#![deny(non_snake_case)] #[macro_use] extern crate derive_new; use std::default::Default; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::marker::PhantomData; /// A struct with no fields. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Foo {} #[test] fn test_empty_struct() { let x = Foo::new(); assert_eq!(x, Foo {}); } /// A unit struct. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Baz; #[test] fn test_unit_struct() { let x = Baz::new(); assert_eq!(x, Baz); } /// A struct with fields. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Bar { pub x: i32, pub y: String, } #[test] fn test_simple_struct() { let x = Bar::new(42, "Hello".to_owned()); assert_eq!( x, Bar { x: 42, y: "Hello".to_owned() } ); } /// A struct with a lifetime parameter. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Intersection<'scene> { pub object: &'scene Bar, pub normal: Foo, pub point: Foo, pub t: f64, } #[test] fn test_struct_with_lifetime() { let b = Bar::new(42, "Hello".to_owned()); let x = Intersection::new(&b, Foo::new(), Foo::new(), 42.0); assert_eq!( x, Intersection { object: &b, normal: Foo {}, point: Foo {}, t: 42.0 } ); } /// A struct with generics and bounds. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Qux { pub f1: T, pub f2: Vec, pub f3: i32, } #[test] fn test_struct_with_bounds() { let x = Qux::new("Hello!", Vec::::new(), 42); assert_eq!( x, Qux { f1: "Hello!", f2: vec![], f3: 42 } ); let x: Qux<&'static str, String> = Qux::new("Hello!", Vec::::new(), 42); assert_eq!( x, Qux { f1: "Hello!", f2: vec![], f3: 42 } ); let x = Qux::<_, String>::new("Hello!", vec![], 42); assert_eq!( x, Qux { f1: "Hello!", f2: vec![], f3: 42 } ); } /// A struct with a lifetime parameter, generics and bounds. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct FooBar<'a, T, U> where T: 'a + PartialEq + Debug, U: Sized + Send + 'a + PartialEq + Debug, { pub f1: Box, pub f2: Vec<&'a U>, pub f3: i32, } #[test] fn test_struct_lifetime_bounds() { let a = 42; let x = FooBar::new(Box::new("Hello".to_owned()), vec![&a], 42); assert_eq!( x, FooBar { f1: Box::new("Hello".to_owned()), f2: vec![&a], f3: 42 } ); } /// A tuple struct. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Tuple(pub i32, pub i32); #[test] fn test_simple_tuple_struct() { let x = Tuple::new(5, 6); assert_eq!(x, Tuple(5, 6)); } /// A tuple struct with a lifetime parameter. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct TupleWithLifetime<'a>(pub &'a str); #[test] fn test_tuple_struct_lifetime() { let x = TupleWithLifetime::new("Hello"); assert_eq!(x, TupleWithLifetime("Hello")); } /// A struct where fields have default values. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Waldo { #[new(default)] pub x: i32, pub y: u8, #[new(default)] pub z: T, } #[test] fn test_struct_with_defaults() { let x = Waldo::>::new(42); assert_eq!( x, Waldo { x: 0, y: 42, z: vec![] } ); } /// A struct where fields have explicitly provided defaults. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Fred { #[new(value = "1 + 2")] pub x: i32, pub y: String, #[new(value = "vec![-42, 42]")] pub z: Vec, } #[test] fn test_struct_with_values() { let x = Fred::new("Fred".to_owned()); assert_eq!( x, Fred { x: 3, y: "Fred".to_owned(), z: vec![-42, 42] } ); } /// A struct with defaults and specified values. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Thud { #[new(value = r#""Thud".to_owned()"#)] pub x: String, #[new(default)] pub y: String, } #[test] fn test_struct_mixed_defaults() { let x = Thud::new(); assert_eq!( x, Thud { x: "Thud".to_owned(), y: String::new() } ); } /// A generic struct with PhantomData member. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Bob { pub a: i32, pub b: PhantomData, } #[test] fn test_struct_phantom_data() { let x = Bob::::new(42); assert_eq!( x, Bob { a: 42, b: PhantomData } ); } /// A tuple struct where fields have default values. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Boom( #[new(default)] pub i32, pub u8, #[new(default)] pub T, ); #[test] fn test_tuple_with_defaults() { let x = Boom::>::new(42); assert_eq!(x, Boom(0, 42, vec![])); } /// A tuple struct where fields have explicitly provided defaults. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Moog( #[new(value = "1 + 2")] pub i32, pub String, #[new(value = "vec![-42, 42]")] pub Vec, ); #[test] fn test_tuple_with_values() { let x = Moog::new("Fred".to_owned()); assert_eq!(x, Moog(3, "Fred".to_owned(), vec![-42, 42])); } /// A tuple struct with defaults and specified values. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Crab( #[new(value = r#""Thud".to_owned()"#)] pub String, #[new(default)] pub String, ); #[test] fn test_tuple_mixed_defaults() { let x = Crab::new(); assert_eq!(x, Crab("Thud".to_owned(), String::new())); } /// A generic tuple struct with PhantomData member. #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Sponge(pub i32, pub PhantomData); #[test] fn test_tuple_phantom_data() { let x = Sponge::::new(42); assert_eq!(x, Sponge(42, PhantomData)); } /// An enum with unit variants #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Fizz { ThisISNotADrill, BiteMe, } #[test] fn test_enum_unit_variants() { let x = Fizz::new_this_is_not_a_drill(); assert_eq!(x, Fizz::ThisISNotADrill); let x = Fizz::new_bite_me(); assert_eq!(x, Fizz::BiteMe); } /// A more involved enum #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Enterprise { Picard, Data( #[new(value = "\"fascinating\".to_owned()")] String, #[new(default)] T, ), Spock { x: PhantomData, y: i32, }, } #[test] fn test_more_involved_enum() { let x = Enterprise::::new_picard(); assert_eq!(x, Enterprise::Picard); let x = Enterprise::::new_data(); assert_eq!(x, Enterprise::Data("fascinating".to_owned(), 0u8)); let x = Enterprise::::new_spock(42); assert_eq!( x, Enterprise::Spock { x: PhantomData, y: 42 } ); } #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Upside { X: i32, } #[cfg_attr(test, allow(non_snake_case))] #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Down { X: i32, } #[derive(new, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct All { #[allow(missing_docs)] pub x: i32, }