use std::{borrow::BorrowMut, collections::VecDeque}; use gix_hash::{oid, ObjectId}; use gix_object::tree::EntryRef; use crate::{ tree, tree::{visit::Change, TreeInfoPair}, }; /// The error returned by [`tree::Changes::needed_to_obtain()`]. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[allow(missing_docs)] pub enum Error { #[error("The object {oid} referenced by the tree or the tree itself was not found in the database")] FindExisting { oid: ObjectId, source: Box, }, #[error("The delegate cancelled the operation")] Cancelled, #[error(transparent)] EntriesDecode(#[from] gix_object::decode::Error), } impl<'a> tree::Changes<'a> { /// Calculate the changes that would need to be applied to `self` to get `other`. /// /// * The `state` maybe owned or mutably borrowed to allow reuses allocated data structures through multiple runs. /// * `locate` is a function `f(object_id, &mut buffer) -> Option` to return a `TreeIter` for the given object id backing /// its data in the given buffer. Returning `None` is unexpected as these trees are obtained during iteration, and in a typical /// database errors are not expected either which is why the error case is omitted. To allow proper error reporting, [`Error::FindExisting`] /// should be converted into a more telling error. /// * `delegate` will receive the computed changes, see the [`Visit`][`tree::Visit`] trait for more information on what to expect. /// /// # Notes /// /// * To obtain progress, implement it within the `delegate`. /// * Tree entries are expected to be ordered using [`tree-entry-comparison`][git_cmp_c] (the same [in Rust][git_cmp_rs]) /// * it does a breadth first iteration as buffer space only fits two trees, the current one on the one we compare with. /// * does not do rename tracking but attempts to reduce allocations to zero (so performance is mostly determined /// by the delegate implementation which should be as specific as possible. Rename tracking can be computed on top of the changes /// received by the `delegate`. /// * cycle checking is not performed, but can be performed in the delegate which can return [`tree::visit::Action::Cancel`] to stop the traversal. /// * [`std::mem::ManuallyDrop`] is used because `Peekable` is needed. When using it as wrapper around our no-drop iterators, all of the sudden /// borrowcheck complains as Drop is present (even though it's not) /// /// [git_cmp_c]: /// [git_cmp_rs]: pub fn needed_to_obtain( mut self, other: gix_object::TreeRefIter<'_>, mut state: StateMut, mut find: FindFn, delegate: &mut R, ) -> Result<(), Error> where FindFn: for<'b> FnMut(&oid, &'b mut Vec) -> Result, E>, E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static, R: tree::Visit, StateMut: BorrowMut, { let state = state.borrow_mut(); state.clear(); let mut lhs_entries = peekable(self.0.take().unwrap_or_default()); let mut rhs_entries = peekable(other); let mut pop_path = false; loop { if pop_path { delegate.pop_path_component(); } pop_path = true; match (, { (None, None) => { match state.trees.pop_front() { Some((None, Some(rhs))) => { delegate.pop_front_tracked_path_and_set_current(); rhs_entries = peekable(find(&rhs, &mut state.buf2).map_err(|err| Error::FindExisting { oid: rhs, source: err.into(), })?); } Some((Some(lhs), Some(rhs))) => { delegate.pop_front_tracked_path_and_set_current(); lhs_entries = peekable(find(&lhs, &mut state.buf1).map_err(|err| Error::FindExisting { oid: lhs, source: err.into(), })?); rhs_entries = peekable(find(&rhs, &mut state.buf2).map_err(|err| Error::FindExisting { oid: rhs, source: err.into(), })?); } Some((Some(lhs), None)) => { delegate.pop_front_tracked_path_and_set_current(); lhs_entries = peekable(find(&lhs, &mut state.buf1).map_err(|err| Error::FindExisting { oid: lhs, source: err.into(), })?); } Some((None, None)) => unreachable!("BUG: it makes no sense to fill the stack with empties"), None => return Ok(()), }; pop_path = false; } (Some(lhs), Some(rhs)) => { use std::cmp::Ordering::*; let (lhs, rhs) = (lhs?, rhs?); match compare(&lhs, &rhs) { Equal => handle_lhs_and_rhs_with_equal_filenames(lhs, rhs, &mut state.trees, delegate)?, Less => catchup_lhs_with_rhs(&mut lhs_entries, lhs, rhs, &mut state.trees, delegate)?, Greater => catchup_rhs_with_lhs(&mut rhs_entries, lhs, rhs, &mut state.trees, delegate)?, } } (Some(lhs), None) => { let lhs = lhs?; delete_entry_schedule_recursion(lhs, &mut state.trees, delegate)?; } (None, Some(rhs)) => { let rhs = rhs?; add_entry_schedule_recursion(rhs, &mut state.trees, delegate)?; } } } } } fn compare(a: &EntryRef<'_>, b: &EntryRef<'_>) -> std::cmp::Ordering { let common = a.filename.len().min(b.filename.len()); a.filename[..common].cmp(&b.filename[..common]).then_with(|| { let a = a.filename.get(common).or_else(|| a.mode.is_tree().then_some(&b'/')); let b = b.filename.get(common).or_else(|| b.mode.is_tree().then_some(&b'/')); a.cmp(&b) }) } fn delete_entry_schedule_recursion( entry: EntryRef<'_>, queue: &mut VecDeque, delegate: &mut R, ) -> Result<(), Error> { delegate.push_path_component(entry.filename); if delegate .visit(Change::Deletion { entry_mode: entry.mode, oid: entry.oid.to_owned(), }) .cancelled() { return Err(Error::Cancelled); } if entry.mode.is_tree() { delegate.pop_path_component(); delegate.push_back_tracked_path_component(entry.filename); queue.push_back((Some(entry.oid.to_owned()), None)); } Ok(()) } fn add_entry_schedule_recursion( entry: EntryRef<'_>, queue: &mut VecDeque, delegate: &mut R, ) -> Result<(), Error> { delegate.push_path_component(entry.filename); if delegate .visit(Change::Addition { entry_mode: entry.mode, oid: entry.oid.to_owned(), }) .cancelled() { return Err(Error::Cancelled); } if entry.mode.is_tree() { delegate.pop_path_component(); delegate.push_back_tracked_path_component(entry.filename); queue.push_back((None, Some(entry.oid.to_owned()))) } Ok(()) } fn catchup_rhs_with_lhs( rhs_entries: &mut IteratorType>, lhs: EntryRef<'_>, rhs: EntryRef<'_>, queue: &mut VecDeque, delegate: &mut R, ) -> Result<(), Error> { use std::cmp::Ordering::*; add_entry_schedule_recursion(rhs, queue, delegate)?; loop { match rhs_entries.peek() { Some(Ok(rhs)) => match compare(&lhs, rhs) { Equal => { let rhs ="the peeked item to be present"); delegate.pop_path_component(); handle_lhs_and_rhs_with_equal_filenames(lhs, rhs, queue, delegate)?; break; } Greater => { let rhs ="the peeked item to be present"); delegate.pop_path_component(); add_entry_schedule_recursion(rhs, queue, delegate)?; } Less => { delegate.pop_path_component(); delete_entry_schedule_recursion(lhs, queue, delegate)?; break; } }, Some(Err(err)) => return Err(Error::EntriesDecode(err.to_owned())), None => { delegate.pop_path_component(); delete_entry_schedule_recursion(lhs, queue, delegate)?; break; } } } Ok(()) } fn catchup_lhs_with_rhs( lhs_entries: &mut IteratorType>, lhs: EntryRef<'_>, rhs: EntryRef<'_>, queue: &mut VecDeque, delegate: &mut R, ) -> Result<(), Error> { use std::cmp::Ordering::*; delete_entry_schedule_recursion(lhs, queue, delegate)?; loop { match lhs_entries.peek() { Some(Ok(lhs)) => match compare(lhs, &rhs) { Equal => { let lhs ="the peeked item to be present")?; delegate.pop_path_component(); handle_lhs_and_rhs_with_equal_filenames(lhs, rhs, queue, delegate)?; break; } Less => { let lhs ="the peeked item to be present")?; delegate.pop_path_component(); delete_entry_schedule_recursion(lhs, queue, delegate)?; } Greater => { delegate.pop_path_component(); add_entry_schedule_recursion(rhs, queue, delegate)?; break; } }, Some(Err(err)) => return Err(Error::EntriesDecode(err.to_owned())), None => { delegate.pop_path_component(); add_entry_schedule_recursion(rhs, queue, delegate)?; break; } } } Ok(()) } fn handle_lhs_and_rhs_with_equal_filenames( lhs: EntryRef<'_>, rhs: EntryRef<'_>, queue: &mut VecDeque, delegate: &mut R, ) -> Result<(), Error> { use gix_object::tree::EntryMode::*; match (lhs.mode, rhs.mode) { (Tree, Tree) => { delegate.push_back_tracked_path_component(lhs.filename); if lhs.oid != rhs.oid && delegate .visit(Change::Modification { previous_entry_mode: lhs.mode, previous_oid: lhs.oid.to_owned(), entry_mode: rhs.mode, oid: rhs.oid.to_owned(), }) .cancelled() { return Err(Error::Cancelled); } queue.push_back((Some(lhs.oid.to_owned()), Some(rhs.oid.to_owned()))); } (_, Tree) => { delegate.push_back_tracked_path_component(lhs.filename); if delegate .visit(Change::Deletion { entry_mode: lhs.mode, oid: lhs.oid.to_owned(), }) .cancelled() { return Err(Error::Cancelled); }; if delegate .visit(Change::Addition { entry_mode: rhs.mode, oid: rhs.oid.to_owned(), }) .cancelled() { return Err(Error::Cancelled); }; queue.push_back((None, Some(rhs.oid.to_owned()))); } (Tree, _) => { delegate.push_back_tracked_path_component(lhs.filename); if delegate .visit(Change::Deletion { entry_mode: lhs.mode, oid: lhs.oid.to_owned(), }) .cancelled() { return Err(Error::Cancelled); } if delegate .visit(Change::Addition { entry_mode: rhs.mode, oid: rhs.oid.to_owned(), }) .cancelled() { return Err(Error::Cancelled); }; queue.push_back((Some(lhs.oid.to_owned()), None)); } (lhs_non_tree, rhs_non_tree) => { delegate.push_path_component(lhs.filename); debug_assert!(lhs_non_tree.is_no_tree() && rhs_non_tree.is_no_tree()); if lhs.oid != rhs.oid && delegate .visit(Change::Modification { previous_entry_mode: lhs.mode, previous_oid: lhs.oid.to_owned(), entry_mode: rhs.mode, oid: rhs.oid.to_owned(), }) .cancelled() { return Err(Error::Cancelled); } } }; Ok(()) } type IteratorType = std::mem::ManuallyDrop>; fn peekable(iter: I) -> IteratorType { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(iter.peekable()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::cmp::Ordering; use gix_object::tree::EntryMode; use super::*; #[test] fn compare_select_samples() { let null = gix_hash::ObjectId::null(gix_hash::Kind::Sha1); let actual = compare( &EntryRef { mode: EntryMode::Blob, filename: "".into(), oid: &null, }, &EntryRef { mode: EntryMode::Tree, filename: "plumbing".into(), oid: &null, }, ); assert_eq!(actual, Ordering::Less); let actual = compare( &EntryRef { mode: EntryMode::Tree, filename: "".into(), oid: &null, }, &EntryRef { mode: EntryMode::Blob, filename: "plumbing".into(), oid: &null, }, ); assert_eq!(actual, Ordering::Greater); } }