# Contributing ## Updating libgit2 The following steps can be used to update libgit2: 1. Update the submodule. There are several ways to go about this. One way is to go to the `libgit2-sys/libgit2` directory and run `git fetch origin` to download the latest updates, and then check out a specific tag (such as `git checkout v1.4.1`). 2. Update all the references to the version: * Update [`libgit2-sys/build.rs`](https://github.com/rust-lang/git2-rs/blob/master/libgit2-sys/build.rs). There is a version probe (search for `cfg.range_version`) which should be updated. * Update the version in [`libgit2-sys/Cargo.toml`](https://github.com/rust-lang/git2-rs/blob/master/libgit2-sys/Cargo.toml). Update the metadata portion (the part after the `+`) to match libgit2. Also bump the Cargo version (the part before the `+`), keeping in mind if this will be a SemVer breaking change or not. * Update the dependency version in [`Cargo.toml`](https://github.com/rust-lang/git2-rs/blob/master/Cargo.toml) to match the version in the last step (do not include the `+` metadata). Also update the version of the `git2` crate itself so it will pick up the change to `libgit2-sys` (also keeping in mind if it is a SemVer breaking release). * Update the version in [`README.md`](https://github.com/rust-lang/git2-rs/blob/master/README.md) if needed. There are two places, the `Cargo.toml` example and the description of the libgit2 version it binds with. * If there was a SemVer-breaking version bump for either library, also update the `html_root_url` attribute in the `lib.rs` of each library. 3. Run tests. `cargo test -p git2 -p git2-curl` is a good starting point. 4. Run `systest`. This will validate for any C-level API problems. `cargo run -p systest` The changelog at can be helpful for seeing what has changed. The project has recently started labeling API and ABI breaking changes with labels: 4. Once you have everything functional, publish a PR with the updates. ## Release process Checklist for preparing for a release: - Make sure the versions have been bumped and are pointing at what is expected. - Version of `libgit2-sys` - Version of `git2` - Version of `git2-curl` - `git2`'s dependency on `libgit2-sys` - `git2-curl`'s dependency on `git2` - The libgit2 version probe in `libgit2-sys/build.rs` - Update the version in `README.md` - Check the `html_root_url` values in the source code. - Update the change logs: - [`CHANGELOG.md`](https://github.com/rust-lang/git2-rs/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) - [`libgit2-sys/CHANGELOG.md`](https://github.com/rust-lang/git2-rs/blob/master/libgit2-sys/CHANGELOG.md) - [`git2-curl/CHANGELOG.md`](https://github.com/rust-lang/git2-rs/blob/master/git2-curl/CHANGELOG.md) There is a GitHub workflow to handle publishing to crates.io and tagging the release. There are two different ways to run it: - In the GitHub web UI: 1. Go to (you can navigate here via the "Actions" tab at the top). 2. Click the "Run workflow" drop-down on the right. 3. Choose which crates to publish. It's OK to leave everything checked, it will skip if it is already published. Uncheck a crate if the version has been bumped in git, but you don't want to publish that particular one, yet. 4. Click "Run workflow" - In the CLI: 1. Run `gh workflow run publish.yml -R rust-lang/git2-rs`