use crate::int::udiv::*; macro_rules! sdivmod { ( $unsigned_fn:ident, // name of the unsigned division function $signed_fn:ident, // name of the signed division function $uX:ident, // unsigned integer type for the inputs and outputs of `$unsigned_name` $iX:ident, // signed integer type for the inputs and outputs of `$signed_name` $($attr:tt),* // attributes ) => { intrinsics! { #[avr_skip] $( #[$attr] )* /// Returns `n / d` and sets `*rem = n % d` pub extern "C" fn $signed_fn(a: $iX, b: $iX, rem: &mut $iX) -> $iX { let a_neg = a < 0; let b_neg = b < 0; let mut a = a; let mut b = b; if a_neg { a = a.wrapping_neg(); } if b_neg { b = b.wrapping_neg(); } let mut r = *rem as $uX; let t = $unsigned_fn(a as $uX, b as $uX, Some(&mut r)) as $iX; let mut r = r as $iX; if a_neg { r = r.wrapping_neg(); } *rem = r; if a_neg != b_neg { t.wrapping_neg() } else { t } } } } } macro_rules! sdiv { ( $unsigned_fn:ident, // name of the unsigned division function $signed_fn:ident, // name of the signed division function $uX:ident, // unsigned integer type for the inputs and outputs of `$unsigned_name` $iX:ident, // signed integer type for the inputs and outputs of `$signed_name` $($attr:tt),* // attributes ) => { intrinsics! { #[avr_skip] $( #[$attr] )* /// Returns `n / d` pub extern "C" fn $signed_fn(a: $iX, b: $iX) -> $iX { let a_neg = a < 0; let b_neg = b < 0; let mut a = a; let mut b = b; if a_neg { a = a.wrapping_neg(); } if b_neg { b = b.wrapping_neg(); } let t = $unsigned_fn(a as $uX, b as $uX) as $iX; if a_neg != b_neg { t.wrapping_neg() } else { t } } } } } macro_rules! smod { ( $unsigned_fn:ident, // name of the unsigned division function $signed_fn:ident, // name of the signed division function $uX:ident, // unsigned integer type for the inputs and outputs of `$unsigned_name` $iX:ident, // signed integer type for the inputs and outputs of `$signed_name` $($attr:tt),* // attributes ) => { intrinsics! { #[avr_skip] $( #[$attr] )* /// Returns `n % d` pub extern "C" fn $signed_fn(a: $iX, b: $iX) -> $iX { let a_neg = a < 0; let b_neg = b < 0; let mut a = a; let mut b = b; if a_neg { a = a.wrapping_neg(); } if b_neg { b = b.wrapping_neg(); } let r = $unsigned_fn(a as $uX, b as $uX) as $iX; if a_neg { r.wrapping_neg() } else { r } } } } } sdivmod!( __udivmodsi4, __divmodsi4, u32, i32, maybe_use_optimized_c_shim ); // The `#[arm_aeabi_alias = __aeabi_idiv]` attribute cannot be made to work with `intrinsics!` in macros intrinsics! { #[maybe_use_optimized_c_shim] #[arm_aeabi_alias = __aeabi_idiv] /// Returns `n / d` pub extern "C" fn __divsi3(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { let a_neg = a < 0; let b_neg = b < 0; let mut a = a; let mut b = b; if a_neg { a = a.wrapping_neg(); } if b_neg { b = b.wrapping_neg(); } let t = __udivsi3(a as u32, b as u32) as i32; if a_neg != b_neg { t.wrapping_neg() } else { t } } } smod!(__umodsi3, __modsi3, u32, i32, maybe_use_optimized_c_shim); sdivmod!( __udivmoddi4, __divmoddi4, u64, i64, maybe_use_optimized_c_shim ); sdiv!(__udivdi3, __divdi3, u64, i64, maybe_use_optimized_c_shim); smod!(__umoddi3, __moddi3, u64, i64, maybe_use_optimized_c_shim); // LLVM does not currently have a `__divmodti4` function, but GCC does sdivmod!( __udivmodti4, __divmodti4, u128, i128, maybe_use_optimized_c_shim ); sdiv!(__udivti3, __divti3, u128, i128, win64_128bit_abi_hack); smod!(__umodti3, __modti3, u128, i128, win64_128bit_abi_hack);