# Custom attributes The `PartialEq`, `Eq`, `PartialOrd` and `Eq` and traits support the following attributes: * **Container attributes** * [`(bound="")`](#custom-bound) * **Field attributes** * [`(bound="")`](#custom-bound) The `PartialEq`, `PartialOrd` and `Ord` traits also supports the following attributes: * **Container attributes** * [`="feature_allow_slow_enum"`](#enumerations) * **Field attributes** * [`="ignore"`](#ignoring-a-field) * [`(compare_with="")`](#compare-with) (These attributes are not relevant for `Eq` which is just a marker trait.) # Enumerations Unfortunately, there is no way for derivative to derive `PartialOrd` or `Ord` on enumerations as efficiently as the built-in `derive(…)` yet. If you want to use derivative on enumerations anyway, you can add ```rust,ignore #[derivative(PartialOrd="feature_allow_slow_enum")] ``` to your enumeration. This acts as a “feature-gate”. This attribute is also allowed for `PartialEq` for historical reason. It is not necessary anymore as of v2.1.0. It was never necessary nor allowed for `Eq`. # Ignoring a field You can use *derivative* to ignore a field when comparing: ```rust # extern crate derivative; # use derivative::Derivative; #[derive(Derivative)] #[derivative(PartialEq)] struct Foo { foo: u8, #[derivative(PartialEq="ignore")] bar: u8, } assert!(Foo { foo: 0, bar: 42 } == Foo { foo: 0, bar: 7}); assert!(Foo { foo: 42, bar: 0 } != Foo { foo: 7, bar: 0}); ``` # Compare with Usually fields are compared using `==`, `PartialOrd::partial_cmp` or `Ord::cmp`. You can use an alternative comparison function if you like: ```rust # extern crate derivative; # use derivative::Derivative; # mod path { # pub struct SomeTypeThatMightNotBePartialEq; # pub mod to { # pub fn my_cmp_fn(_: &super::SomeTypeThatMightNotBePartialEq, _: &super::SomeTypeThatMightNotBePartialEq) -> bool { false } # } # } # use path::SomeTypeThatMightNotBePartialEq; #[derive(Derivative)] #[derivative(PartialEq)] struct Foo { foo: u32, #[derivative(PartialEq(compare_with="path::to::my_cmp_fn"))] bar: SomeTypeThatMightNotBePartialEq, } ``` `foo` will be compared with `==` and `bar` will be compared with `path::to::my_cmp_fn` which must have the following prototype: | Trait | Signature | |--------------|-----------| | `PartialEq` | `fn my_cmp_fn(&T, &T) -> bool;` | `PartialOrd` | `fn my_cmp_fn(&T, &T) -> std::option::Option;` | `Ord` | `fn my_cmp_fn(&T, &T) -> std::cmp::Ordering;` # Custom bound Usually if you derive `CmpTrait`, a `T: CmpTrait` bound is added for each type parameter `T`. You can use override this behavior if the inferred bound is not correct for you. Eg. comparing raw pointers does not require the type to be `Eq`, so you could use: ```rust # extern crate derivative; # use derivative::Derivative; #[derive(Derivative)] #[derivative(PartialEq)] struct WithPtr { #[derivative(PartialEq(bound=""))] foo: *const T } ``` See [`Default`'s documentation](./Default.md#custom-bound) for more details. # Packed structures You can use *derivative* to implement the comparison traits on packed structures. Unlike the standard `derive`, *derivative* does not require the structure itself to be `Copy`, but like the standard `derive`, it requires each (non-ignored) field to be `Copy`. ```rust # extern crate derivative; # use derivative::Derivative; #[derive(Derivative)] #[derivative(PartialEq)] #[repr(C, packed)] struct Foo { f: u32, #[derivative(PartialEq = "ignore")] t: String, } ```