use std::borrow::Cow; use bstr::{BStr, BString, ByteSlice, ByteVec}; use nom::{ branch::alt, bytes::complete::{tag, take_till, take_while}, character::{ complete::{char, one_of}, is_space, }, combinator::{map, opt}, error::{Error as NomError, ErrorKind}, multi::{fold_many0, fold_many1}, sequence::delimited, IResult, }; use crate::parse::{error::ParseNode, section, Comment, Error, Event}; /// Attempt to zero-copy parse the provided bytes, passing results to `dispatch`. pub fn from_bytes<'a>(input: &'a [u8], mut dispatch: impl FnMut(Event<'a>)) -> Result<(), Error> { let bom = unicode_bom::Bom::from(input); let mut newlines = 0; let (i, _) = fold_many0( alt(( map(comment, Event::Comment), map(take_spaces, |whitespace| Event::Whitespace(Cow::Borrowed(whitespace))), map(take_newlines, |(newline, counter)| { newlines += counter; Event::Newline(Cow::Borrowed(newline)) }), )), || (), |_acc, event| dispatch(event), )(&input[bom.len()..]) // I don't think this can panic. many0 errors if the child parser returns // a success where the input was not consumed, but alt will only return Ok // if one of its children succeed. However, all of it's children are // guaranteed to consume something if they succeed, so the Ok(i) == i case // can never occur. .expect("many0(alt(...)) panicked. Likely a bug in one of the children parsers."); if i.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let mut node = ParseNode::SectionHeader; let res = fold_many1( |i| section(i, &mut node, &mut dispatch), || (), |_acc, additional_newlines| { newlines += additional_newlines; }, )(i); let (i, _) = res.map_err(|_| Error { line_number: newlines, last_attempted_parser: node, parsed_until: i.as_bstr().into(), })?; // This needs to happen after we collect sections, otherwise the line number // will be off. if !i.is_empty() { return Err(Error { line_number: newlines, last_attempted_parser: node, parsed_until: i.as_bstr().into(), }); } Ok(()) } fn comment(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Comment<'_>> { let (i, comment_tag) = one_of(";#")(i)?; let (i, comment) = take_till(|c| c == b'\n')(i)?; Ok(( i, Comment { tag: comment_tag as u8, text: Cow::Borrowed(comment.as_bstr()), }, )) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests; fn section<'a>(i: &'a [u8], node: &mut ParseNode, dispatch: &mut impl FnMut(Event<'a>)) -> IResult<&'a [u8], usize> { let (mut i, header) = section_header(i)?; dispatch(Event::SectionHeader(header)); let mut newlines = 0; // This would usually be a many0(alt(...)), the manual loop allows us to // optimize vec insertions loop { let old_i = i; if let Ok((new_i, v)) = take_spaces(i) { if old_i != new_i { i = new_i; dispatch(Event::Whitespace(Cow::Borrowed(v.as_bstr()))); } } if let Ok((new_i, (v, new_newlines))) = take_newlines(i) { if old_i != new_i { i = new_i; newlines += new_newlines; dispatch(Event::Newline(Cow::Borrowed(v.as_bstr()))); } } if let Ok((new_i, new_newlines)) = key_value_pair(i, node, dispatch) { if old_i != new_i { i = new_i; newlines += new_newlines; } } if let Ok((new_i, comment)) = comment(i) { if old_i != new_i { i = new_i; dispatch(Event::Comment(comment)); } } if old_i == i { break; } } Ok((i, newlines)) } fn section_header(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], section::Header<'_>> { let (i, _) = char('[')(i)?; // No spaces must be between section name and section start let (i, name) = take_while(|c: u8| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == b'-' || c == b'.')(i)?; let name = name.as_bstr(); if let Ok((i, _)) = char::<_, NomError<&[u8]>>(']')(i) { // Either section does not have a subsection or using deprecated // subsection syntax at this point. let header = match memchr::memrchr(b'.', name.as_bytes()) { Some(index) => section::Header { name: section::Name(Cow::Borrowed(name[..index].as_bstr())), separator: name.get(index..=index).map(|s| Cow::Borrowed(s.as_bstr())), subsection_name: name.get(index + 1..).map(|s| Cow::Borrowed(s.as_bstr())), }, None => section::Header { name: section::Name(Cow::Borrowed(name.as_bstr())), separator: None, subsection_name: None, }, }; if { return Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: i, code: ErrorKind::NoneOf, })); } return Ok((i, header)); } // Section header must be using modern subsection syntax at this point. let (i, whitespace) = take_spaces(i)?; let (i, subsection_name) = delimited(char('"'), opt(sub_section), tag("\"]"))(i)?; Ok(( i, section::Header { name: section::Name(Cow::Borrowed(name)), separator: Some(Cow::Borrowed(whitespace)), subsection_name, }, )) } fn sub_section(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Cow<'_, BStr>> { let (rest, (found_escape, consumed)) = sub_section_delegate(i, &mut |_| ())?; if found_escape { let mut buf = BString::default(); sub_section_delegate(i, &mut |b| buf.push_byte(b)).map(|(i, _)| (i, buf.into())) } else { Ok((rest, i[..consumed].as_bstr().into())) } } fn sub_section_delegate<'a>(i: &'a [u8], push_byte: &mut dyn FnMut(u8)) -> IResult<&'a [u8], (bool, usize)> { let mut cursor = 0; let mut bytes = i.iter().copied(); let mut found_terminator = false; let mut found_escape = false; while let Some(mut b) = { cursor += 1; if b == b'\n' || b == 0 { return Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: &i[cursor..], code: ErrorKind::NonEmpty, })); } if b == b'"' { found_terminator = true; break; } if b == b'\\' { b =|| { nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: &i[cursor..], code: ErrorKind::NonEmpty, }) })?; found_escape = true; cursor += 1; if b == b'\n' { return Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: &i[cursor..], code: ErrorKind::NonEmpty, })); } } push_byte(b); } if !found_terminator { return Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: &i[cursor..], code: ErrorKind::NonEmpty, })); } Ok((&i[cursor - 1..], (found_escape, cursor - 1))) } fn key_value_pair<'a>( i: &'a [u8], node: &mut ParseNode, dispatch: &mut impl FnMut(Event<'a>), ) -> IResult<&'a [u8], usize> { *node = ParseNode::Name; let (i, name) = config_name(i)?; dispatch(Event::SectionKey(section::Key(Cow::Borrowed(name)))); let (i, whitespace) = opt(take_spaces)(i)?; if let Some(whitespace) = whitespace { dispatch(Event::Whitespace(Cow::Borrowed(whitespace))); } *node = ParseNode::Value; let (i, newlines) = config_value(i, dispatch)?; Ok((i, newlines)) } /// Parses the config name of a config pair. Assumes the input has already been /// trimmed of any leading whitespace. fn config_name(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &BStr> { if i.is_empty() { return Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: i, code: ErrorKind::NonEmpty, })); } if !i[0].is_ascii_alphabetic() { return Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: i, code: ErrorKind::Alpha, })); } let (i, name) = take_while(|c: u8| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == b'-')(i)?; Ok((i, name.as_bstr())) } fn config_value<'a>(i: &'a [u8], dispatch: &mut impl FnMut(Event<'a>)) -> IResult<&'a [u8], usize> { if let (i, Some(_)) = opt(char('='))(i)? { dispatch(Event::KeyValueSeparator); let (i, whitespace) = opt(take_spaces)(i)?; if let Some(whitespace) = whitespace { dispatch(Event::Whitespace(Cow::Borrowed(whitespace))); } let (i, newlines) = value_impl(i, dispatch)?; Ok((i, newlines)) } else { // This is a special way of denoting 'empty' values which a lot of code depends on. // Hence, rather to fix this everywhere else, leave it here and fix it where it matters, namely // when it's about differentiating between a missing key-value separator, and one followed by emptiness. dispatch(Event::Value(Cow::Borrowed("".into()))); Ok((i, 0)) } } /// Handles parsing of known-to-be values. This function handles both single /// line values as well as values that are continuations. fn value_impl<'a>(i: &'a [u8], dispatch: &mut impl FnMut(Event<'a>)) -> IResult<&'a [u8], usize> { let (i, value_end, newlines, mut dispatch) = { let new_err = |code| nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: i, code }); let mut value_end = None::; let mut value_start: usize = 0; let mut newlines = 0; let mut prev_char_was_backslash = false; // This is required to ignore comment markers if they're in a quote. let mut is_in_quotes = false; // Used to determine if we return a Value or Value{Not,}Done let mut partial_value_found = false; let mut last_value_index: usize = 0; let mut bytes = i.iter(); while let Some(mut c) = { if prev_char_was_backslash { prev_char_was_backslash = false; let mut consumed = 1; if *c == b'\r' { c =|| new_err(ErrorKind::Escaped))?; if *c != b'\n' { return Err(new_err(ErrorKind::Tag)); } consumed += 1; } match c { b'\n' => { partial_value_found = true; let backslash = 1; dispatch(Event::ValueNotDone(Cow::Borrowed( i[value_start..last_value_index - backslash].as_bstr(), ))); let nl_end = last_value_index + consumed; dispatch(Event::Newline(Cow::Borrowed(i[last_value_index..nl_end].as_bstr()))); value_start = nl_end; value_end = None; newlines += 1; last_value_index += consumed; } b'n' | b't' | b'\\' | b'b' | b'"' => { last_value_index += 1; } _ => { return Err(new_err(ErrorKind::Escaped)); } } } else { match c { b'\n' => { value_end = last_value_index.into(); break; } b';' | b'#' if !is_in_quotes => { value_end = last_value_index.into(); break; } b'\\' => prev_char_was_backslash = true, b'"' => is_in_quotes = !is_in_quotes, _ => {} } last_value_index += 1; } } if prev_char_was_backslash { return Err(new_err(ErrorKind::Escaped)); } if is_in_quotes { return Err(new_err(ErrorKind::Tag)); } let value_end = match value_end { None => { if last_value_index == 0 { dispatch(Event::Value(Cow::Borrowed("".into()))); return Ok((&i[0..], newlines)); } else { i.len() } } Some(idx) => idx, }; let dispatch = move |value: &'a [u8]| { if partial_value_found { dispatch(Event::ValueDone(Cow::Borrowed(value.as_bstr()))); } else { dispatch(Event::Value(Cow::Borrowed(value.as_bstr()))); } }; (&i[value_start..], value_end - value_start, newlines, dispatch) }; let (i, remainder_value) = { let value_end_no_trailing_whitespace = i[..value_end] .iter() .enumerate() .rev() .find_map(|(idx, b)| (!b.is_ascii_whitespace()).then_some(idx + 1)) .unwrap_or(0); ( &i[value_end_no_trailing_whitespace..], &i[..value_end_no_trailing_whitespace], ) }; dispatch(remainder_value); Ok((i, newlines)) } fn take_spaces(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &BStr> { let (i, v) = take_while(|c: u8| c.is_ascii() && is_space(c))(i)?; if v.is_empty() { Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: i, code: ErrorKind::Eof, })) } else { Ok((i, v.as_bstr())) } } fn take_newlines(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], (&BStr, usize)> { let mut counter = 0; let mut consumed_bytes = 0; let mut next_must_be_newline = false; for b in i.iter().copied() { if !b.is_ascii() { break; }; if b == b'\r' { if next_must_be_newline { break; } next_must_be_newline = true; continue; }; if b == b'\n' { counter += 1; consumed_bytes += if next_must_be_newline { 2 } else { 1 }; next_must_be_newline = false; } else { break; } } let (v, i) = i.split_at(consumed_bytes); if v.is_empty() { Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: i, code: ErrorKind::Eof, })) } else { Ok((i, (v.as_bstr(), counter))) } }