//! Cross platform FFI helpers. use std::ffi::CStr; // The system property named 'persist.sys.timezone' contains the name of the // current timezone. // // From https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bionic/+/gingerbread-release/libc/docs/OVERVIEW.TXT#79: // // > The name of the current timezone is taken from the TZ environment variable, // > if defined. Otherwise, the system property named 'persist.sys.timezone' is // > checked instead. const ANDROID_TIMEZONE_PROPERTY_NAME: &[u8] = b"persist.sys.timezone\0"; /// Return a [`CStr`] to access the timezone from an Android system properties /// environment. pub(crate) fn android_timezone_property_name() -> &'static CStr { // In tests or debug mode, opt into extra runtime checks. if cfg!(any(test, debug_assertions)) { return CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(ANDROID_TIMEZONE_PROPERTY_NAME).unwrap(); } // SAFETY: the key is NUL-terminated and there are no other NULs, this // invariant is checked in tests. unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(ANDROID_TIMEZONE_PROPERTY_NAME) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::ffi::CStr; use super::{android_timezone_property_name, ANDROID_TIMEZONE_PROPERTY_NAME}; #[test] fn test_android_timezone_property_name_is_valid_cstr() { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(ANDROID_TIMEZONE_PROPERTY_NAME).unwrap(); let mut invalid_property_name = ANDROID_TIMEZONE_PROPERTY_NAME.to_owned(); invalid_property_name.push(b'\0'); CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(&invalid_property_name).unwrap_err(); } #[test] fn test_android_timezone_property_name_getter() { let key = android_timezone_property_name().to_bytes_with_nul(); assert_eq!(key, ANDROID_TIMEZONE_PROPERTY_NAME); std::str::from_utf8(key).unwrap(); } }