use bitflags::bitflags; bitflags! { /// The match mode employed in [`Pattern::matches()`][crate::Pattern::matches()]. #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))] #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Mode: u8 { /// Let globs like `*` and `?` not match the slash `/` literal, which is useful when matching paths. const NO_MATCH_SLASH_LITERAL = 1 << 0; /// Match case insensitively for ascii characters only. const IGNORE_CASE = 1 << 1; } } pub(crate) mod function { use bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice}; use crate::wildmatch::Mode; #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)] enum Result { Match, NoMatch, AbortAll, AbortToStarStar, } const STAR: u8 = b'*'; const BACKSLASH: u8 = b'\\'; const SLASH: u8 = b'/'; const BRACKET_OPEN: u8 = b'['; const BRACKET_CLOSE: u8 = b']'; const COLON: u8 = b':'; const NEGATE_CLASS: u8 = b'!'; fn match_recursive(pattern: &BStr, text: &BStr, mode: Mode) -> Result { use self::Result::*; let possibly_lowercase = |c: &u8| { if mode.contains(Mode::IGNORE_CASE) { c.to_ascii_lowercase() } else { *c } }; let mut p = pattern.iter().map(possibly_lowercase).enumerate().peekable(); let mut t = text.iter().map(possibly_lowercase).enumerate(); while let Some((mut p_idx, mut p_ch)) = { let (mut t_idx, mut t_ch) = match { Some(c) => c, None if p_ch != STAR => return AbortAll, None => (text.len(), 0), }; if p_ch == BACKSLASH { match { Some((_p_idx, p_ch)) => { if p_ch != t_ch { return NoMatch; } else { continue; } } None => return NoMatch, }; } match p_ch { b'?' => { if mode.contains(Mode::NO_MATCH_SLASH_LITERAL) && t_ch == SLASH { return NoMatch; } else { continue; } } STAR => { let mut match_slash = !mode.contains(Mode::NO_MATCH_SLASH_LITERAL); match { Some((next_p_idx, next_p_ch)) => { let next; if next_p_ch == STAR { let leading_slash_idx = p_idx.checked_sub(1); while p.next_if(|(_, c)| *c == STAR).is_some() {} next =; if !mode.contains(Mode::NO_MATCH_SLASH_LITERAL) { match_slash = true; } else if leading_slash_idx.map_or(true, |idx| pattern[idx] == SLASH) && next.map_or(true, |(_, c)| { c == SLASH || (c == BACKSLASH && p.peek().map(|t| t.1) == Some(SLASH)) }) { if next.map_or(NoMatch, |(idx, _)| { match_recursive(pattern[idx + 1..].as_bstr(), text[t_idx..].as_bstr(), mode) }) == Match { return Match; } match_slash = true; } else { match_slash = false; } } else { next = Some((next_p_idx, next_p_ch)); } match next { None => { return if !match_slash && text[t_idx..].contains(&SLASH) { NoMatch } else { Match }; } Some((next_p_idx, next_p_ch)) => { p_idx = next_p_idx; p_ch = next_p_ch; if !match_slash && p_ch == SLASH { match text[t_idx..].find_byte(SLASH) { Some(distance_to_slash) => { for _ in t.by_ref().take(distance_to_slash) {} continue; } None => return NoMatch, } } } } } None => { return if !match_slash && text[t_idx..].contains(&SLASH) { NoMatch } else { Match } } } return loop { if !crate::parse::GLOB_CHARACTERS.contains(&p_ch) { loop { if (!match_slash && t_ch == SLASH) || t_ch == p_ch { break; } match { Some(t) => { t_idx = t.0; t_ch = t.1; } None => break, }; } if t_ch != p_ch { return NoMatch; } } let res = match_recursive(pattern[p_idx..].as_bstr(), text[t_idx..].as_bstr(), mode); if res != NoMatch { if !match_slash || res != AbortToStarStar { return res; } } else if !match_slash && t_ch == SLASH { return AbortToStarStar; } match { Some(t) => { t_idx = t.0; t_ch = t.1; } None => break AbortAll, }; }; } BRACKET_OPEN => { match { Some(t) => { p_idx = t.0; p_ch = t.1; } None => return AbortAll, }; if p_ch == b'^' { p_ch = NEGATE_CLASS; } let negated = p_ch == NEGATE_CLASS; let mut next = if negated { } else { Some((p_idx, p_ch)) }; let mut prev_p_ch = 0; let mut matched = false; loop { match next { None => return AbortAll, Some((p_idx, mut p_ch)) => match p_ch { BACKSLASH => match { Some((_, p_ch)) => { if p_ch == t_ch { matched = true } else { prev_p_ch = p_ch; } } None => return AbortAll, }, b'-' if prev_p_ch != 0 && p.peek().is_some() && p.peek().map(|t| t.1) != Some(BRACKET_CLOSE) => { p_ch ="peeked").1; if p_ch == BACKSLASH { p_ch = match { Some(t) => t.1, None => return AbortAll, }; } if t_ch <= p_ch && t_ch >= prev_p_ch { matched = true; } else if mode.contains(Mode::IGNORE_CASE) && t_ch.is_ascii_lowercase() { let t_ch_upper = t_ch.to_ascii_uppercase(); if (t_ch_upper <= p_ch.to_ascii_uppercase() && t_ch_upper >= prev_p_ch.to_ascii_uppercase()) || (t_ch_upper <= prev_p_ch.to_ascii_uppercase() && t_ch_upper >= p_ch.to_ascii_uppercase()) { matched = true; } } prev_p_ch = 0; } BRACKET_OPEN if matches!(p.peek(), Some((_, COLON))) => {; while p.peek().map_or(false, |t| t.1 != BRACKET_CLOSE) {; } let closing_bracket_idx = match { Some((idx, _)) => idx, None => return AbortAll, }; const BRACKET__COLON__BRACKET: usize = 3; if closing_bracket_idx - p_idx < BRACKET__COLON__BRACKET || pattern[closing_bracket_idx - 1] != COLON { if t_ch == BRACKET_OPEN { matched = true } p = pattern[p_idx + 1..] .iter() .map(possibly_lowercase) .enumerate() .peekable(); } else { let class = &pattern.as_bytes()[p_idx + 2..closing_bracket_idx - 1]; match class { b"alnum" => { if t_ch.is_ascii_alphanumeric() { matched = true; } } b"alpha" => { if t_ch.is_ascii_alphabetic() { matched = true; } } b"blank" => { if t_ch.is_ascii_whitespace() { matched = true; } } b"cntrl" => { if t_ch.is_ascii_control() { matched = true; } } b"digit" => { if t_ch.is_ascii_digit() { matched = true; } } b"graph" => { if t_ch.is_ascii_graphic() { matched = true; } } b"lower" => { if t_ch.is_ascii_lowercase() { matched = true; } } b"print" => { if (0x20u8..=0x7e).contains(&t_ch) { matched = true; } } b"punct" => { if t_ch.is_ascii_punctuation() { matched = true; } } b"space" => { if t_ch == b' ' { matched = true; } } b"upper" => { if t_ch.is_ascii_uppercase() || mode.contains(Mode::IGNORE_CASE) && t_ch.is_ascii_lowercase() { matched = true; } } b"xdigit" => { if t_ch.is_ascii_hexdigit() { matched = true; } } _ => return AbortAll, }; prev_p_ch = 0; } } _ => { prev_p_ch = p_ch; if p_ch == t_ch { matched = true; } } }, }; next =; if let Some((_, BRACKET_CLOSE)) = next { break; } } if matched == negated || mode.contains(Mode::NO_MATCH_SLASH_LITERAL) && t_ch == SLASH { return NoMatch; } continue; } non_glob_ch => { if non_glob_ch != t_ch { return NoMatch; } else { continue; } } } }, |_| NoMatch) } /// Employ pattern matching to see if `value` matches `pattern`. /// /// `mode` can be used to adjust the way the matching is performed. pub fn wildmatch(pattern: &BStr, value: &BStr, mode: Mode) -> bool { match_recursive(pattern, value, mode) == Result::Match } }