//! [`Uint`] addition operations. use crate::{Checked, CheckedMul, Concat, ConcatMixed, Limb, Uint, WideWord, Word, Wrapping, Zero}; use core::ops::{Mul, MulAssign}; use subtle::CtOption; impl Uint { /// Multiply `self` by `rhs`, returning a concatenated "wide" result. pub fn mul( &self, rhs: &Uint, ) -> as ConcatMixed>::MixedOutput where Uint: ConcatMixed, { let (lo, hi) = self.mul_wide(rhs); hi.concat_mixed(&lo) } /// Compute "wide" multiplication, with a product twice the size of the input. /// /// Returns a tuple containing the `(lo, hi)` components of the product. /// /// # Ordering note /// /// Releases of `crypto-bigint` prior to v0.3 used `(hi, lo)` ordering /// instead. This has been changed for better consistency with the rest of /// the APIs in this crate. /// /// For more info see: pub const fn mul_wide(&self, rhs: &Uint) -> (Self, Uint) { let mut i = 0; let mut lo = Self::ZERO; let mut hi = Uint::::ZERO; // Schoolbook multiplication. // TODO(tarcieri): use Karatsuba for better performance? while i < LIMBS { let mut j = 0; let mut carry = Limb::ZERO; while j < HLIMBS { let k = i + j; if k >= LIMBS { let (n, c) = hi.limbs[k - LIMBS].mac(self.limbs[i], rhs.limbs[j], carry); hi.limbs[k - LIMBS] = n; carry = c; } else { let (n, c) = lo.limbs[k].mac(self.limbs[i], rhs.limbs[j], carry); lo.limbs[k] = n; carry = c; } j += 1; } if i + j >= LIMBS { hi.limbs[i + j - LIMBS] = carry; } else { lo.limbs[i + j] = carry; } i += 1; } (lo, hi) } /// Perform saturating multiplication, returning `MAX` on overflow. pub const fn saturating_mul(&self, rhs: &Uint) -> Self { let (res, overflow) = self.mul_wide(rhs); Self::ct_select(&res, &Self::MAX, overflow.ct_is_nonzero()) } /// Perform wrapping multiplication, discarding overflow. pub const fn wrapping_mul(&self, rhs: &Uint) -> Self { self.mul_wide(rhs).0 } /// Square self, returning a concatenated "wide" result. pub fn square(&self) -> ::Output where Self: Concat, { let (lo, hi) = self.square_wide(); hi.concat(&lo) } /// Square self, returning a "wide" result in two parts as (lo, hi). pub const fn square_wide(&self) -> (Self, Self) { // Translated from https://github.com/ucbrise/jedi-pairing/blob/c4bf151/include/core/bigint.hpp#L410 // // Permission to relicense the resulting translation as Apache 2.0 + MIT was given // by the original author Sam Kumar: https://github.com/RustCrypto/crypto-bigint/pull/133#discussion_r1056870411 let mut lo = Self::ZERO; let mut hi = Self::ZERO; // Schoolbook multiplication, but only considering half of the multiplication grid let mut i = 1; while i < LIMBS { let mut j = 0; let mut carry = Limb::ZERO; while j < i { let k = i + j; if k >= LIMBS { let (n, c) = hi.limbs[k - LIMBS].mac(self.limbs[i], self.limbs[j], carry); hi.limbs[k - LIMBS] = n; carry = c; } else { let (n, c) = lo.limbs[k].mac(self.limbs[i], self.limbs[j], carry); lo.limbs[k] = n; carry = c; } j += 1; } if (2 * i) < LIMBS { lo.limbs[2 * i] = carry; } else { hi.limbs[2 * i - LIMBS] = carry; } i += 1; } // Double the current result, this accounts for the other half of the multiplication grid. // TODO: The top word is empty so we can also use a special purpose shl. (lo, hi) = Self::shl_vartime_wide((lo, hi), 1); // Handle the diagonal of the multiplication grid, which finishes the multiplication grid. let mut carry = Limb::ZERO; let mut i = 0; while i < LIMBS { if (i * 2) < LIMBS { let (n, c) = lo.limbs[i * 2].mac(self.limbs[i], self.limbs[i], carry); lo.limbs[i * 2] = n; carry = c; } else { let (n, c) = hi.limbs[i * 2 - LIMBS].mac(self.limbs[i], self.limbs[i], carry); hi.limbs[i * 2 - LIMBS] = n; carry = c; } if (i * 2 + 1) < LIMBS { let n = lo.limbs[i * 2 + 1].0 as WideWord + carry.0 as WideWord; lo.limbs[i * 2 + 1] = Limb(n as Word); carry = Limb((n >> Word::BITS) as Word); } else { let n = hi.limbs[i * 2 + 1 - LIMBS].0 as WideWord + carry.0 as WideWord; hi.limbs[i * 2 + 1 - LIMBS] = Limb(n as Word); carry = Limb((n >> Word::BITS) as Word); } i += 1; } (lo, hi) } } impl CheckedMul<&Uint> for Uint { type Output = Self; fn checked_mul(&self, rhs: &Uint) -> CtOption { let (lo, hi) = self.mul_wide(rhs); CtOption::new(lo, hi.is_zero()) } } impl Mul>> for Wrapping> { type Output = Self; fn mul(self, rhs: Wrapping>) -> Wrapping> { Wrapping(self.0.wrapping_mul(&rhs.0)) } } impl Mul<&Wrapping>> for Wrapping> { type Output = Self; fn mul(self, rhs: &Wrapping>) -> Wrapping> { Wrapping(self.0.wrapping_mul(&rhs.0)) } } impl Mul>> for &Wrapping> { type Output = Wrapping>; fn mul(self, rhs: Wrapping>) -> Wrapping> { Wrapping(self.0.wrapping_mul(&rhs.0)) } } impl Mul<&Wrapping>> for &Wrapping> { type Output = Wrapping>; fn mul(self, rhs: &Wrapping>) -> Wrapping> { Wrapping(self.0.wrapping_mul(&rhs.0)) } } impl MulAssign>> for Wrapping> { fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Wrapping>) { *self = *self * other; } } impl MulAssign<&Wrapping>> for Wrapping> { fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: &Wrapping>) { *self = *self * other; } } impl Mul>> for Checked> { type Output = Self; fn mul(self, rhs: Checked>) -> Checked> { Checked(self.0.and_then(|a| rhs.0.and_then(|b| a.checked_mul(&b)))) } } impl Mul<&Checked>> for Checked> { type Output = Checked>; fn mul(self, rhs: &Checked>) -> Checked> { Checked(self.0.and_then(|a| rhs.0.and_then(|b| a.checked_mul(&b)))) } } impl Mul>> for &Checked> { type Output = Checked>; fn mul(self, rhs: Checked>) -> Checked> { Checked(self.0.and_then(|a| rhs.0.and_then(|b| a.checked_mul(&b)))) } } impl Mul<&Checked>> for &Checked> { type Output = Checked>; fn mul(self, rhs: &Checked>) -> Checked> { Checked(self.0.and_then(|a| rhs.0.and_then(|b| a.checked_mul(&b)))) } } impl MulAssign>> for Checked> { fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Checked>) { *self = *self * other; } } impl MulAssign<&Checked>> for Checked> { fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: &Checked>) { *self = *self * other; } } impl Mul> for Uint where Uint: ConcatMixed>, { type Output = as ConcatMixed>::MixedOutput; fn mul(self, other: Uint) -> Self::Output { Uint::mul(&self, &other) } } impl Mul<&Uint> for Uint where Uint: ConcatMixed>, { type Output = as ConcatMixed>::MixedOutput; fn mul(self, other: &Uint) -> Self::Output { Uint::mul(&self, other) } } impl Mul> for &Uint where Uint: ConcatMixed>, { type Output = as ConcatMixed>>::MixedOutput; fn mul(self, other: Uint) -> Self::Output { Uint::mul(self, &other) } } impl Mul<&Uint> for &Uint where Uint: ConcatMixed>, { type Output = as ConcatMixed>>::MixedOutput; fn mul(self, other: &Uint) -> Self::Output { Uint::mul(self, other) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::{CheckedMul, Zero, U128, U192, U256, U64}; #[test] fn mul_wide_zero_and_one() { assert_eq!(U64::ZERO.mul_wide(&U64::ZERO), (U64::ZERO, U64::ZERO)); assert_eq!(U64::ZERO.mul_wide(&U64::ONE), (U64::ZERO, U64::ZERO)); assert_eq!(U64::ONE.mul_wide(&U64::ZERO), (U64::ZERO, U64::ZERO)); assert_eq!(U64::ONE.mul_wide(&U64::ONE), (U64::ONE, U64::ZERO)); } #[test] fn mul_wide_lo_only() { let primes: &[u32] = &[3, 5, 17, 257, 65537]; for &a_int in primes { for &b_int in primes { let (lo, hi) = U64::from_u32(a_int).mul_wide(&U64::from_u32(b_int)); let expected = U64::from_u64(a_int as u64 * b_int as u64); assert_eq!(lo, expected); assert!(bool::from(hi.is_zero())); } } } #[test] fn mul_concat_even() { assert_eq!(U64::ZERO * U64::MAX, U128::ZERO); assert_eq!(U64::MAX * U64::ZERO, U128::ZERO); assert_eq!( U64::MAX * U64::MAX, U128::from_u128(0xfffffffffffffffe_0000000000000001) ); assert_eq!( U64::ONE * U64::MAX, U128::from_u128(0x0000000000000000_ffffffffffffffff) ); } #[test] fn mul_concat_mixed() { let a = U64::from_u64(0x0011223344556677); let b = U128::from_u128(0x8899aabbccddeeff_8899aabbccddeeff); assert_eq!(a * b, U192::from(&a).saturating_mul(&b)); assert_eq!(b * a, U192::from(&b).saturating_mul(&a)); } #[test] fn checked_mul_ok() { let n = U64::from_u32(0xffff_ffff); assert_eq!( n.checked_mul(&n).unwrap(), U64::from_u64(0xffff_fffe_0000_0001) ); } #[test] fn checked_mul_overflow() { let n = U64::from_u64(0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff); assert!(bool::from(n.checked_mul(&n).is_none())); } #[test] fn saturating_mul_no_overflow() { let n = U64::from_u8(8); assert_eq!(n.saturating_mul(&n), U64::from_u8(64)); } #[test] fn saturating_mul_overflow() { let a = U64::from(0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffffu64); let b = U64::from(2u8); assert_eq!(a.saturating_mul(&b), U64::MAX); } #[test] fn square() { let n = U64::from_u64(0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff); let (hi, lo) = n.square().split(); assert_eq!(lo, U64::from_u64(1)); assert_eq!(hi, U64::from_u64(0xffff_ffff_ffff_fffe)); } #[test] fn square_larger() { let n = U256::MAX; let (hi, lo) = n.square().split(); assert_eq!(lo, U256::ONE); assert_eq!(hi, U256::MAX.wrapping_sub(&U256::ONE)); } }