use std::{ convert::TryInto, path::PathBuf, sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, time::{Instant, SystemTime}, }; use gix_features::progress::Progress; use crate::multi_index; mod error { /// The error returned by [multi_index::File::write_from_index_paths()][super::multi_index::File::write_from_index_paths()].. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[allow(missing_docs)] pub enum Error { #[error(transparent)] Io(#[from] std::io::Error), #[error("Interrupted")] Interrupted, #[error(transparent)] OpenIndex(#[from] crate::index::init::Error), } } pub use error::Error; /// An entry suitable for sorting and writing pub(crate) struct Entry { pub(crate) id: gix_hash::ObjectId, pub(crate) pack_index: u32, pub(crate) pack_offset: crate::data::Offset, /// Used for sorting in case of duplicates index_mtime: SystemTime, } /// Options for use in [`multi_index::File::write_from_index_paths()`]. pub struct Options { /// The kind of hash to use for objects and to expect in the input files. pub object_hash: gix_hash::Kind, } /// The result of [`multi_index::File::write_from_index_paths()`]. pub struct Outcome

{ /// The calculated multi-index checksum of the file at `multi_index_path`. pub multi_index_checksum: gix_hash::ObjectId, /// The input progress pub progress: P, } /// The progress ids used in [`write_from_index_paths()`][multi_index::File::write_from_index_paths()]. /// /// Use this information to selectively extract the progress of interest in case the parent application has custom visualization. #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum ProgressId { /// Counts each path in the input set whose entries we enumerate and write into the multi-index FromPathsCollectingEntries, /// The amount of bytes written as part of the multi-index. BytesWritten, } impl From for gix_features::progress::Id { fn from(v: ProgressId) -> Self { match v { ProgressId::FromPathsCollectingEntries => *b"MPCE", ProgressId::BytesWritten => *b"MPBW", } } } impl multi_index::File { pub(crate) const SIGNATURE: &'static [u8] = b"MIDX"; pub(crate) const HEADER_LEN: usize = 4 /*signature*/ + 1 /*version*/ + 1 /*object id version*/ + 1 /*num chunks */ + 1 /*num base files */ + 4 /*num pack files*/; /// Create a new multi-index file for writing to `out` from the pack index files at `index_paths`. /// /// Progress is sent to `progress` and interruptions checked via `should_interrupt`. pub fn write_from_index_paths

( mut index_paths: Vec, out: impl std::io::Write, mut progress: P, should_interrupt: &AtomicBool, Options { object_hash }: Options, ) -> Result, Error> where P: Progress, { let out = gix_features::hash::Write::new(out, object_hash); let (index_paths_sorted, index_filenames_sorted) = { index_paths.sort(); let file_names = index_paths .iter() .map(|p| PathBuf::from(p.file_name().expect("file name present"))) .collect::>(); (index_paths, file_names) }; let entries = { let mut entries = Vec::new(); let start = Instant::now(); let mut progress = progress.add_child_with_id("Collecting entries", ProgressId::FromPathsCollectingEntries.into()); progress.init(Some(index_paths_sorted.len()), gix_features::progress::count("indices")); // This could be parallelized… but it's probably not worth it unless you have 500mio objects. for (index_id, index) in index_paths_sorted.iter().enumerate() { let mtime = index .metadata() .and_then(|m| m.modified()) .unwrap_or(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH); let index = crate::index::File::at(index, object_hash)?; entries.reserve(index.num_objects() as usize); entries.extend(index.iter().map(|e| Entry { id: e.oid, pack_index: index_id as u32, pack_offset: e.pack_offset, index_mtime: mtime, }));; if should_interrupt.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return Err(Error::Interrupted); } } progress.show_throughput(start); let start = Instant::now(); progress.set_name("Deduplicate"); progress.init(Some(entries.len()), gix_features::progress::count("entries")); entries.sort_by(|l, r| { .then_with(|| l.index_mtime.cmp(&r.index_mtime).reverse()) .then_with(|| l.pack_index.cmp(&r.pack_index)) }); entries.dedup_by_key(|e|; progress.inc_by(entries.len()); progress.show_throughput(start); if should_interrupt.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return Err(Error::Interrupted); } entries }; let mut cf = gix_chunk::file::Index::for_writing(); cf.plan_chunk( multi_index::chunk::index_names::ID, multi_index::chunk::index_names::storage_size(&index_filenames_sorted), ); cf.plan_chunk(multi_index::chunk::fanout::ID, multi_index::chunk::fanout::SIZE as u64); cf.plan_chunk( multi_index::chunk::lookup::ID, multi_index::chunk::lookup::storage_size(entries.len(), object_hash), ); cf.plan_chunk( multi_index::chunk::offsets::ID, multi_index::chunk::offsets::storage_size(entries.len()), ); let num_large_offsets = multi_index::chunk::large_offsets::num_large_offsets(&entries); if let Some(num_large_offsets) = num_large_offsets { cf.plan_chunk( multi_index::chunk::large_offsets::ID, multi_index::chunk::large_offsets::storage_size(num_large_offsets), ); } let mut write_progress = progress.add_child_with_id("Writing multi-index", ProgressId::BytesWritten.into()); let write_start = Instant::now(); write_progress.init( Some(cf.planned_storage_size() as usize + Self::HEADER_LEN), gix_features::progress::bytes(), ); let mut out = gix_features::progress::Write { inner: out, progress: write_progress, }; let bytes_written = Self::write_header( &mut out, cf.num_chunks().try_into().expect("BUG: wrote more than 256 chunks"), index_paths_sorted.len() as u32, object_hash, )?; { progress.set_name("Writing chunks"); progress.init(Some(cf.num_chunks()), gix_features::progress::count("chunks")); let mut chunk_write = cf.into_write(&mut out, bytes_written)?; while let Some(chunk_to_write) = chunk_write.next_chunk() { match chunk_to_write { multi_index::chunk::index_names::ID => { multi_index::chunk::index_names::write(&index_filenames_sorted, &mut chunk_write)? } multi_index::chunk::fanout::ID => multi_index::chunk::fanout::write(&entries, &mut chunk_write)?, multi_index::chunk::lookup::ID => multi_index::chunk::lookup::write(&entries, &mut chunk_write)?, multi_index::chunk::offsets::ID => { multi_index::chunk::offsets::write(&entries, num_large_offsets.is_some(), &mut chunk_write)? } multi_index::chunk::large_offsets::ID => multi_index::chunk::large_offsets::write( &entries, num_large_offsets.expect("available if planned"), &mut chunk_write, )?, unknown => unreachable!("BUG: forgot to implement chunk {:?}", std::str::from_utf8(&unknown)), }; if should_interrupt.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return Err(Error::Interrupted); } } } // write trailing checksum let multi_index_checksum: gix_hash::ObjectId = out.inner.hash.digest().into(); out.inner.inner.write_all(multi_index_checksum.as_slice())?; out.progress.show_throughput(write_start); Ok(Outcome { multi_index_checksum, progress, }) } fn write_header( mut out: impl std::io::Write, num_chunks: u8, num_indices: u32, object_hash: gix_hash::Kind, ) -> std::io::Result { out.write_all(Self::SIGNATURE)?; out.write_all(&[crate::multi_index::Version::V1 as u8])?; out.write_all(&[object_hash as u8])?; out.write_all(&[num_chunks])?; out.write_all(&[0])?; /* unused number of base files */ out.write_all(&num_indices.to_be_bytes())?; Ok(Self::HEADER_LEN) } }