use std::{ borrow::Cow, convert::TryInto, io::{self, Read}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; pub use error::Error; use crate::{ file, store_impl::{file::loose, packed}, BStr, BString, FullNameRef, PartialNameRef, Reference, }; impl file::Store { /// Find a single reference by the given `path` which is required to be a valid reference name. /// /// Returns `Ok(None)` if no such ref exists. /// /// ### Note /// /// * The lookup algorithm follows the one in [the git documentation][git-lookup-docs]. /// * The packed buffer is checked for modifications each time the method is called. See [`file::Store::try_find_packed()`] /// for a version with more control. /// /// [git-lookup-docs]: pub fn try_find<'a, Name, E>(&self, partial: Name) -> Result, Error> where Name: TryInto<&'a PartialNameRef, Error = E>, Error: From, { let packed = self.assure_packed_refs_uptodate()?; self.find_one_with_verified_input(partial.try_into()?, packed.as_ref().map(|b| &***b)) } /// Similar to [`file::Store::find()`] but a non-existing ref is treated as error. /// /// Find only loose references, that is references that aren't in the packed-refs buffer. /// All symbolic references are loose references. /// `HEAD` is always a loose reference. pub fn try_find_loose<'a, Name, E>(&self, partial: Name) -> Result, Error> where Name: TryInto<&'a PartialNameRef, Error = E>, Error: From, { self.find_one_with_verified_input(partial.try_into()?, None) .map(|r||r| r.try_into().expect("only loose refs are found without pack"))) } /// Similar to [`file::Store::find()`], but allows to pass a snapshotted packed buffer instead. pub fn try_find_packed<'a, Name, E>( &self, partial: Name, packed: Option<&packed::Buffer>, ) -> Result, Error> where Name: TryInto<&'a PartialNameRef, Error = E>, Error: From, { self.find_one_with_verified_input(partial.try_into()?, packed) } pub(crate) fn find_one_with_verified_input( &self, partial_name: &PartialNameRef, packed: Option<&packed::Buffer>, ) -> Result, Error> { let mut buf = BString::default(); for inbetween in &["", "tags", "heads", "remotes"] { match self.find_inner(inbetween, partial_name, packed, &mut buf) { Ok(Some(r)) => return Ok(Some(r)), Ok(None) => { continue; } Err(err) => return Err(err), } } if partial_name.as_bstr() != "HEAD" { self.find_inner( "remotes", partial_name .to_owned() .join("HEAD".into()) .expect("HEAD is valid name") .as_ref(), None, &mut buf, ) } else { Ok(None) } } fn find_inner( &self, inbetween: &str, partial_name: &PartialNameRef, packed: Option<&packed::Buffer>, path_buf: &mut BString, ) -> Result, Error> { let full_name = partial_name.construct_full_name_ref(inbetween, path_buf); let content_buf = self.ref_contents(full_name).map_err(|err| Error::ReadFileContents { source: err, path: self.reference_path(full_name), })?; match content_buf { None => { if let Some(packed) = packed { if let Some(full_name) = packed::find::transform_full_name_for_lookup(full_name) { let full_name_backing; let full_name = match &self.namespace { Some(namespace) => { full_name_backing = namespace.to_owned().into_namespaced_name(full_name); full_name_backing.as_ref() } None => full_name, }; if let Some(packed_ref) = packed.try_find_full_name(full_name)? { let mut res: Reference = packed_ref.into(); if let Some(namespace) = &self.namespace { res.strip_namespace(namespace); } return Ok(Some(res)); }; } } Ok(None) } Some(content) => Ok(Some( loose::Reference::try_from_path(full_name.to_owned(), &content) .map(Into::into) .map(|mut r: Reference| { if let Some(namespace) = &self.namespace { r.strip_namespace(namespace); } r }) .map_err(|err| Error::ReferenceCreation { source: err, relative_path: full_name.to_path().to_owned(), })?, )), } } } impl file::Store { pub(crate) fn to_base_dir_and_relative_name<'a>( &self, name: &'a FullNameRef, is_reflog: bool, ) -> (Cow<'_, Path>, &'a FullNameRef) { let commondir = self.common_dir_resolved(); let linked_git_dir = |worktree_name: &BStr| commondir.join("worktrees").join(gix_path::from_bstr(worktree_name)); name.category_and_short_name() .map(|(c, sn)| { use crate::Category::*; let sn = FullNameRef::new_unchecked(sn); match c { LinkedPseudoRef { name: worktree_name } => is_reflog .then(|| (linked_git_dir(worktree_name).into(), sn)) .unwrap_or((commondir.into(), name)), Tag | LocalBranch | RemoteBranch | Note => (commondir.into(), name), MainRef | MainPseudoRef => (commondir.into(), sn), LinkedRef { name: worktree_name } => sn .category() .map_or(false, |cat| cat.is_worktree_private()) .then(|| { if is_reflog { (linked_git_dir(worktree_name).into(), sn) } else { (commondir.into(), name) } }) .unwrap_or((commondir.into(), sn)), PseudoRef | Bisect | Rewritten | WorktreePrivate => (self.git_dir.as_path().into(), name), } }) .unwrap_or((commondir.into(), name)) } /// Implements the logic required to transform a fully qualified refname into a filesystem path pub(crate) fn reference_path_with_base<'b>(&self, name: &'b FullNameRef) -> (Cow<'_, Path>, Cow<'b, Path>) { let (base, name) = self.to_base_dir_and_relative_name(name, false); ( base, match &self.namespace { None => gix_path::to_native_path_on_windows(name.as_bstr()), Some(namespace) => { gix_path::to_native_path_on_windows(namespace.to_owned().into_namespaced_name(name).into_inner()) } }, ) } /// Implements the logic required to transform a fully qualified refname into a filesystem path pub(crate) fn reference_path(&self, name: &FullNameRef) -> PathBuf { let (base, relative_path) = self.reference_path_with_base(name); base.join(relative_path) } /// Read the file contents with a verified full reference path and return it in the given vector if possible. pub(crate) fn ref_contents(&self, name: &FullNameRef) -> io::Result>> { let ref_path = self.reference_path(name); match std::fs::File::open(&ref_path) { Ok(mut file) => { let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(128); if let Err(err) = file.read_to_end(&mut buf) { return if ref_path.is_dir() { Ok(None) } else { Err(err) }; } Ok(buf.into()) } Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => Ok(None), #[cfg(windows)] Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => Ok(None), Err(err) => Err(err), } } } /// pub mod existing { use std::convert::TryInto; pub use error::Error; use crate::{ file::{self}, store_impl::{ file::{find, loose}, packed, }, PartialNameRef, Reference, }; impl file::Store { /// Similar to [`file::Store::try_find()`] but a non-existing ref is treated as error. pub fn find<'a, Name, E>(&self, partial: Name) -> Result where Name: TryInto<&'a PartialNameRef, Error = E>, crate::name::Error: From, { let packed = self.assure_packed_refs_uptodate().map_err(find::Error::PackedOpen)?; self.find_existing_inner(partial, packed.as_ref().map(|b| &***b)) } /// Similar to [`file::Store::find()`], but supports a stable packed buffer. pub fn find_packed<'a, Name, E>( &self, partial: Name, packed: Option<&packed::Buffer>, ) -> Result where Name: TryInto<&'a PartialNameRef, Error = E>, crate::name::Error: From, { self.find_existing_inner(partial, packed) } /// Similar to [`file::Store::find()`] won't handle packed-refs. pub fn find_loose<'a, Name, E>(&self, partial: Name) -> Result where Name: TryInto<&'a PartialNameRef, Error = E>, crate::name::Error: From, { self.find_existing_inner(partial, None) .map(|r| r.try_into().expect("always loose without packed")) } /// Similar to [`file::Store::find()`] but a non-existing ref is treated as error. pub(crate) fn find_existing_inner<'a, Name, E>( &self, partial: Name, packed: Option<&packed::Buffer>, ) -> Result where Name: TryInto<&'a PartialNameRef, Error = E>, crate::name::Error: From, { let path = partial .try_into() .map_err(|err| Error::Find(find::Error::RefnameValidation(err.into())))?; match self.find_one_with_verified_input(path, packed) { Ok(Some(r)) => Ok(r), Ok(None) => Err(Error::NotFound { name: path.to_partial_path().to_owned(), }), Err(err) => Err(err.into()), } } } mod error { use std::path::PathBuf; use crate::store_impl::file::find; /// The error returned by [file::Store::find_existing()][crate::file::Store::find()]. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[allow(missing_docs)] pub enum Error { #[error("An error occurred while trying to find a reference")] Find(#[from] find::Error), #[error("The ref partially named {name:?} could not be found")] NotFound { name: PathBuf }, } } } mod error { use std::{convert::Infallible, io, path::PathBuf}; use crate::{file, store_impl::packed}; /// The error returned by [file::Store::find()]. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[allow(missing_docs)] pub enum Error { #[error("The ref name or path is not a valid ref name")] RefnameValidation(#[from] crate::name::Error), #[error("The ref file {path:?} could not be read in full")] ReadFileContents { source: io::Error, path: PathBuf }, #[error("The reference at \"{relative_path}\" could not be instantiated")] ReferenceCreation { source: file::loose::reference::decode::Error, relative_path: PathBuf, }, #[error("A packed ref lookup failed")] PackedRef(#[from] packed::find::Error), #[error("Could not open the packed refs buffer when trying to find references.")] PackedOpen(#[from] packed::buffer::open::Error), } impl From for Error { fn from(_: Infallible) -> Self { unreachable!("this impl is needed to allow passing a known valid partial path as parameter") } } }