use crate::common::{Encoding, Format}; use crate::read::{Error, Reader, Result}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub(crate) struct ListsHeader { encoding: Encoding, offset_entry_count: u32, } impl Default for ListsHeader { fn default() -> Self { ListsHeader { encoding: Encoding { format: Format::Dwarf32, version: 5, address_size: 0, }, offset_entry_count: 0, } } } impl ListsHeader { /// Return the serialized size of the table header. #[allow(dead_code)] #[inline] fn size(self) -> u8 { // initial_length + version + address_size + segment_selector_size + offset_entry_count ListsHeader::size_for_encoding(self.encoding) } /// Return the serialized size of the table header. #[inline] pub(crate) fn size_for_encoding(encoding: Encoding) -> u8 { // initial_length + version + address_size + segment_selector_size + offset_entry_count encoding.format.initial_length_size() + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 } } // TODO: add an iterator over headers in the appropriate sections section #[allow(dead_code)] fn parse_header(input: &mut R) -> Result { let (length, format) = input.read_initial_length()?; input.truncate(length)?; let version = input.read_u16()?; if version != 5 { return Err(Error::UnknownVersion(u64::from(version))); } let address_size = input.read_u8()?; let segment_selector_size = input.read_u8()?; if segment_selector_size != 0 { return Err(Error::UnsupportedSegmentSize); } let offset_entry_count = input.read_u32()?; let encoding = Encoding { format, version, address_size, }; Ok(ListsHeader { encoding, offset_entry_count, }) }