use std::{ convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}, path::Path, }; use bstr::ByteSlice; use memmap2::Mmap; use crate::{ file::{ ChunkId, BASE_GRAPHS_LIST_CHUNK_ID, COMMIT_DATA_CHUNK_ID, COMMIT_DATA_ENTRY_SIZE_SANS_HASH, EXTENDED_EDGES_LIST_CHUNK_ID, FAN_LEN, HEADER_LEN, OID_FAN_CHUNK_ID, OID_LOOKUP_CHUNK_ID, SIGNATURE, }, File, }; /// The error used in [`File::at()`]. #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] #[allow(missing_docs)] pub enum Error { #[error("Commit-graph {:?} chunk contains {from_chunk} base graphs, but commit-graph file header claims {from_header} base graphs", BASE_GRAPHS_LIST_CHUNK_ID.as_bstr())] BaseGraphMismatch { from_header: u8, from_chunk: u32 }, #[error("Commit-graph {:?} chunk contains {chunk1_commits} commits, but {:?} chunk contains {chunk2_commits} commits", .chunk1_id.as_bstr(), .chunk2_id.as_bstr())] CommitCountMismatch { chunk1_id: ChunkId, chunk1_commits: u32, chunk2_id: ChunkId, chunk2_commits: u32, }, #[error("{0}")] Corrupt(String), // This error case is disabled, as git allows extra garbage in the extra edges list? // #[error("The last entry in commit-graph's extended edges list does is not marked as being terminal")] // ExtraEdgesOverflow, #[error("Could not open commit-graph file at '{}'", .path.display())] Io { #[source] err: std::io::Error, path: std::path::PathBuf, }, #[error("{0}")] Trailer(String), #[error("Commit-graph file uses unsupported hash version: {0}")] UnsupportedHashVersion(u8), #[error("Unsupported commit-graph file version: {0}")] UnsupportedVersion(u8), #[error(transparent)] ChunkFileDecode(#[from] gix_chunk::file::decode::Error), #[error(transparent)] MissingChunk(#[from] gix_chunk::file::index::offset_by_kind::Error), #[error("Commit-graph chunk {:?} has invalid size: {msg}", .id.as_bstr())] InvalidChunkSize { id: ChunkId, msg: String }, } const MIN_FILE_SIZE: usize = HEADER_LEN + gix_chunk::file::Index::size_for_entries(3 /*OIDF, OIDL, CDAT*/) + FAN_LEN * 4 /* FANOUT TABLE CHUNK OIDF */ + gix_hash::Kind::shortest().len_in_bytes(); impl File { /// Try to parse the commit graph file at `path`. pub fn at(path: impl AsRef) -> Result { Self::try_from(path.as_ref()) } } impl TryFrom<&Path> for File { type Error = Error; fn try_from(path: &Path) -> Result { let data = std::fs::File::open(path) .and_then(|file| { // SAFETY: we have to take the risk of somebody changing the file underneath. Git never writes into the same file. #[allow(unsafe_code)] unsafe { Mmap::map(&file) } }) .map_err(|e| Error::Io { err: e, path: path.to_owned(), })?; let data_size = data.len(); if data_size < MIN_FILE_SIZE { return Err(Error::Corrupt( "Commit-graph file too small even for an empty graph".to_owned(), )); } let mut ofs = 0; if &data[ofs..ofs + SIGNATURE.len()] != SIGNATURE { return Err(Error::Corrupt( "Commit-graph file does not start with expected signature".to_owned(), )); } ofs += SIGNATURE.len(); match data[ofs] { 1 => (), x => { return Err(Error::UnsupportedVersion(x)); } }; ofs += 1; let object_hash = gix_hash::Kind::try_from(data[ofs]).map_err(Error::UnsupportedHashVersion)?; ofs += 1; let chunk_count = data[ofs]; // Can assert chunk_count >= MIN_CHUNKS here, but later OIDF+OIDL+CDAT presence checks make // it redundant. ofs += 1; let base_graph_count = data[ofs]; ofs += 1; let chunks = gix_chunk::file::Index::from_bytes(&data, ofs, chunk_count as u32)?; let base_graphs_list_offset = chunks .validated_usize_offset_by_id(BASE_GRAPHS_LIST_CHUNK_ID, |chunk_range| { let chunk_size = chunk_range.len(); if chunk_size % object_hash.len_in_bytes() != 0 { return Err(Error::InvalidChunkSize { id: BASE_GRAPHS_LIST_CHUNK_ID, msg: format!( "chunk size {} is not a multiple of {}", chunk_size, object_hash.len_in_bytes() ), }); } let chunk_base_graph_count: u32 = (chunk_size / object_hash.len_in_bytes()) .try_into() .expect("base graph count to fit in 32-bits"); if chunk_base_graph_count != u32::from(base_graph_count) { return Err(Error::BaseGraphMismatch { from_chunk: chunk_base_graph_count, from_header: base_graph_count, }); } Ok(chunk_range.start) }) .ok() .transpose()?; let (commit_data_offset, commit_data_count) = chunks.validated_usize_offset_by_id(COMMIT_DATA_CHUNK_ID, |chunk_range| { let chunk_size = chunk_range.len(); let entry_size = object_hash.len_in_bytes() + COMMIT_DATA_ENTRY_SIZE_SANS_HASH; if chunk_size % entry_size != 0 { return Err(Error::InvalidChunkSize { id: COMMIT_DATA_CHUNK_ID, msg: format!("chunk size {chunk_size} is not a multiple of {entry_size}"), }); } Ok(( chunk_range.start, (chunk_size / entry_size) .try_into() .expect("number of commits in CDAT chunk to fit in 32 bits"), )) })??; let fan_offset = chunks.validated_usize_offset_by_id(OID_FAN_CHUNK_ID, |chunk_range| { let chunk_size = chunk_range.len(); let expected_size = 4 * FAN_LEN; if chunk_size != expected_size { return Err(Error::InvalidChunkSize { id: OID_FAN_CHUNK_ID, msg: format!("expected chunk length {expected_size}, got {chunk_size}"), }); } Ok(chunk_range.start) })??; let (oid_lookup_offset, oid_lookup_count) = chunks.validated_usize_offset_by_id(OID_LOOKUP_CHUNK_ID, |chunk_range| { let chunk_size = chunk_range.len(); if chunk_size % object_hash.len_in_bytes() != 0 { return Err(Error::InvalidChunkSize { id: OID_LOOKUP_CHUNK_ID, msg: format!( "chunk size {} is not a multiple of {}", chunk_size, object_hash.len_in_bytes() ), }); } Ok(( chunk_range.start, (chunk_size / object_hash.len_in_bytes()) .try_into() .expect("number of commits in OIDL chunk to fit in 32 bits"), )) })??; let extra_edges_list_range = chunks.usize_offset_by_id(EXTENDED_EDGES_LIST_CHUNK_ID).ok(); let trailer = &data[chunks.highest_offset() as usize..]; if trailer.len() != object_hash.len_in_bytes() { return Err(Error::Trailer(format!( "Expected commit-graph trailer to contain {} bytes, got {}", object_hash.len_in_bytes(), trailer.len() ))); } if base_graph_count > 0 && base_graphs_list_offset.is_none() { return Err(gix_chunk::file::index::offset_by_kind::Error { kind: BASE_GRAPHS_LIST_CHUNK_ID, } .into()); } let (fan, _) = read_fan(&data[fan_offset..]); if oid_lookup_count != fan[255] { return Err(Error::CommitCountMismatch { chunk1_id: OID_FAN_CHUNK_ID, chunk1_commits: fan[255], chunk2_id: OID_LOOKUP_CHUNK_ID, chunk2_commits: oid_lookup_count, }); } if commit_data_count != fan[255] { return Err(Error::CommitCountMismatch { chunk1_id: OID_FAN_CHUNK_ID, chunk1_commits: fan[255], chunk2_id: COMMIT_DATA_CHUNK_ID, chunk2_commits: commit_data_count, }); } Ok(File { base_graph_count, base_graphs_list_offset, commit_data_offset, data, extra_edges_list_range, fan, oid_lookup_offset, path: path.to_owned(), hash_len: object_hash.len_in_bytes(), object_hash, }) } } // Copied from gix-odb/pack/index/ fn read_fan(d: &[u8]) -> ([u32; FAN_LEN], usize) { let mut fan = [0; FAN_LEN]; for (c, f) in d.chunks(4).zip(fan.iter_mut()) { *f = u32::from_be_bytes(c.try_into().unwrap()); } (fan, FAN_LEN * 4) }