use crate::error::{Error, ErrorKind, Result};
use std;
use std::fs::{remove_file, File};
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::path::Path;
// Options and flags which can be used to configure how a file will be copied or moved.
pub struct CopyOptions {
/// Sets the option true for overwrite existing files.
pub overwrite: bool,
/// Sets the option true for skip existing files.
pub skip_exist: bool,
/// Sets buffer size for copy/move work only with receipt information about process work.
pub buffer_size: usize,
impl CopyOptions {
/// Initialize struct CopyOptions with default value.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// overwrite: false
/// skip_exist: false
/// buffer_size: 64000 //64kb
/// ```
pub fn new() -> CopyOptions {
CopyOptions {
overwrite: false,
skip_exist: false,
buffer_size: 64000, //64kb
/// Sets the option true for overwrite existing files.
pub fn overwrite(mut self, overwrite: bool) -> Self {
self.overwrite = overwrite;
/// Sets the option true for skip existing files.
pub fn skip_exist(mut self, skip_exist: bool) -> Self {
self.skip_exist = skip_exist;
/// Sets buffer size for copy/move work only with receipt information about process work.
pub fn buffer_size(mut self, buffer_size: usize) -> Self {
self.buffer_size = buffer_size;
impl Default for CopyOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
/// A structure which stores information about the current status of a file that's copied or moved. .
pub struct TransitProcess {
/// Copied bytes on this time.
pub copied_bytes: u64,
/// All the bytes which should to copy or move.
pub total_bytes: u64,
/// Copies the contents of one file to another. This function will also copy the permission
/// bits of the original file to the destination file.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `from` path is not a file.
/// * This `from` file does not exist.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `from` or write `to`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::file::copy;
/// let options = CopyOptions::new(); //Initialize default values for CopyOptions
/// copy("dir1/foo.txt", "dir2/bar.txt", &options)?; // Copy dir1/foo.txt to dir2/bar.txt
/// ```
pub fn copy
(from: P, to: Q, options: &CopyOptions) -> Result
P: AsRef,
Q: AsRef,
let from = from.as_ref();
if !from.exists() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" does not exist or you don't have access!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::NotFound);
"Path does not exist or you don't have access!",
if !from.is_file() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" is not a file!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::InvalidFile);
err!("Path is not a file!", ErrorKind::InvalidFile);
if !options.overwrite && to.as_ref().exists() {
if options.skip_exist {
return Ok(0);
if let Some(msg) = to.as_ref().to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" exists", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::AlreadyExists);
Ok(std::fs::copy(from, to)?)
/// Copies the contents of one file to another file with information about progress.
/// This function will also copy the permission bits of the original file to the
/// destination file.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `from` path is not a file.
/// * This `from` file does not exist.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `from` or write `to`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::file::copy_with_progress;
/// let options = CopyOptions::new(); //Initialize default values for CopyOptions
/// let handle = |process_info: TransitProcess| println!("{}", process_info.total_bytes);
/// // Copy dir1/foo.txt to dir2/foo.txt
/// copy_with_progress("dir1/foo.txt", "dir2/foo.txt", &options, handle)?;
/// ```
pub fn copy_with_progress(
from: P,
to: Q,
options: &CopyOptions,
mut progress_handler: F,
) -> Result
P: AsRef,
Q: AsRef,
F: FnMut(TransitProcess),
let from = from.as_ref();
if !from.exists() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" does not exist or you don't have access!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::NotFound);
"Path does not exist or you don't have access!",
if !from.is_file() {
if let Some(msg) = from.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" is not a file!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::InvalidFile);
err!("Path is not a file!", ErrorKind::InvalidFile);
if !options.overwrite && to.as_ref().exists() {
if options.skip_exist {
return Ok(0);
if let Some(msg) = to.as_ref().to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" exists", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::AlreadyExists);
let mut file_from = File::open(from)?;
let mut buf = vec![0; options.buffer_size];
let file_size = file_from.metadata()?.len();
let mut copied_bytes: u64 = 0;
let mut file_to = File::create(to)?;
while !buf.is_empty() {
match buf) {
Ok(0) => break,
Ok(n) => {
let written_bytes = file_to.write(&buf[..n])?;
if written_bytes != n {
err!("Couldn't write the whole buffer to file", ErrorKind::Other);
copied_bytes += n as u64;
let data = TransitProcess {
total_bytes: file_size,
Err(ref e) if e.kind() == ::std::io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => {}
Err(e) => return Err(::std::convert::From::from(e)),
/// Moves a file from one place to another. This function will also copy the permission
/// bits of the original file to the destination file.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `from` path is not a file.
/// * This `from` file does not exist.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `from` or write `to`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::file::move_file;
/// let options = CopyOptions::new(); //Initialize default values for CopyOptions
/// move_file("dir1/foo.txt", "dir2/foo.txt", &options)?; // Move dir1/foo.txt to dir2/foo.txt
/// ```
pub fn move_file(from: P, to: Q, options: &CopyOptions) -> Result
P: AsRef,
Q: AsRef,
let mut is_remove = true;
if options.skip_exist && to.as_ref().exists() && !options.overwrite {
is_remove = false;
let result = copy(&from, to, options)?;
if is_remove {
/// Moves a file from one place to another with information about progress.
/// This function will also copy the permission bits of the original file to the
/// destination file.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `from` path is not a file.
/// * This `from` file does not exist.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `from` or write `to`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::file::move_file;
/// let options = CopyOptions::new(); //Initialize default values for CopyOptions
/// let handle = |process_info: TransitProcess| println!("{}", process_info.total_bytes);
/// // Move dir1/foo.txt to dir2/foo.txt
/// move_file("dir1/foo.txt", "dir2/foo.txt", &options, handle)?;
/// ```
pub fn move_file_with_progress(
from: P,
to: Q,
options: &CopyOptions,
progress_handler: F,
) -> Result
P: AsRef,
Q: AsRef,
F: FnMut(TransitProcess),
let mut is_remove = true;
if options.skip_exist && to.as_ref().exists() && !options.overwrite {
is_remove = false;
let result = copy_with_progress(&from, to, options, progress_handler)?;
if is_remove {
/// Removes a file from the filesystem.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `path`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::file::remove;
/// remove("foo.txt" )?; // Remove foo.txt
/// ```
pub fn remove(path: P) -> Result<()>
P: AsRef,
if path.as_ref().exists() {
} else {
/// Read file contents, placing them into `String`.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `path` is not a file.
/// * This `path` file does not exist.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `path`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::file::read_to_string;
/// let file_content = read_to_string("foo.txt" )?; // Get file content from foo.txt
/// println!("{}", file_content);
/// ```
pub fn read_to_string(path: P) -> Result
P: AsRef,
let path = path.as_ref();
if path.exists() && !path.is_file() {
if let Some(msg) = path.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" is not a file!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::InvalidFile);
err!("Path is not a file!", ErrorKind::InvalidFile);
let mut file = File::open(path)?;
let mut result = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut result)?;
/// Write `String` content into file.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just
/// these cases:
/// * This `path` is not a file.
/// * This `path` file does not exist.
/// * The current process does not have the permission to access `path`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// extern crate fs_extra;
/// use fs_extra::file::read_to_string;
/// write_all("foo.txt", "contents" )?; // Create file foo.txt and send content inside
/// ```
pub fn write_all(path: P, content: &str) -> Result<()>
P: AsRef,
let path = path.as_ref();
if path.exists() && !path.is_file() {
if let Some(msg) = path.to_str() {
let msg = format!("Path \"{}\" is not a file!", msg);
err!(&msg, ErrorKind::InvalidFile);
err!("Path is not a file!", ErrorKind::InvalidFile);
let mut f = File::create(path)?;