use std::borrow::BorrowMut; use gix_object::TreeRefIter; use gix_traverse::tree::breadthfirst; pub trait Sealed {} /// An extension trait for tree iterators pub trait TreeIterExt: Sealed { /// Traverse this tree with `state` being provided to potentially reuse allocations, and `find` being a function to lookup trees /// and turn them into iterators. /// /// The `delegate` implements a way to store details about the traversal to allow paying only for what's actually used. /// Since it is expected to store the operation result, _unit_ is returned. fn traverse( &self, state: StateMut, objects: Find, delegate: &mut V, ) -> Result<(), breadthfirst::Error> where Find: gix_object::Find, StateMut: BorrowMut, V: gix_traverse::tree::Visit; } impl<'d> Sealed for TreeRefIter<'d> {} impl<'d> TreeIterExt for TreeRefIter<'d> { fn traverse( &self, state: StateMut, objects: Find, delegate: &mut V, ) -> Result<(), breadthfirst::Error> where Find: gix_object::Find, StateMut: BorrowMut, V: gix_traverse::tree::Visit, { breadthfirst(*self, state, objects, delegate) } } /// Extensions for [EntryRef][gix_object::tree::EntryRef]. pub trait TreeEntryRefExt<'a>: 'a { /// Attach [`Repository`][crate::Repository] to the given tree entry. It can be detached later with `detach()`. fn attach<'repo>(self, repo: &'repo crate::Repository) -> crate::object::tree::EntryRef<'repo, 'a>; } impl<'a> TreeEntryRefExt<'a> for gix_object::tree::EntryRef<'a> { fn attach<'repo>(self, repo: &'repo crate::Repository) -> crate::object::tree::EntryRef<'repo, 'a> { crate::object::tree::EntryRef { inner: self, repo } } } /// Extensions for [Entry][gix_object::tree::Entry]. pub trait TreeEntryExt { /// Attach [`Repository`][crate::Repository] to the given tree entry. It can be detached later with `detach()`. fn attach(self, repo: &crate::Repository) -> crate::object::tree::Entry<'_>; } impl TreeEntryExt for gix_object::tree::Entry { fn attach(self, repo: &crate::Repository) -> crate::object::tree::Entry<'_> { crate::object::tree::Entry { inner: self, repo } } }