//! Unbounded channel implemented as a linked list. use std::cell::UnsafeCell; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::mem::MaybeUninit; use std::ptr; use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicPtr, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::time::Instant; use crossbeam_utils::{Backoff, CachePadded}; use crate::context::Context; use crate::err::{RecvTimeoutError, SendTimeoutError, TryRecvError, TrySendError}; use crate::select::{Operation, SelectHandle, Selected, Token}; use crate::waker::SyncWaker; // TODO(stjepang): Once we bump the minimum required Rust version to 1.28 or newer, re-apply the // following changes by @kleimkuhler: // // 1. https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam-channel/pull/100 // 2. https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam-channel/pull/101 // Bits indicating the state of a slot: // * If a message has been written into the slot, `WRITE` is set. // * If a message has been read from the slot, `READ` is set. // * If the block is being destroyed, `DESTROY` is set. const WRITE: usize = 1; const READ: usize = 2; const DESTROY: usize = 4; // Each block covers one "lap" of indices. const LAP: usize = 32; // The maximum number of messages a block can hold. const BLOCK_CAP: usize = LAP - 1; // How many lower bits are reserved for metadata. const SHIFT: usize = 1; // Has two different purposes: // * If set in head, indicates that the block is not the last one. // * If set in tail, indicates that the channel is disconnected. const MARK_BIT: usize = 1; /// A slot in a block. struct Slot { /// The message. msg: UnsafeCell>, /// The state of the slot. state: AtomicUsize, } impl Slot { /// Waits until a message is written into the slot. fn wait_write(&self) { let backoff = Backoff::new(); while self.state.load(Ordering::Acquire) & WRITE == 0 { backoff.snooze(); } } } /// A block in a linked list. /// /// Each block in the list can hold up to `BLOCK_CAP` messages. struct Block { /// The next block in the linked list. next: AtomicPtr>, /// Slots for messages. slots: [Slot; BLOCK_CAP], } impl Block { /// Creates an empty block. fn new() -> Block { // SAFETY: This is safe because: // [1] `Block::next` (AtomicPtr) may be safely zero initialized. // [2] `Block::slots` (Array) may be safely zero initialized because of [3, 4]. // [3] `Slot::msg` (UnsafeCell) may be safely zero initialized because it // holds a MaybeUninit. // [4] `Slot::state` (AtomicUsize) may be safely zero initialized. unsafe { MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() } } /// Waits until the next pointer is set. fn wait_next(&self) -> *mut Block { let backoff = Backoff::new(); loop { let next = self.next.load(Ordering::Acquire); if !next.is_null() { return next; } backoff.snooze(); } } /// Sets the `DESTROY` bit in slots starting from `start` and destroys the block. unsafe fn destroy(this: *mut Block, start: usize) { // It is not necessary to set the `DESTROY` bit in the last slot because that slot has // begun destruction of the block. for i in start..BLOCK_CAP - 1 { let slot = (*this).slots.get_unchecked(i); // Mark the `DESTROY` bit if a thread is still using the slot. if slot.state.load(Ordering::Acquire) & READ == 0 && slot.state.fetch_or(DESTROY, Ordering::AcqRel) & READ == 0 { // If a thread is still using the slot, it will continue destruction of the block. return; } } // No thread is using the block, now it is safe to destroy it. drop(Box::from_raw(this)); } } /// A position in a channel. #[derive(Debug)] struct Position { /// The index in the channel. index: AtomicUsize, /// The block in the linked list. block: AtomicPtr>, } /// The token type for the list flavor. #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct ListToken { /// The block of slots. block: *const u8, /// The offset into the block. offset: usize, } impl Default for ListToken { #[inline] fn default() -> Self { ListToken { block: ptr::null(), offset: 0, } } } /// Unbounded channel implemented as a linked list. /// /// Each message sent into the channel is assigned a sequence number, i.e. an index. Indices are /// represented as numbers of type `usize` and wrap on overflow. /// /// Consecutive messages are grouped into blocks in order to put less pressure on the allocator and /// improve cache efficiency. pub(crate) struct Channel { /// The head of the channel. head: CachePadded>, /// The tail of the channel. tail: CachePadded>, /// Receivers waiting while the channel is empty and not disconnected. receivers: SyncWaker, /// Indicates that dropping a `Channel` may drop messages of type `T`. _marker: PhantomData, } impl Channel { /// Creates a new unbounded channel. pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { Channel { head: CachePadded::new(Position { block: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()), index: AtomicUsize::new(0), }), tail: CachePadded::new(Position { block: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()), index: AtomicUsize::new(0), }), receivers: SyncWaker::new(), _marker: PhantomData, } } /// Returns a receiver handle to the channel. pub(crate) fn receiver(&self) -> Receiver<'_, T> { Receiver(self) } /// Returns a sender handle to the channel. pub(crate) fn sender(&self) -> Sender<'_, T> { Sender(self) } /// Attempts to reserve a slot for sending a message. fn start_send(&self, token: &mut Token) -> bool { let backoff = Backoff::new(); let mut tail = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::Acquire); let mut block = self.tail.block.load(Ordering::Acquire); let mut next_block = None; loop { // Check if the channel is disconnected. if tail & MARK_BIT != 0 { token.list.block = ptr::null(); return true; } // Calculate the offset of the index into the block. let offset = (tail >> SHIFT) % LAP; // If we reached the end of the block, wait until the next one is installed. if offset == BLOCK_CAP { backoff.snooze(); tail = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::Acquire); block = self.tail.block.load(Ordering::Acquire); continue; } // If we're going to have to install the next block, allocate it in advance in order to // make the wait for other threads as short as possible. if offset + 1 == BLOCK_CAP && next_block.is_none() { next_block = Some(Box::new(Block::::new())); } // If this is the first message to be sent into the channel, we need to allocate the // first block and install it. if block.is_null() { let new = Box::into_raw(Box::new(Block::::new())); if self .tail .block .compare_exchange(block, new, Ordering::Release, Ordering::Relaxed) .is_ok() { self.head.block.store(new, Ordering::Release); block = new; } else { next_block = unsafe { Some(Box::from_raw(new)) }; tail = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::Acquire); block = self.tail.block.load(Ordering::Acquire); continue; } } let new_tail = tail + (1 << SHIFT); // Try advancing the tail forward. match self.tail.index.compare_exchange_weak( tail, new_tail, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::Acquire, ) { Ok(_) => unsafe { // If we've reached the end of the block, install the next one. if offset + 1 == BLOCK_CAP { let next_block = Box::into_raw(next_block.unwrap()); self.tail.block.store(next_block, Ordering::Release); self.tail.index.fetch_add(1 << SHIFT, Ordering::Release); (*block).next.store(next_block, Ordering::Release); } token.list.block = block as *const u8; token.list.offset = offset; return true; }, Err(t) => { tail = t; block = self.tail.block.load(Ordering::Acquire); backoff.spin(); } } } } /// Writes a message into the channel. pub(crate) unsafe fn write(&self, token: &mut Token, msg: T) -> Result<(), T> { // If there is no slot, the channel is disconnected. if token.list.block.is_null() { return Err(msg); } // Write the message into the slot. let block = token.list.block as *mut Block; let offset = token.list.offset; let slot = (*block).slots.get_unchecked(offset); slot.msg.get().write(MaybeUninit::new(msg)); slot.state.fetch_or(WRITE, Ordering::Release); // Wake a sleeping receiver. self.receivers.notify(); Ok(()) } /// Attempts to reserve a slot for receiving a message. fn start_recv(&self, token: &mut Token) -> bool { let backoff = Backoff::new(); let mut head = self.head.index.load(Ordering::Acquire); let mut block = self.head.block.load(Ordering::Acquire); loop { // Calculate the offset of the index into the block. let offset = (head >> SHIFT) % LAP; // If we reached the end of the block, wait until the next one is installed. if offset == BLOCK_CAP { backoff.snooze(); head = self.head.index.load(Ordering::Acquire); block = self.head.block.load(Ordering::Acquire); continue; } let mut new_head = head + (1 << SHIFT); if new_head & MARK_BIT == 0 { atomic::fence(Ordering::SeqCst); let tail = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::Relaxed); // If the tail equals the head, that means the channel is empty. if head >> SHIFT == tail >> SHIFT { // If the channel is disconnected... if tail & MARK_BIT != 0 { // ...then receive an error. token.list.block = ptr::null(); return true; } else { // Otherwise, the receive operation is not ready. return false; } } // If head and tail are not in the same block, set `MARK_BIT` in head. if (head >> SHIFT) / LAP != (tail >> SHIFT) / LAP { new_head |= MARK_BIT; } } // The block can be null here only if the first message is being sent into the channel. // In that case, just wait until it gets initialized. if block.is_null() { backoff.snooze(); head = self.head.index.load(Ordering::Acquire); block = self.head.block.load(Ordering::Acquire); continue; } // Try moving the head index forward. match self.head.index.compare_exchange_weak( head, new_head, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::Acquire, ) { Ok(_) => unsafe { // If we've reached the end of the block, move to the next one. if offset + 1 == BLOCK_CAP { let next = (*block).wait_next(); let mut next_index = (new_head & !MARK_BIT).wrapping_add(1 << SHIFT); if !(*next).next.load(Ordering::Relaxed).is_null() { next_index |= MARK_BIT; } self.head.block.store(next, Ordering::Release); self.head.index.store(next_index, Ordering::Release); } token.list.block = block as *const u8; token.list.offset = offset; return true; }, Err(h) => { head = h; block = self.head.block.load(Ordering::Acquire); backoff.spin(); } } } } /// Reads a message from the channel. pub(crate) unsafe fn read(&self, token: &mut Token) -> Result { if token.list.block.is_null() { // The channel is disconnected. return Err(()); } // Read the message. let block = token.list.block as *mut Block; let offset = token.list.offset; let slot = (*block).slots.get_unchecked(offset); slot.wait_write(); let msg = slot.msg.get().read().assume_init(); // Destroy the block if we've reached the end, or if another thread wanted to destroy but // couldn't because we were busy reading from the slot. if offset + 1 == BLOCK_CAP { Block::destroy(block, 0); } else if slot.state.fetch_or(READ, Ordering::AcqRel) & DESTROY != 0 { Block::destroy(block, offset + 1); } Ok(msg) } /// Attempts to send a message into the channel. pub(crate) fn try_send(&self, msg: T) -> Result<(), TrySendError> { self.send(msg, None).map_err(|err| match err { SendTimeoutError::Disconnected(msg) => TrySendError::Disconnected(msg), SendTimeoutError::Timeout(_) => unreachable!(), }) } /// Sends a message into the channel. pub(crate) fn send( &self, msg: T, _deadline: Option, ) -> Result<(), SendTimeoutError> { let token = &mut Token::default(); assert!(self.start_send(token)); unsafe { self.write(token, msg) .map_err(SendTimeoutError::Disconnected) } } /// Attempts to receive a message without blocking. pub(crate) fn try_recv(&self) -> Result { let token = &mut Token::default(); if self.start_recv(token) { unsafe { self.read(token).map_err(|_| TryRecvError::Disconnected) } } else { Err(TryRecvError::Empty) } } /// Receives a message from the channel. pub(crate) fn recv(&self, deadline: Option) -> Result { let token = &mut Token::default(); loop { // Try receiving a message several times. let backoff = Backoff::new(); loop { if self.start_recv(token) { unsafe { return self.read(token).map_err(|_| RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected); } } if backoff.is_completed() { break; } else { backoff.snooze(); } } if let Some(d) = deadline { if Instant::now() >= d { return Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout); } } // Prepare for blocking until a sender wakes us up. Context::with(|cx| { let oper = Operation::hook(token); self.receivers.register(oper, cx); // Has the channel become ready just now? if !self.is_empty() || self.is_disconnected() { let _ = cx.try_select(Selected::Aborted); } // Block the current thread. let sel = cx.wait_until(deadline); match sel { Selected::Waiting => unreachable!(), Selected::Aborted | Selected::Disconnected => { self.receivers.unregister(oper).unwrap(); // If the channel was disconnected, we still have to check for remaining // messages. } Selected::Operation(_) => {} } }); } } /// Returns the current number of messages inside the channel. pub(crate) fn len(&self) -> usize { loop { // Load the tail index, then load the head index. let mut tail = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::SeqCst); let mut head = self.head.index.load(Ordering::SeqCst); // If the tail index didn't change, we've got consistent indices to work with. if self.tail.index.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == tail { // Erase the lower bits. tail &= !((1 << SHIFT) - 1); head &= !((1 << SHIFT) - 1); // Fix up indices if they fall onto block ends. if (tail >> SHIFT) & (LAP - 1) == LAP - 1 { tail = tail.wrapping_add(1 << SHIFT); } if (head >> SHIFT) & (LAP - 1) == LAP - 1 { head = head.wrapping_add(1 << SHIFT); } // Rotate indices so that head falls into the first block. let lap = (head >> SHIFT) / LAP; tail = tail.wrapping_sub((lap * LAP) << SHIFT); head = head.wrapping_sub((lap * LAP) << SHIFT); // Remove the lower bits. tail >>= SHIFT; head >>= SHIFT; // Return the difference minus the number of blocks between tail and head. return tail - head - tail / LAP; } } } /// Returns the capacity of the channel. pub(crate) fn capacity(&self) -> Option { None } /// Disconnects senders and wakes up all blocked receivers. /// /// Returns `true` if this call disconnected the channel. pub(crate) fn disconnect_senders(&self) -> bool { let tail = self.tail.index.fetch_or(MARK_BIT, Ordering::SeqCst); if tail & MARK_BIT == 0 { self.receivers.disconnect(); true } else { false } } /// Disconnects receivers. /// /// Returns `true` if this call disconnected the channel. pub(crate) fn disconnect_receivers(&self) -> bool { let tail = self.tail.index.fetch_or(MARK_BIT, Ordering::SeqCst); if tail & MARK_BIT == 0 { // If receivers are dropped first, discard all messages to free // memory eagerly. self.discard_all_messages(); true } else { false } } /// Discards all messages. /// /// This method should only be called when all receivers are dropped. fn discard_all_messages(&self) { let backoff = Backoff::new(); let mut tail = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::Acquire); loop { let offset = (tail >> SHIFT) % LAP; if offset != BLOCK_CAP { break; } // New updates to tail will be rejected by MARK_BIT and aborted unless it's // at boundary. We need to wait for the updates take affect otherwise there // can be memory leaks. backoff.snooze(); tail = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::Acquire); } let mut head = self.head.index.load(Ordering::Acquire); let mut block = self.head.block.load(Ordering::Acquire); unsafe { // Drop all messages between head and tail and deallocate the heap-allocated blocks. while head >> SHIFT != tail >> SHIFT { let offset = (head >> SHIFT) % LAP; if offset < BLOCK_CAP { // Drop the message in the slot. let slot = (*block).slots.get_unchecked(offset); slot.wait_write(); let p = &mut *slot.msg.get(); p.as_mut_ptr().drop_in_place(); } else { (*block).wait_next(); // Deallocate the block and move to the next one. let next = (*block).next.load(Ordering::Acquire); drop(Box::from_raw(block)); block = next; } head = head.wrapping_add(1 << SHIFT); } // Deallocate the last remaining block. if !block.is_null() { drop(Box::from_raw(block)); } } head &= !MARK_BIT; self.head.block.store(ptr::null_mut(), Ordering::Release); self.head.index.store(head, Ordering::Release); } /// Returns `true` if the channel is disconnected. pub(crate) fn is_disconnected(&self) -> bool { self.tail.index.load(Ordering::SeqCst) & MARK_BIT != 0 } /// Returns `true` if the channel is empty. pub(crate) fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { let head = self.head.index.load(Ordering::SeqCst); let tail = self.tail.index.load(Ordering::SeqCst); head >> SHIFT == tail >> SHIFT } /// Returns `true` if the channel is full. pub(crate) fn is_full(&self) -> bool { false } } impl Drop for Channel { fn drop(&mut self) { let mut head = *self.head.index.get_mut(); let mut tail = *self.tail.index.get_mut(); let mut block = *self.head.block.get_mut(); // Erase the lower bits. head &= !((1 << SHIFT) - 1); tail &= !((1 << SHIFT) - 1); unsafe { // Drop all messages between head and tail and deallocate the heap-allocated blocks. while head != tail { let offset = (head >> SHIFT) % LAP; if offset < BLOCK_CAP { // Drop the message in the slot. let slot = (*block).slots.get_unchecked(offset); let p = &mut *slot.msg.get(); p.as_mut_ptr().drop_in_place(); } else { // Deallocate the block and move to the next one. let next = *(*block).next.get_mut(); drop(Box::from_raw(block)); block = next; } head = head.wrapping_add(1 << SHIFT); } // Deallocate the last remaining block. if !block.is_null() { drop(Box::from_raw(block)); } } } } /// Receiver handle to a channel. pub(crate) struct Receiver<'a, T>(&'a Channel); /// Sender handle to a channel. pub(crate) struct Sender<'a, T>(&'a Channel); impl SelectHandle for Receiver<'_, T> { fn try_select(&self, token: &mut Token) -> bool { self.0.start_recv(token) } fn deadline(&self) -> Option { None } fn register(&self, oper: Operation, cx: &Context) -> bool { self.0.receivers.register(oper, cx); self.is_ready() } fn unregister(&self, oper: Operation) { self.0.receivers.unregister(oper); } fn accept(&self, token: &mut Token, _cx: &Context) -> bool { self.try_select(token) } fn is_ready(&self) -> bool { !self.0.is_empty() || self.0.is_disconnected() } fn watch(&self, oper: Operation, cx: &Context) -> bool { self.0.receivers.watch(oper, cx); self.is_ready() } fn unwatch(&self, oper: Operation) { self.0.receivers.unwatch(oper); } } impl SelectHandle for Sender<'_, T> { fn try_select(&self, token: &mut Token) -> bool { self.0.start_send(token) } fn deadline(&self) -> Option { None } fn register(&self, _oper: Operation, _cx: &Context) -> bool { self.is_ready() } fn unregister(&self, _oper: Operation) {} fn accept(&self, token: &mut Token, _cx: &Context) -> bool { self.try_select(token) } fn is_ready(&self) -> bool { true } fn watch(&self, _oper: Operation, _cx: &Context) -> bool { self.is_ready() } fn unwatch(&self, _oper: Operation) {} }