//! an index into the pack file //! /// From itertools /// Create an iterator running multiple iterators in lockstep. /// /// The `izip!` iterator yields elements until any subiterator /// returns `None`. /// /// This is a version of the standard ``.zip()`` that's supporting more than /// two iterators. The iterator element type is a tuple with one element /// from each of the input iterators. Just like ``.zip()``, the iteration stops /// when the shortest of the inputs reaches its end. /// /// **Note:** The result of this macro is in the general case an iterator /// composed of repeated `.zip()` and a `.map()`; it has an anonymous type. /// The special cases of one and two arguments produce the equivalent of /// `$a.into_iter()` and `$a.into_iter().zip($b)` respectively. /// /// Prefer this macro `izip!()` over [`multizip`] for the performance benefits /// of using the standard library `.zip()`. /// /// [`multizip`]: fn.multizip.html /// /// ``` /// # use itertools::izip; /// # /// # fn main() { /// /// // iterate over three sequences side-by-side /// let mut results = [0, 0, 0, 0]; /// let inputs = [3, 7, 9, 6]; /// /// for (r, index, input) in izip!(&mut results, 0..10, &inputs) { /// *r = index * 10 + input; /// } /// /// assert_eq!(results, [0 + 3, 10 + 7, 29, 36]); /// # } /// ``` macro_rules! izip { // @closure creates a tuple-flattening closure for .map() call. usage: // @closure partial_pattern => partial_tuple , rest , of , iterators // eg. izip!( @closure ((a, b), c) => (a, b, c) , dd , ee ) ( @closure $p:pat => $tup:expr ) => { |$p| $tup }; // The "b" identifier is a different identifier on each recursion level thanks to hygiene. ( @closure $p:pat => ( $($tup:tt)* ) , $_iter:expr $( , $tail:expr )* ) => { izip!(@closure ($p, b) => ( $($tup)*, b ) $( , $tail )*) }; // unary ($first:expr $(,)*) => { std::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter($first) }; // binary ($first:expr, $second:expr $(,)*) => { izip!($first) .zip($second) }; // n-ary where n > 2 ( $first:expr $( , $rest:expr )* $(,)* ) => { izip!($first) $( .zip($rest) )* .map( izip!(@closure a => (a) $( , $rest )*) ) }; } use memmap2::Mmap; /// The version of an index file #[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug, Hash, Clone, Copy)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))] #[allow(missing_docs)] pub enum Version { V1 = 1, #[default] V2 = 2, } impl Version { /// The kind of hash to produce to be compatible to this kind of index pub fn hash(&self) -> gix_hash::Kind { match self { Version::V1 | Version::V2 => gix_hash::Kind::Sha1, } } } /// A way to indicate if a lookup, despite successful, was ambiguous or yielded exactly /// one result in the particular index. pub type PrefixLookupResult = Result; /// The type for referring to indices of an entry within the index file. pub type EntryIndex = u32; const FAN_LEN: usize = 256; /// A representation of a pack index file pub struct File { data: Mmap, path: std::path::PathBuf, version: Version, num_objects: u32, fan: [u32; FAN_LEN], hash_len: usize, object_hash: gix_hash::Kind, } /// Basic file information impl File { /// The version of the pack index pub fn version(&self) -> Version { self.version } /// The path of the opened index file pub fn path(&self) -> &std::path::Path { &self.path } /// The amount of objects stored in the pack and index, as one past the highest entry index. pub fn num_objects(&self) -> EntryIndex { self.num_objects } /// The kind of hash we assume pub fn object_hash(&self) -> gix_hash::Kind { self.object_hash } } const V2_SIGNATURE: &[u8] = b"\xfftOc"; /// pub mod init; pub(crate) mod access; pub use access::Entry; pub(crate) mod encode; /// pub mod traverse; mod util; /// pub mod verify; /// #[cfg(feature = "streaming-input")] pub mod write;