#![allow(clippy::result_large_err)] use std::path::Path; pub use gix_discover::*; use gix_macros::momo; use crate::{bstr::BString, ThreadSafeRepository}; /// The error returned by [`crate::discover()`]. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[allow(missing_docs)] pub enum Error { #[error(transparent)] Discover(#[from] upwards::Error), #[error(transparent)] Open(#[from] crate::open::Error), } impl ThreadSafeRepository { /// Try to open a git repository in `directory` and search upwards through its parents until one is found, /// using default trust options which matters in case the found repository isn't owned by the current user. pub fn discover(directory: impl AsRef) -> Result { Self::discover_opts(directory, Default::default(), Default::default()) } /// Try to open a git repository in `directory` and search upwards through its parents until one is found, /// while applying `options`. Then use the `trust_map` to determine which of our own repository options to use /// for instantiations. /// /// Note that [trust overrides](crate::open::Options::with()) in the `trust_map` are not effective here and we will /// always override it with the determined trust value. This is a precaution as the API user is unable to actually know /// if the directory that is discovered can indeed be trusted (or else they'd have to implement the discovery themselves /// and be sure that no attacker ever gets access to a directory structure. The cost of this is a permission check, which /// seems acceptable). #[momo] pub fn discover_opts( directory: impl AsRef, options: upwards::Options<'_>, trust_map: gix_sec::trust::Mapping, ) -> Result { let _span = gix_trace::coarse!("ThreadSafeRepository::discover()"); let (path, trust) = upwards_opts(directory.as_ref(), options)?; let (git_dir, worktree_dir) = path.into_repository_and_work_tree_directories(); let mut options = trust_map.into_value_by_level(trust); options.git_dir_trust = trust.into(); options.current_dir = Some(std::env::current_dir().map_err(upwards::Error::CurrentDir)?); Self::open_from_paths(git_dir, worktree_dir, options).map_err(Into::into) } /// Try to open a git repository directly from the environment. /// If that fails, discover upwards from `directory` until one is found, /// while applying discovery options from the environment. pub fn discover_with_environment_overrides(directory: impl AsRef) -> Result { Self::discover_with_environment_overrides_opts(directory, Default::default(), Default::default()) } /// Try to open a git repository directly from the environment, which reads `GIT_DIR` /// if it is set. If unset, discover upwards from `directory` until one is found, /// while applying `options` with overrides from the environment which includes: /// /// - `GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM` /// - `GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES` /// /// Finally, use the `trust_map` to determine which of our own repository options to use /// based on the trust level of the effective repository directory. #[momo] pub fn discover_with_environment_overrides_opts( directory: impl AsRef, mut options: upwards::Options<'_>, trust_map: gix_sec::trust::Mapping, ) -> Result { fn apply_additional_environment(mut opts: upwards::Options<'_>) -> upwards::Options<'_> { use crate::bstr::ByteVec; if let Some(cross_fs) = std::env::var_os("GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM") .and_then(|v| Vec::from_os_string(v).ok().map(BString::from)) { if let Ok(b) = gix_config::Boolean::try_from(cross_fs.as_ref()) { opts.cross_fs = b.into(); } } opts } if std::env::var_os("GIT_DIR").is_some() { return Self::open_with_environment_overrides(directory.as_ref(), trust_map).map_err(Error::Open); } options = apply_additional_environment(options.apply_environment()); Self::discover_opts(directory, options, trust_map) } }