use std::borrow::Cow; use std::collections::HashMap; use serde_json::value::Value as Json; use crate::block::BlockContext; use crate::context::{merge_json, Context}; use crate::error::RenderError; use crate::json::path::Path; use crate::output::Output; use crate::registry::Registry; use crate::render::{Decorator, Evaluable, RenderContext, Renderable}; use crate::template::Template; pub(crate) const PARTIAL_BLOCK: &str = "@partial-block"; fn find_partial<'reg: 'rc, 'rc: 'a, 'a>( rc: &'a RenderContext<'reg, 'rc>, r: &'reg Registry<'reg>, d: &Decorator<'reg, 'rc>, name: &str, ) -> Result>, RenderError> { if let Some(partial) = rc.get_partial(name) { return Ok(Some(Cow::Borrowed(partial))); } if let Some(tpl) = r.get_or_load_template_optional(name) { return; } if let Some(tpl) = d.template() { return Ok(Some(Cow::Borrowed(tpl))); } Ok(None) } pub fn expand_partial<'reg: 'rc, 'rc>( d: &Decorator<'reg, 'rc>, r: &'reg Registry<'reg>, ctx: &'rc Context, rc: &mut RenderContext<'reg, 'rc>, out: &mut dyn Output, ) -> Result<(), RenderError> { // try eval inline partials first if let Some(t) = d.template() { t.eval(r, ctx, rc)?; } let tname =; if rc.is_current_template(tname) { return Err(RenderError::new("Cannot include self in >")); } let partial = find_partial(rc, r, d, tname)?; if let Some(t) = partial { // clone to avoid lifetime issue // FIXME refactor this to avoid let mut local_rc = rc.clone(); // if tname == PARTIAL_BLOCK let is_partial_block = tname == PARTIAL_BLOCK; // add partial block depth there are consecutive partial // blocks in the stack. if is_partial_block { local_rc.inc_partial_block_depth(); } else { // depth cannot be lower than 0, which is guaranted in the // `dec_partial_block_depth` method local_rc.dec_partial_block_depth(); } let mut block_created = false; // create context if param given if let Some(base_path) = d.param(0).and_then(|p| p.context_path()) { // path given, update base_path let mut block_inner = BlockContext::new(); *block_inner.base_path_mut() = base_path.to_vec(); // because block is moved here, we need another bool variable to track // its status for later cleanup block_created = true; // clear blocks to prevent block params from parent // template to be leaked into partials // see `test_partial_context_issue_495` for the case. local_rc.clear_blocks(); local_rc.push_block(block_inner); } if !d.hash().is_empty() { // hash given, update base_value let hash_ctx = d .hash() .iter() .map(|(k, v)| (*k, v.value())) .collect::>(); // create block if we didn't (no param provided for partial expression) if !block_created { let block_inner = if let Some(block) = local_rc.block() { // reuse current block information, including base_path and // base_value if any block.clone() } else { BlockContext::new() }; local_rc.clear_blocks(); local_rc.push_block(block_inner); } // evaluate context within current block, this includes block // context provided by partial expression parameter let merged_context = merge_json( local_rc.evaluate2(ctx, &Path::current())?.as_json(), &hash_ctx, ); // update the base value, there must be a block for this so it's // also safe to unwrap. if let Some(block) = local_rc.block_mut() { block.set_base_value(merged_context); } } // @partial-block if let Some(pb) = d.template() { local_rc.push_partial_block(pb); } // indent local_rc.set_indent_string(d.indent()); let result = t.render(r, ctx, &mut local_rc, out); // cleanup if block_created { local_rc.pop_block(); } if d.template().is_some() { local_rc.pop_partial_block(); } result } else { Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use crate::context::Context; use crate::error::RenderError; use crate::output::Output; use crate::registry::Registry; use crate::render::{Helper, RenderContext}; #[test] fn test() { let mut handlebars = Registry::new(); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string("t0", "{{> t1}}") .is_ok()); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string("t1", "{{this}}") .is_ok()); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string("t2", "{{#> t99}}not there{{/t99}}") .is_ok()); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string("t3", "{{#*inline \"t31\"}}{{this}}{{/inline}}{{> t31}}") .is_ok()); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string( "t4", "{{#> t5}}{{#*inline \"nav\"}}navbar{{/inline}}{{/t5}}" ) .is_ok()); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string("t5", "include {{> nav}}") .is_ok()); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string("t6", "{{> t1 a}}") .is_ok()); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string( "t7", "{{#*inline \"t71\"}}{{a}}{{/inline}}{{> t71 a=\"world\"}}" ) .is_ok()); assert!(handlebars.register_template_string("t8", "{{a}}").is_ok()); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string("t9", "{{> t8 a=2}}") .is_ok()); assert_eq!(handlebars.render("t0", &1).ok().unwrap(), "1".to_string()); assert_eq!( handlebars.render("t2", &1).ok().unwrap(), "not there".to_string() ); assert_eq!(handlebars.render("t3", &1).ok().unwrap(), "1".to_string()); assert_eq!( handlebars.render("t4", &1).ok().unwrap(), "include navbar".to_string() ); assert_eq!( handlebars.render("t6", &json!({"a": "2"})).ok().unwrap(), "2".to_string() ); assert_eq!( handlebars.render("t7", &1).ok().unwrap(), "world".to_string() ); assert_eq!(handlebars.render("t9", &1).ok().unwrap(), "2".to_string()); } #[test] fn test_include_partial_block() { let t0 = "hello {{> @partial-block}}"; let t1 = "{{#> t0}}inner {{this}}{{/t0}}"; let mut handlebars = Registry::new(); assert!(handlebars.register_template_string("t0", t0).is_ok()); assert!(handlebars.register_template_string("t1", t1).is_ok()); let r0 = handlebars.render("t1", &true); assert_eq!(r0.ok().unwrap(), "hello inner true".to_string()); } #[test] fn test_self_inclusion() { let t0 = "hello {{> t1}} {{> t0}}"; let t1 = "some template"; let mut handlebars = Registry::new(); assert!(handlebars.register_template_string("t0", t0).is_ok()); assert!(handlebars.register_template_string("t1", t1).is_ok()); let r0 = handlebars.render("t0", &true); assert!(r0.is_err()); } #[test] fn test_issue_143() { let main_template = "one{{> two }}three{{> two }}"; let two_partial = "--- two ---"; let mut handlebars = Registry::new(); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string("template", main_template) .is_ok()); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string("two", two_partial) .is_ok()); let r0 = handlebars.render("template", &true); assert_eq!(r0.ok().unwrap(), "one--- two ---three--- two ---"); } #[test] fn test_hash_context_outscope() { let main_template = "In: {{> p a=2}} Out: {{a}}"; let p_partial = "{{a}}"; let mut handlebars = Registry::new(); assert!(handlebars .register_template_string("template", main_template) .is_ok()); assert!(handlebars.register_template_string("p", p_partial).is_ok()); let r0 = handlebars.render("template", &true); assert_eq!(r0.ok().unwrap(), "In: 2 Out: "); } #[test] fn test_partial_context_hash() { let mut hbs = Registry::new(); hbs.register_template_string("one", "This is a test. {{> two name=\"fred\" }}") .unwrap(); hbs.register_template_string("two", "Lets test {{name}}") .unwrap(); assert_eq!( "This is a test. Lets test fred", hbs.render("one", &0).unwrap() ); } #[test] fn teset_partial_context_with_both_hash_and_param() { let mut hbs = Registry::new(); hbs.register_template_string("one", "This is a test. {{> two this name=\"fred\" }}") .unwrap(); hbs.register_template_string("two", "Lets test {{name}} and {{root_name}}") .unwrap(); assert_eq!( "This is a test. Lets test fred and tom", hbs.render("one", &json!({"root_name": "tom"})).unwrap() ); } #[test] fn test_partial_subexpression_context_hash() { let mut hbs = Registry::new(); hbs.register_template_string("one", "This is a test. {{> (x @root) name=\"fred\" }}") .unwrap(); hbs.register_template_string("two", "Lets test {{name}}") .unwrap(); hbs.register_helper( "x", Box::new( |_: &Helper<'_, '_>, _: &Registry<'_>, _: &Context, _: &mut RenderContext<'_, '_>, out: &mut dyn Output| -> Result<(), RenderError> { out.write("two")?; Ok(()) }, ), ); assert_eq!( "This is a test. Lets test fred", hbs.render("one", &0).unwrap() ); } #[test] fn test_nested_partial_scope() { let t = "{{#*inline \"pp\"}}{{a}} {{b}}{{/inline}}{{#each c}}{{> pp a=2}}{{/each}}"; let data = json!({"c": [{"b": true}, {"b": false}]}); let mut handlebars = Registry::new(); assert!(handlebars.register_template_string("t", t).is_ok()); let r0 = handlebars.render("t", &data); assert_eq!(r0.ok().unwrap(), "2 true2 false"); } #[test] fn test_nested_partial_block() { let mut handlebars = Registry::new(); let template1 = "{{> @partial-block }}"; let template2 = "{{#> t1 }}{{> @partial-block }}{{/ t1 }}"; let template3 = "{{#> t2 }}Hello{{/ t2 }}"; handlebars .register_template_string("t1", &template1) .unwrap(); handlebars .register_template_string("t2", &template2) .unwrap(); let page = handlebars.render_template(&template3, &json!({})).unwrap(); assert_eq!("Hello", page); } #[test] fn test_up_to_partial_level() { let outer = r#"{{>inner name="fruit:" vegetables=fruits}}"#; let inner = "{{#each vegetables}}{{../name}} {{this}},{{/each}}"; let data = json!({ "fruits": ["carrot", "tomato"] }); let mut handlebars = Registry::new(); handlebars.register_template_string("outer", outer).unwrap(); handlebars.register_template_string("inner", inner).unwrap(); assert_eq!( handlebars.render("outer", &data).unwrap(), "fruit: carrot,fruit: tomato," ); } #[test] fn line_stripping_with_inline_and_partial() { let tpl0 = r#"{{#*inline "foo"}}foo {{/inline}} {{> foo}} {{> foo}} {{> foo}}"#; let tpl1 = r#"{{#*inline "foo"}}foo{{/inline}} {{> foo}} {{> foo}} {{> foo}}"#; let hbs = Registry::new(); assert_eq!( r#"foo foo foo "#, hbs.render_template(tpl0, &json!({})).unwrap() ); assert_eq!( r#" foofoofoo"#, hbs.render_template(tpl1, &json!({})).unwrap() ); } #[test] fn test_partial_indent() { let outer = r#" {{> inner inner_solo}} {{#each inners}} {{> inner}} {{/each}} {{#each inners}} {{> inner}} {{/each}} "#; let inner = r#"name: {{name}} "#; let mut hbs = Registry::new(); hbs.register_template_string("inner", inner).unwrap(); hbs.register_template_string("outer", outer).unwrap(); let result = hbs .render( "outer", &json!({ "inner_solo": {"name": "inner_solo"}, "inners": [ {"name": "hello"}, {"name": "there"} ] }), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( result, r#" name: inner_solo name: hello name: there name: hello name: there "# ); } // Rule::partial_expression should not trim leading indent by default #[test] fn test_partial_prevent_indent() { let outer = r#" {{> inner inner_solo}} {{#each inners}} {{> inner}} {{/each}} {{#each inners}} {{> inner}} {{/each}} "#; let inner = r#"name: {{name}} "#; let mut hbs = Registry::new(); hbs.set_prevent_indent(true); hbs.register_template_string("inner", inner).unwrap(); hbs.register_template_string("outer", outer).unwrap(); let result = hbs .render( "outer", &json!({ "inner_solo": {"name": "inner_solo"}, "inners": [ {"name": "hello"}, {"name": "there"} ] }), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( result, r#" name: inner_solo name: hello name: there name: hello name: there "# ); } #[test] fn test_nested_partials() { let mut hb = Registry::new(); hb.register_template_string("partial", "{{> @partial-block}}") .unwrap(); hb.register_template_string( "index", r#"{{#>partial}} Yo {{#>partial}} Yo 2 {{/partial}} {{/partial}}"#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#" Yo Yo 2 "#, hb.render("index", &()).unwrap() ); hb.register_template_string("partial2", "{{> @partial-block}}") .unwrap(); let r2 = hb .render_template( r#"{{#> partial}} {{#> partial2}} :( {{/partial2}} {{/partial}}"#, &(), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(":(\n", r2); } #[test] fn test_partial_context_issue_495() { let mut hb = Registry::new(); hb.register_template_string( "t1", r#"{{~#*inline "displayName"~}} Template:{{name}} {{/inline}} {{#each data as |name|}} Name:{{name}} {{>displayName name="aaaa"}} {{/each}}"#, ) .unwrap(); hb.register_template_string( "t1", r#"{{~#*inline "displayName"~}} Template:{{this}} {{/inline}} {{#each data as |name|}} Name:{{name}} {{>displayName}} {{/each}}"#, ) .unwrap(); let data = json!({ "data": ["hudel", "test"] }); assert_eq!( r#"Name:hudel Template:hudel Name:test Template:test "#, hb.render("t1", &data).unwrap() ); } #[test] fn test_multiline_partial_indent() { let mut hb = Registry::new(); hb.register_template_string( "t1", r#"{{#*inline "thepartial"}} inner first line inner second line {{/inline}} {{> thepartial}} outer third line"#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#" inner first line inner second line outer third line"#, hb.render("t1", &()).unwrap() ); hb.register_template_string( "t2", r#"{{#*inline "thepartial"}}inner first line inner second line {{/inline}} {{> thepartial}} outer third line"#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#" inner first line inner second line outer third line"#, hb.render("t2", &()).unwrap() ); hb.register_template_string( "t3", r#"{{#*inline "thepartial"}}{{a}}{{/inline}} {{> thepartial}} outer third line"#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#" inner first line inner second lineouter third line"#, hb.render("t3", &json!({"a": "inner first line\ninner second line"})) .unwrap() ); hb.register_template_string( "t4", r#"{{#*inline "thepartial"}} inner first line inner second line {{/inline}} {{~> thepartial}} outer third line"#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#" inner first line inner second line outer third line"#, hb.render("t4", &()).unwrap() ); let mut hb2 = Registry::new(); hb2.set_prevent_indent(true); hb2.register_template_string( "t1", r#"{{#*inline "thepartial"}} inner first line inner second line {{/inline}} {{> thepartial}} outer third line"#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#" inner first line inner second line outer third line"#, hb2.render("t1", &()).unwrap() ) } } #[test] fn test_issue_534() { let t1 = "{{title}}"; let t2 = "{{#each modules}}{{> (lookup this \"module\") content name=0}}{{/each}}"; let data = json!({ "modules": [ {"module": "t1", "content": {"title": "foo"}}, {"module": "t1", "content": {"title": "bar"}}, ] }); let mut hbs = Registry::new(); hbs.register_template_string("t1", t1).unwrap(); hbs.register_template_string("t2", t2).unwrap(); assert_eq!("foobar", hbs.render("t2", &data).unwrap()); }