use super::{common::StopWordFilter, Language}; use crate::pipeline::{FnWrapper, Pipeline, PipelineFn}; use regex::Regex; const WORDS: &[&str] = &[ "", "a", "able", "about", "across", "after", "all", "almost", "also", "am", "among", "an", "and", "any", "are", "as", "at", "be", "because", "been", "but", "by", "can", "cannot", "could", "dear", "did", "do", "does", "either", "else", "ever", "every", "for", "from", "get", "got", "had", "has", "have", "he", "her", "hers", "him", "his", "how", "however", "i", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "its", "just", "least", "let", "like", "likely", "may", "me", "might", "most", "must", "my", "neither", "no", "nor", "not", "of", "off", "often", "on", "only", "or", "other", "our", "own", "rather", "said", "say", "says", "she", "should", "since", "so", "some", "than", "that", "the", "their", "them", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "tis", "to", "too", "twas", "us", "wants", "was", "we", "were", "what", "when", "where", "which", "while", "who", "whom", "why", "will", "with", "would", "yet", "you", "your", ]; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct English { stemmer: Stemmer, } impl English { pub fn new() -> Self { let stemmer = Stemmer::new(); Self { stemmer } } } impl Language for English { fn name(&self) -> String { "English".into() } fn code(&self) -> String { "en".into() } fn tokenize(&self, text: &str) -> Vec { super::tokenize_whitespace(text) } fn make_pipeline(&self) -> Pipeline { Pipeline { queue: vec![ Box::new(FnWrapper("trimmer".into(), trimmer)), Box::new(StopWordFilter::new("stopWordFilter", WORDS)), Box::new(self.stemmer.clone()), ], } } } fn trimmer(token: String) -> Option { Some( token .trim_matches(|c: char| !c.is_digit(36) && c != '_') .into(), ) } static STEP_2: &[(&str, &str)] = &[ ("ational", "ate"), ("tional", "tion"), ("enci", "ence"), ("anci", "ance"), ("izer", "ize"), ("bli", "ble"), ("alli", "al"), ("entli", "ent"), ("eli", "e"), ("ousli", "ous"), ("ization", "ize"), ("ation", "ate"), ("ator", "ate"), ("alism", "al"), ("iveness", "ive"), ("fulness", "ful"), ("ousness", "ous"), ("aliti", "al"), ("iviti", "ive"), ("biliti", "ble"), ("logi", "log"), ]; static STEP_3: &[(&str, &str)] = &[ ("icate", "ic"), ("ative", ""), ("alize", "al"), ("iciti", "ic"), ("ical", "ic"), ("ful", ""), ("ness", ""), ]; // This is a direct port of the stemmer from elasticlunr.js // It's not very efficient and very not-rusty, but it // generates identical output. #[derive(Clone)] struct Stemmer { re_mgr0: Regex, re_mgr1: Regex, re_meq1: Regex, re_s_v: Regex, re_1a: Regex, re2_1a: Regex, re_1b: Regex, re2_1b: Regex, re2_1b_2: Regex, re3_1b_2: Regex, re4_1b_2: Regex, re_1c: Regex, re_2: Regex, re_3: Regex, re_4: Regex, re2_4: Regex, re_5: Regex, re3_5: Regex, } impl PipelineFn for Stemmer { fn name(&self) -> String { "stemmer".into() } fn filter(&self, token: String) -> Option { Some(self.stem(token)) } } // vowel macro_rules! V { () => { "[aeiouy]" }; } // consonant sequence macro_rules! CS { () => { "[^aeiou][^aeiouy]*" }; } // vowel sequence macro_rules! VS { () => { "[aeiouy][aeiou]*" }; } #[inline] fn concat_string(strs: &[&str]) -> String { strs.iter().cloned().collect() } impl Stemmer { fn new() -> Self { let mgr0 = concat!("^(", CS!(), ")?", VS!(), CS!()); let meq1 = concat!("^(", CS!(), ")?", VS!(), CS!(), "(", VS!(), ")?$"); let mgr1 = concat!("^(", CS!(), ")?", VS!(), CS!(), VS!(), CS!()); let s_v = concat!("^(", CS!(), ")?", V!()); let re_mgr0 = Regex::new(mgr0).unwrap(); let re_mgr1 = Regex::new(mgr1).unwrap(); let re_meq1 = Regex::new(meq1).unwrap(); let re_s_v = Regex::new(s_v).unwrap(); let re_1a = Regex::new("^(.+?)(ss|i)es$").unwrap(); let re2_1a = Regex::new("^(.+?)([^s])s$").unwrap(); let re_1b = Regex::new("^(.+?)eed$").unwrap(); let re2_1b = Regex::new("^(.+?)(ed|ing)$").unwrap(); let re2_1b_2 = Regex::new("(at|bl|iz)$").unwrap(); let re3_1b_2 = Regex::new("([^aeiouylsz]{2})$").unwrap(); let re4_1b_2 = Regex::new(concat!("^", CS!(), V!(), "[^aeiouwxy]$")).unwrap(); let re_1c = Regex::new("^(.+?[^aeiou])y$").unwrap(); let re_2 = Regex::new( "^(.+?)(ational|tional|enci|anci|izer|bli|alli|entli|eli|ousli|\ ization|ation|ator|alism|iveness|fulness|ousness|aliti|iviti|biliti|logi)$", ) .unwrap(); let re_3 = Regex::new("^(.+?)(icate|ative|alize|iciti|ical|ful|ness)$").unwrap(); let re_4 = Regex::new( "^(.+?)(al|ance|ence|er|ic|able|ible|ant|ement|ment|ent|ou|ism|ate|iti|ous|ive|ize)$", ) .unwrap(); let re2_4 = Regex::new("^(.+?)(s|t)(ion)$").unwrap(); let re_5 = Regex::new("^(.+?)e$").unwrap(); let re3_5 = Regex::new(concat!("^", CS!(), V!(), "[^aeiouwxy]$")).unwrap(); Stemmer { re_mgr0, re_mgr1, re_meq1, re_s_v, re_1a, re2_1a, re_1b, re2_1b, re2_1b_2, re3_1b_2, re4_1b_2, re_1c, re_2, re_3, re_4, re2_4, re_5, re3_5, } } /// Implements the Porter stemming algorithm pub fn stem(&self, mut w: String) -> String { if w.len() < 3 { return w; } let starts_with_y = w.as_bytes()[0] == b'y'; if starts_with_y { w.remove(0); w.insert(0, 'Y'); } // TODO: There's probably a better way to handle the // borrowchecker than cloning w a million times // Step 1a if let Some(caps) = self.re_1a.captures(&w.clone()) { w = concat_string(&[&caps[1], &caps[2]]); } if let Some(caps) = self.re2_1a.captures(&w.clone()) { w = concat_string(&[&caps[1], &caps[2]]); } // Step 1b if let Some(caps) = self.re_1b.captures(&w.clone()) { let stem = &caps[1]; if self.re_mgr0.is_match(stem) { w.pop(); } } else if let Some(caps) = self.re2_1b.captures(&w.clone()) { let stem = &caps[1]; if self.re_s_v.is_match(stem) { w = stem.into(); let mut re3_1b_2_matched = false; if self.re2_1b_2.is_match(&w) { w.push('e'); } else if let Some(m) = self.re3_1b_2.find(&w.clone()) { let mut suffix = m.as_str().chars(); // Make sure the two characters are the same since we can't use backreferences if == { re3_1b_2_matched = true; w.pop(); } } // re4_1b_2 still runs if re3_1b_2 matches but // the matched chcaracters are not the same if !re3_1b_2_matched && self.re4_1b_2.is_match(&w) { w.push('e'); } } } // Step 1c - replace suffix y or Y by i if preceded by a non-vowel which is not the first // letter of the word (so cry -> cri, by -> by, say -> say) if let Some(caps) = self.re_1c.captures(&w.clone()) { let stem = &caps[1]; w = concat_string(&[stem, "i"]); } // Step 2 if let Some(caps) = self.re_2.captures(&w.clone()) { let stem = &caps[1]; let suffix = &caps[2]; if self.re_mgr0.is_match(stem) { w = concat_string(&[stem, STEP_2.iter().find(|&&(k, _)| k == suffix).unwrap().1]); } } // Step 3 if let Some(caps) = self.re_3.captures(&w.clone()) { let stem = &caps[1]; let suffix = &caps[2]; if self.re_mgr0.is_match(stem) { w = concat_string(&[stem, STEP_3.iter().find(|&&(k, _)| k == suffix).unwrap().1]); } } // Step 4 if let Some(caps) = self.re_4.captures(&w.clone()) { let stem = &caps[1]; if self.re_mgr1.is_match(stem) { w = stem.into(); } } else if let Some(caps) = self.re2_4.captures(&w.clone()) { let stem = concat_string(&[&caps[1], &caps[2]]); if self.re_mgr1.is_match(&stem) { w = stem; } } // Step 5 if let Some(caps) = self.re_5.captures(&w.clone()) { let stem = &caps[1]; if self.re_mgr1.is_match(stem) || (self.re_meq1.is_match(stem) && !(self.re3_5.is_match(stem))) { w = stem.into(); } } if w.ends_with("ll") && self.re_mgr1.is_match(&w) { w.pop(); } // replace the original 'y' if starts_with_y { w.remove(0); w.insert(0, 'y'); } w } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; macro_rules! pipeline_eq { ($func:expr, $input:expr, $output:expr) => { assert_eq!(&$func($input.to_string()).unwrap(), $output); }; } #[test] fn latin_characters() { pipeline_eq!(trimmer, "hello", "hello"); } #[test] fn removing_punctuation() { pipeline_eq!(trimmer, "hello.", "hello"); pipeline_eq!(trimmer, "it's", "it's"); pipeline_eq!(trimmer, "james'", "james"); pipeline_eq!(trimmer, "stop!", "stop"); pipeline_eq!(trimmer, "first,", "first"); pipeline_eq!(trimmer, "", ""); pipeline_eq!(trimmer, "[tag]", "tag"); pipeline_eq!(trimmer, "[[[tag]]]", "tag"); pipeline_eq!(trimmer, "[[!@#@!hello]]]}}}", "hello"); pipeline_eq!(trimmer, "~!@@@hello***()()()]]", "hello"); } #[test] fn test_stemmer() { let cases = [ ("consign", "consign"), ("consigned", "consign"), ("consigning", "consign"), ("consignment", "consign"), ("consist", "consist"), ("consisted", "consist"), ("consistency", "consist"), ("consistent", "consist"), ("consistently", "consist"), ("consisting", "consist"), ("consists", "consist"), ("consolation", "consol"), ("consolations", "consol"), ("consolatory", "consolatori"), ("console", "consol"), ("consoled", "consol"), ("consoles", "consol"), ("consolidate", "consolid"), ("consolidated", "consolid"), ("consolidating", "consolid"), ("consoling", "consol"), ("consols", "consol"), ("consonant", "conson"), ("consort", "consort"), ("consorted", "consort"), ("consorting", "consort"), ("conspicuous", "conspicu"), ("conspicuously", "conspicu"), ("conspiracy", "conspiraci"), ("conspirator", "conspir"), ("conspirators", "conspir"), ("conspire", "conspir"), ("conspired", "conspir"), ("conspiring", "conspir"), ("constable", "constabl"), ("constables", "constabl"), ("constance", "constanc"), ("constancy", "constanc"), ("constant", "constant"), ("knack", "knack"), ("knackeries", "knackeri"), ("knacks", "knack"), ("knag", "knag"), ("knave", "knave"), ("knaves", "knave"), ("knavish", "knavish"), ("kneaded", "knead"), ("kneading", "knead"), ("knee", "knee"), ("kneel", "kneel"), ("kneeled", "kneel"), ("kneeling", "kneel"), ("kneels", "kneel"), ("knees", "knee"), ("knell", "knell"), ("knelt", "knelt"), ("knew", "knew"), ("knick", "knick"), ("knif", "knif"), ("knife", "knife"), ("knight", "knight"), ("knights", "knight"), ("knit", "knit"), ("knits", "knit"), ("knitted", "knit"), ("knitting", "knit"), ("knives", "knive"), ("knob", "knob"), ("knobs", "knob"), ("knock", "knock"), ("knocked", "knock"), ("knocker", "knocker"), ("knockers", "knocker"), ("knocking", "knock"), ("knocks", "knock"), ("knopp", "knopp"), ("knot", "knot"), ("knots", "knot"), ("lay", "lay"), ("try", "tri"), ]; let stemmer = Stemmer::new(); for &(input, output) in cases.iter() { assert_eq!(&stemmer.stem(input.into()), output); } } }