// const _GRAMMAR: &'static str = include_str!("grammar.pest"); #[derive(Parser)] #[grammar = "grammar.pest"] pub struct HandlebarsParser; #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::{HandlebarsParser, Rule}; use pest::Parser; macro_rules! assert_rule { ($rule:expr, $in:expr) => { assert_eq!( HandlebarsParser::parse($rule, $in) .unwrap() .last() .unwrap() .as_span() .end(), $in.len() ); }; } macro_rules! assert_not_rule { ($rule:expr, $in:expr) => { assert!( HandlebarsParser::parse($rule, $in).is_err() || HandlebarsParser::parse($rule, $in) .unwrap() .last() .unwrap() .as_span() .end() != $in.len() ); }; } macro_rules! assert_rule_match { ($rule:expr, $in:expr) => { assert!(HandlebarsParser::parse($rule, $in).is_ok()); }; } #[test] fn test_raw_text() { let s = vec![ "


", r"hello\{{world}}", r"hello\{{#if world}}nice\{{/if}}", r"hello \{{{{raw}}}}hello\{{{{/raw}}}}", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::raw_text, i); } let s_not_escape = vec![r"\\{{hello}}"]; for i in s_not_escape.iter() { assert_not_rule!(Rule::raw_text, i); } } #[test] fn test_raw_block_text() { let s = "


"; assert_rule!(Rule::raw_block_text, s); } #[test] fn test_reference() { let s = vec![ "a", "abc", "../a", "a.b", "@abc", "a.[abc]", "aBc.[abc]", "abc.[0].[nice]", "some-name", "this.[0].ok", "this.[$id]", "[$id]", "$id", "this.[null]", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::reference, i); } } #[test] fn test_name() { let s = vec!["if", "(abc)"]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::name, i); } } #[test] fn test_param() { let s = vec!["hello", "\"json literal\"", "nullable", "truestory"]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::param, i); } } #[test] fn test_hash() { let s = vec![ "hello=world", "hello=\"world\"", "hello=(world)", "hello=(world 0)", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::hash, i); } } #[test] fn test_json_literal() { let s = vec![ "\"json string\"", "\"quot: \\\"\"", "[]", "[\"hello\"]", "[1,2,3,4,true]", "{\"hello\": \"world\"}", "{}", "{\"a\":1, \"b\":2 }", "\"nullable\"", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::literal, i); } } #[test] fn test_comment() { let s = vec!["{{!-- {{this.title}} --}}", "{{! -- good --}}"]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::hbs_comment, i); } let s2 = vec!["{{! hello }}", "{{! test me }}"]; for i in s2.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::hbs_comment_compact, i); } } #[test] fn test_subexpression() { let s = vec!["(sub)", "(sub 0)", "(sub a=1)"]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::subexpression, i); } } #[test] fn test_expression() { let s = vec![ "{{exp}}", "{{(exp)}}", "{{../exp}}", "{{exp 1}}", "{{exp \"literal\"}}", "{{exp \"literal with space\"}}", "{{exp 'literal with space'}}", r#"{{exp "literal with escape \\\\"}}"#, "{{exp ref}}", "{{exp (sub)}}", "{{exp (sub 123)}}", "{{exp []}}", "{{exp {}}}", "{{exp key=1}}", "{{exp key=ref}}", "{{exp key='literal with space'}}", "{{exp key=\"literal with space\"}}", "{{exp key=(sub)}}", "{{exp key=(sub 0)}}", "{{exp key=(sub 0 key=1)}}", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::expression, i); } } #[test] fn test_identifier_with_dash() { let s = vec!["{{exp-foo}}"]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::expression, i); } } #[test] fn test_html_expression() { let s = vec![ "{{{html}}}", "{{{(html)}}}", "{{{(html)}}}", "{{&html}}", "{{{html 1}}}", "{{{html p=true}}}", "{{{~ html}}}", "{{{html ~}}}", "{{{~ html ~}}}", "{{~{ html }~}}", "{{~{ html }}}", "{{{ html }~}}", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::html_expression, i); } } #[test] fn test_helper_start() { let s = vec![ "{{#if hello}}", "{{#if (hello)}}", "{{#if hello=world}}", "{{#if hello hello=world}}", "{{#if []}}", "{{#if {}}}", "{{#if}}", "{{~#if hello~}}", "{{#each people as |person|}}", "{{#each-obj obj as |val key|}}", "{{#each assets}}", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::helper_block_start, i); } } #[test] fn test_helper_end() { let s = vec!["{{/if}}", "{{~/if}}", "{{~/if ~}}", "{{/if ~}}"]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::helper_block_end, i); } } #[test] fn test_helper_block() { let s = vec![ "{{#if hello}}hello{{/if}}", "{{#if true}}hello{{/if}}", "{{#if nice ok=1}}hello{{/if}}", "{{#if}}hello{{else}}world{{/if}}", "{{#if}}hello{{^}}world{{/if}}", "{{#if}}{{#if}}hello{{/if}}{{/if}}", "{{#if}}hello{{~else}}world{{/if}}", "{{#if}}hello{{else~}}world{{/if}}", "{{#if}}hello{{~^~}}world{{/if}}", "{{#if}}{{/if}}", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::helper_block, i); } } #[test] fn test_raw_block() { let s = vec![ "{{{{if hello}}}}good {{hello}}{{{{/if}}}}", "{{{{if hello}}}}{{#if nice}}{{/if}}{{{{/if}}}}", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::raw_block, i); } } #[test] fn test_block_param() { let s = vec!["as |person|", "as |val key|"]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::block_param, i); } } #[test] fn test_path() { let s = vec![ "a", "a.b.c.d", "a.[0].[1].[2]", "a.[abc]", "a/v/c.d.s", "a.[0]/b/c/d", "a.[bb c]/b/c/d", "a.[0].[#hello]", "../a/b.[0].[1]", "this.[0]/[1]/this/a", "./this_name", "./goo/[/bar]", "a.[你好]", "a.[10].[#comment]", "a.[]", // empty key "./[/foo]", "[foo]", "@root/a/b", "nullable", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule_match!(Rule::path, i); } } #[test] fn test_decorator_expression() { let s = vec!["{{* ssh}}", "{{~* ssh}}"]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::decorator_expression, i); } } #[test] fn test_decorator_block() { let s = vec![ "{{#* inline}}something{{/inline}}", "{{~#* inline}}hello{{/inline}}", "{{#* inline \"partialname\"}}something{{/inline}}", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::decorator_block, i); } } #[test] fn test_partial_expression() { let s = vec![ "{{> hello}}", "{{> (hello)}}", "{{~> hello a}}", "{{> hello a=1}}", "{{> (hello) a=1}}", "{{> hello.world}}", "{{> [a83?f4+.3]}}", "{{> 'anif?.bar'}}", ]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::partial_expression, i); } } #[test] fn test_partial_block() { let s = vec!["{{#> hello}}nice{{/hello}}"]; for i in s.iter() { assert_rule!(Rule::partial_block, i); } } }