedArg for // `--global-arg` where the value is `other` let to_update = if let Some(parent_ma) = vals_map.get(global_arg) { if parent_ma.source() > ma.source() { parent_ma } else { ma } } else { ma } .clone(); vals_map.insert(global_arg.clone(), to_update); } } if let Some(ref mut sc) = self.matches.subcommand { let mut am = ArgMatcher { matches: mem::take(&mut sc.matches), pending: None, }; am.fill_in_global_values(global_arg_vec, vals_map); mem::swap(&mut am.matches, &mut sc.matches); } for (name, matched_arg) in vals_map.iter_mut() { self.matches.args.insert(name.clone(), matched_arg.clone()); } } pub(crate) fn get(&self, arg: &Id) -> Option<&MatchedArg> { self.matches.args.get(arg) } pub(crate) fn get_mut(&mut self, arg: &Id) -> Option<&mut MatchedArg> { self.matches.args.get_mut(arg) } pub(crate) fn remove(&mut self, arg: &Id) { self.matches.args.swap_remove(arg); } pub(crate) fn contains(&self, arg: &Id) -> bool { self.matches.args.contains_key(arg) } pub(crate) fn arg_ids(&self) -> indexmap::map::Keys { self.matches.args.keys() } pub(crate) fn entry(&mut self, arg: &Id) -> indexmap::map::Entry { self.matches.args.entry(arg.clone()) } pub(crate) fn subcommand(&mut self, sc: SubCommand) { self.matches.subcommand = Some(Box::new(sc)); } pub(crate) fn subcommand_name(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.matches.subcommand_name() } pub(crate) fn iter(&self) -> indexmap::map::Iter { self.matches.args.iter() } pub(crate) fn check_explicit<'a>(&self, arg: &Id, predicate: ArgPredicate<'a>) -> bool { self.get(arg).map_or(false, |a| a.check_explicit(predicate)) } pub(crate) fn start_custom_arg(&mut self, arg: &Arg, source: ValueSource) { let id = &arg.id; debug!( "ArgMatcher::start_custom_arg: id={:?}, source={:?}", id, source ); let ma = self.entry(id).or_insert(MatchedArg::new_arg(arg)); debug_assert_eq!(ma.type_id(), Some(arg.get_value_parser().type_id())); ma.set_source(source); ma.new_val_group(); } pub(crate) fn start_custom_group(&mut self, id: &Id, source: ValueSource) { debug!( "ArgMatcher::start_custom_arg: id={:?}, source={:?}", id, source ); let ma = self.entry(id).or_insert(MatchedArg::new_group()); debug_assert_eq!(ma.type_id(), None); ma.set_source(source); ma.new_val_group(); } pub(crate) fn start_occurrence_of_arg(&mut self, arg: &Arg) { let id = &arg.id; debug!("ArgMatcher::start_occurrence_of_arg: id={:?}", id); let ma = self.entry(id).or_insert(MatchedArg::new_arg(arg)); debug_assert_eq!(ma.type_id(), Some(arg.get_value_parser().type_id())); ma.set_source(ValueSource::CommandLine); #[allow(deprecated)] ma.inc_occurrences(); ma.new_val_group(); } pub(crate) fn start_occurrence_of_group(&mut self, id: &Id) { debug!("ArgMatcher::start_occurrence_of_group: id={:?}", id); let ma = self.entry(id).or_insert(MatchedArg::new_group()); debug_assert_eq!(ma.type_id(), None); ma.set_source(ValueSource::CommandLine); #[allow(deprecated)] ma.inc_occurrences(); ma.new_val_group(); } pub(crate) fn start_occurrence_of_external(&mut self, cmd: &crate::Command) { let id = &Id::empty_hash(); debug!("ArgMatcher::start_occurrence_of_external: id={:?}", id,); let ma = self.entry(id).or_insert(MatchedArg::new_external(cmd)); debug_assert_eq!( ma.type_id(), Some( cmd.get_external_subcommand_value_parser() .expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG) .type_id() ) ); ma.set_source(ValueSource::CommandLine); #[allow(deprecated)] ma.inc_occurrences(); ma.new_val_group(); } pub(crate) fn add_val_to(&mut self, arg: &Id, val: AnyValue, raw_val: OsString) { let ma = self.get_mut(arg).expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG); ma.append_val(val, raw_val); } pub(crate) fn add_index_to(&mut self, arg: &Id, idx: usize) { let ma = self.get_mut(arg).expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG); ma.push_index(idx); } pub(crate) fn needs_more_vals(&self, o: &Arg) -> bool { let num_resolved = self.get(&o.id).map(|ma| ma.num_vals()).unwrap_or(0); let num_pending = self .pending .as_ref() .and_then(|p| (p.id == o.id).then(|| p.raw_vals.len())) .unwrap_or(0); let current_num = num_resolved + num_pending; debug!( "ArgMatcher::needs_more_vals: o={}, resolved={}, pending={}", o.name, num_resolved, num_pending ); if current_num == 0 { true } else if let Some(num) = o.num_vals { debug!("ArgMatcher::needs_more_vals: num_vals...{}", num); #[allow(deprecated)] if o.is_multiple_occurrences_set() { (current_num % num) != 0 } else { num != current_num } } else if let Some(num) = o.max_vals { debug!("ArgMatcher::needs_more_vals: max_vals...{}", num); current_num < num } else if o.min_vals.is_some() { debug!("ArgMatcher::needs_more_vals: min_vals...true"); true } else { o.is_multiple_values_set() } } pub(crate) fn pending_arg_id(&self) -> Option<&Id> { self.pending.as_ref().map(|p| &p.id) } pub(crate) fn pending_values_mut( &mut self, id: &Id, ident: Option, ) -> &mut Vec { let pending = self.pending.get_or_insert_with(|| PendingArg { id: id.clone(), ident, raw_vals: Default::default(), }); debug_assert_eq!(pending.id, *id, "{}", INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG); if ident.is_some() { debug_assert_eq!(pending.ident, ident, "{}", INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG); } &mut pending.raw_vals } pub(crate) fn take_pending(&mut self) -> Option { self.pending.take() } } impl Deref for ArgMatcher { type Target = ArgMatches; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.matches } }