use bstr::BString; use crate::Protocol; /// The way to connect to a process speaking the `git` protocol. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub enum ConnectMode { /// A git daemon. Daemon, /// A spawned `git` process to upload a pack to the client. Process, } /// A TCP connection to either a `git` daemon or a spawned `git` process. /// /// When connecting to a daemon, additional context information is sent with the first line of the handshake. Otherwise that /// context is passed using command line arguments to a [spawned `git` process][crate::client::file::SpawnProcessOnDemand]. pub struct Connection { pub(in crate::client) writer: W, pub(in crate::client) line_provider: gix_packetline::StreamingPeekableIter, pub(in crate::client) path: BString, pub(in crate::client) virtual_host: Option<(String, Option)>, pub(in crate::client) desired_version: Protocol, custom_url: Option, pub(in crate::client) mode: ConnectMode, } impl Connection { /// Return the inner reader and writer pub fn into_inner(self) -> (R, W) { (self.line_provider.into_inner(), self.writer) } /// Optionally set the URL to be returned when asked for it if `Some` or calculate a default for `None`. /// /// The URL is required as parameter for authentication helpers which are called in transports /// that support authentication. Even though plain git transports don't support that, this /// may well be the case in custom transports. pub fn custom_url(mut self, url: Option) -> Self { self.custom_url = url; self } } mod message { use bstr::{BString, ByteVec}; use crate::{Protocol, Service}; pub fn connect( service: Service, desired_version: Protocol, path: &[u8], virtual_host: Option<&(String, Option)>, extra_parameters: &[(&str, Option<&str>)], ) -> BString { let mut out = bstr::BString::from(service.as_str()); out.push(b' '); let path = gix_url::expand_path::for_shell(path.into()); out.extend_from_slice(&path); out.push(0); if let Some((host, port)) = virtual_host { out.push_str("host="); out.extend_from_slice(host.as_bytes()); if let Some(port) = port { out.push_byte(b':'); out.push_str(&format!("{port}")); } out.push(0); } // We only send the version when needed, as otherwise a V2 server who is asked for V1 will respond with 'version 1' // as extra lines in the reply, which we don't want to handle. Especially since an old server will not respond with that // line (is what I assume, at least), so it's an optional part in the response to understand and handle. There is no value // in that, so let's help V2 servers to respond in a way that assumes V1. let extra_params_need_null_prefix = if desired_version != Protocol::V1 { out.push(0); out.push_str(format!("version={}", desired_version as usize)); out.push(0); false } else { true }; if !extra_parameters.is_empty() { if extra_params_need_null_prefix { out.push(0); } for (key, value) in extra_parameters { match value { Some(value) => out.push_str(format!("{key}={value}")), None => out.push_str(key), } out.push(0); } } out } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::{client::git, Protocol, Service}; #[test] fn version_1_without_host_and_version() { assert_eq!( git::message::connect(Service::UploadPack, Protocol::V1, b"hello/world", None, &[]), "git-upload-pack hello/world\0" ) } #[test] fn version_2_without_host_and_version() { assert_eq!( git::message::connect(Service::UploadPack, Protocol::V2, b"hello\\world", None, &[]), "git-upload-pack hello\\world\0\0version=2\0" ) } #[test] fn version_2_without_host_and_version_and_exta_parameters() { assert_eq!( git::message::connect( Service::UploadPack, Protocol::V2, b"/path/project.git", None, &[("key", Some("value")), ("value-only", None)] ), "git-upload-pack /path/project.git\0\0version=2\0key=value\0value-only\0" ) } #[test] fn with_host_without_port() { assert_eq!( git::message::connect( Service::UploadPack, Protocol::V1, b"hello\\world", Some(&("host".into(), None)), &[] ), "git-upload-pack hello\\world\0host=host\0" ) } #[test] fn with_host_without_port_and_extra_parameters() { assert_eq!( git::message::connect( Service::UploadPack, Protocol::V1, b"hello\\world", Some(&("host".into(), None)), &[("key", Some("value")), ("value-only", None)] ), "git-upload-pack hello\\world\0host=host\0\0key=value\0value-only\0" ) } #[test] fn with_host_with_port() { assert_eq!( git::message::connect( Service::UploadPack, Protocol::V1, b"hello\\world", Some(&("host".into(), Some(404))), &[] ), "git-upload-pack hello\\world\0host=host:404\0" ) } #[test] fn with_strange_host_and_port() { assert_eq!( git::message::connect( Service::UploadPack, Protocol::V1, b"--upload-pack=attack", Some(&("--proxy=other-attack".into(), Some(404))), &[] ), "git-upload-pack --upload-pack=attack\0host=--proxy=other-attack:404\0", "we explicitly allow possible `-arg` arguments to be passed to the git daemon - the remote must protect against exploitation, we don't want to prevent legitimate cases" ) } } } #[cfg(feature = "async-client")] mod async_io; #[cfg(feature = "blocking-client")] mod blocking_io; #[cfg(feature = "blocking-client")] pub use blocking_io::connect;