// Copyright 2013-2014 The rust-url developers. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! [*Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing* //! (Unicode Technical Standard #46)](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/) use self::Mapping::*; use crate::punycode; use std::{error::Error as StdError, fmt}; use unicode_bidi::{bidi_class, BidiClass}; use unicode_normalization::char::is_combining_mark; use unicode_normalization::{is_nfc, UnicodeNormalization}; include!("uts46_mapping_table.rs"); const PUNYCODE_PREFIX: &str = "xn--"; #[derive(Debug)] struct StringTableSlice { // Store these as separate fields so the structure will have an // alignment of 1 and thus pack better into the Mapping enum, below. byte_start_lo: u8, byte_start_hi: u8, byte_len: u8, } fn decode_slice(slice: &StringTableSlice) -> &'static str { let lo = slice.byte_start_lo as usize; let hi = slice.byte_start_hi as usize; let start = (hi << 8) | lo; let len = slice.byte_len as usize; &STRING_TABLE[start..(start + len)] } #[repr(u8)] #[derive(Debug)] enum Mapping { Valid, Ignored, Mapped(StringTableSlice), Deviation(StringTableSlice), Disallowed, DisallowedStd3Valid, DisallowedStd3Mapped(StringTableSlice), DisallowedIdna2008, } fn find_char(codepoint: char) -> &'static Mapping { let idx = match TABLE.binary_search_by_key(&codepoint, |&val| val.0) { Ok(idx) => idx, Err(idx) => idx - 1, }; const SINGLE_MARKER: u16 = 1 << 15; let (base, x) = TABLE[idx]; let single = (x & SINGLE_MARKER) != 0; let offset = !SINGLE_MARKER & x; if single { &MAPPING_TABLE[offset as usize] } else { &MAPPING_TABLE[(offset + (codepoint as u16 - base as u16)) as usize] } } struct Mapper<'a> { chars: std::str::Chars<'a>, config: Config, errors: &'a mut Errors, slice: Option>, } impl<'a> Iterator for Mapper<'a> { type Item = char; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { loop { if let Some(s) = &mut self.slice { match s.next() { Some(c) => return Some(c), None => { self.slice = None; } } } let codepoint = self.chars.next()?; if let '.' | '-' | 'a'..='z' | '0'..='9' = codepoint { return Some(codepoint); } return Some(match *find_char(codepoint) { Mapping::Valid => codepoint, Mapping::Ignored => continue, Mapping::Mapped(ref slice) => { self.slice = Some(decode_slice(slice).chars()); continue; } Mapping::Deviation(ref slice) => { if self.config.transitional_processing { self.slice = Some(decode_slice(slice).chars()); continue; } else { codepoint } } Mapping::Disallowed => { self.errors.disallowed_character = true; codepoint } Mapping::DisallowedStd3Valid => { if self.config.use_std3_ascii_rules { self.errors.disallowed_by_std3_ascii_rules = true; }; codepoint } Mapping::DisallowedStd3Mapped(ref slice) => { if self.config.use_std3_ascii_rules { self.errors.disallowed_mapped_in_std3 = true; }; self.slice = Some(decode_slice(slice).chars()); continue; } Mapping::DisallowedIdna2008 => { if self.config.use_idna_2008_rules { self.errors.disallowed_in_idna_2008 = true; } codepoint } }); } } } // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5893#section-2 fn passes_bidi(label: &str, is_bidi_domain: bool) -> bool { // Rule 0: Bidi Rules apply to Bidi Domain Names: a name with at least one RTL label. A label // is RTL if it contains at least one character of bidi class R, AL or AN. if !is_bidi_domain { return true; } let mut chars = label.chars(); let first_char_class = match chars.next() { Some(c) => bidi_class(c), None => return true, // empty string }; match first_char_class { // LTR label BidiClass::L => { // Rule 5 for c in chars.by_ref() { if !matches!( bidi_class(c), BidiClass::L | BidiClass::EN | BidiClass::ES | BidiClass::CS | BidiClass::ET | BidiClass::ON | BidiClass::BN | BidiClass::NSM ) { return false; } } // Rule 6 // must end in L or EN followed by 0 or more NSM let mut rev_chars = label.chars().rev(); let mut last_non_nsm = rev_chars.next(); loop { match last_non_nsm { Some(c) if bidi_class(c) == BidiClass::NSM => { last_non_nsm = rev_chars.next(); continue; } _ => { break; } } } match last_non_nsm { Some(c) if bidi_class(c) == BidiClass::L || bidi_class(c) == BidiClass::EN => {} Some(_) => { return false; } _ => {} } } // RTL label BidiClass::R | BidiClass::AL => { let mut found_en = false; let mut found_an = false; // Rule 2 for c in chars { let char_class = bidi_class(c); if char_class == BidiClass::EN { found_en = true; } else if char_class == BidiClass::AN { found_an = true; } if !matches!( char_class, BidiClass::R | BidiClass::AL | BidiClass::AN | BidiClass::EN | BidiClass::ES | BidiClass::CS | BidiClass::ET | BidiClass::ON | BidiClass::BN | BidiClass::NSM ) { return false; } } // Rule 3 let mut rev_chars = label.chars().rev(); let mut last = rev_chars.next(); loop { // must end in L or EN followed by 0 or more NSM match last { Some(c) if bidi_class(c) == BidiClass::NSM => { last = rev_chars.next(); continue; } _ => { break; } } } match last { Some(c) if matches!( bidi_class(c), BidiClass::R | BidiClass::AL | BidiClass::EN | BidiClass::AN ) => {} _ => { return false; } } // Rule 4 if found_an && found_en { return false; } } // Rule 1: Should start with L or R/AL _ => { return false; } } true } /// Check the validity criteria for the given label /// /// V1 (NFC) and V8 (Bidi) are checked inside `processing()` to prevent doing duplicate work. /// /// http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/#Validity_Criteria fn check_validity(label: &str, config: Config, errors: &mut Errors) { let first_char = label.chars().next(); if first_char == None { // Empty string, pass return; } // V2: No U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS in both third and fourth positions. // // NOTE: Spec says that the label must not contain a HYPHEN-MINUS character in both the // third and fourth positions. But nobody follows this criteria. See the spec issue below: // https://github.com/whatwg/url/issues/53 // V3: neither begin nor end with a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS if config.check_hyphens && (label.starts_with('-') || label.ends_with('-')) { errors.check_hyphens = true; return; } // V4: not contain a U+002E FULL STOP // // Here, label can't contain '.' since the input is from .split('.') // V5: not begin with a GC=Mark if is_combining_mark(first_char.unwrap()) { errors.start_combining_mark = true; return; } // V6: Check against Mapping Table if label.chars().any(|c| match *find_char(c) { Mapping::Valid | Mapping::DisallowedIdna2008 => false, Mapping::Deviation(_) => config.transitional_processing, Mapping::DisallowedStd3Valid => config.use_std3_ascii_rules, _ => true, }) { errors.invalid_mapping = true; } // V7: ContextJ rules // // TODO: Implement rules and add *CheckJoiners* flag. // V8: Bidi rules are checked inside `processing()` } // Detect simple cases: all lowercase ASCII characters and digits where none // of the labels start with PUNYCODE_PREFIX and labels don't start or end with hyphen. fn is_simple(domain: &str) -> bool { if domain.is_empty() { return false; } let (mut prev, mut puny_prefix) = ('?', 0); for c in domain.chars() { if c == '.' { if prev == '-' { return false; } puny_prefix = 0; continue; } else if puny_prefix == 0 && c == '-' { return false; } else if puny_prefix < 5 { if c == ['x', 'n', '-', '-'][puny_prefix] { puny_prefix += 1; if puny_prefix == 4 { return false; } } else { puny_prefix = 5; } } if !c.is_ascii_lowercase() && !c.is_ascii_digit() { return false; } prev = c; } true } /// http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/#Processing fn processing( domain: &str, config: Config, normalized: &mut String, output: &mut String, ) -> Errors { normalized.clear(); let mut errors = Errors::default(); let offset = output.len(); let iter = Mapper { chars: domain.chars(), config, errors: &mut errors, slice: None, }; normalized.extend(iter.nfc()); let mut decoder = punycode::Decoder::default(); let non_transitional = config.transitional_processing(false); let (mut first, mut has_bidi_labels) = (true, false); for label in normalized.split('.') { if !first { output.push('.'); } first = false; if let Some(remainder) = label.strip_prefix(PUNYCODE_PREFIX) { match decoder.decode(remainder) { Ok(decode) => { let start = output.len(); output.extend(decode); let decoded_label = &output[start..]; if !has_bidi_labels { has_bidi_labels |= is_bidi_domain(decoded_label); } if !errors.is_err() { if !is_nfc(decoded_label) { errors.nfc = true; } else { check_validity(decoded_label, non_transitional, &mut errors); } } } Err(()) => { has_bidi_labels = true; errors.punycode = true; } } } else { if !has_bidi_labels { has_bidi_labels |= is_bidi_domain(label); } // `normalized` is already `NFC` so we can skip that check check_validity(label, config, &mut errors); output.push_str(label) } } for label in output[offset..].split('.') { // V8: Bidi rules // // TODO: Add *CheckBidi* flag if !passes_bidi(label, has_bidi_labels) { errors.check_bidi = true; break; } } errors } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Idna { config: Config, normalized: String, output: String, } impl Idna { pub fn new(config: Config) -> Self { Self { config, normalized: String::new(), output: String::new(), } } pub fn to_ascii_inner(&mut self, domain: &str, out: &mut String) -> Errors { if is_simple(domain) { out.push_str(domain); return Errors::default(); } let mut errors = processing(domain, self.config, &mut self.normalized, out); self.output = std::mem::replace(out, String::with_capacity(out.len())); let mut first = true; for label in self.output.split('.') { if !first { out.push('.'); } first = false; if label.is_ascii() { out.push_str(label); } else { let offset = out.len(); out.push_str(PUNYCODE_PREFIX); if let Err(()) = punycode::encode_into(label.chars(), out) { errors.punycode = true; out.truncate(offset); } } } errors } /// http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/#ToASCII #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)] pub fn to_ascii<'a>(&'a mut self, domain: &str, out: &mut String) -> Result<(), Errors> { let mut errors = self.to_ascii_inner(domain, out); if self.config.verify_dns_length { let domain = if out.ends_with('.') { &out[..out.len() - 1] } else { &*out }; if domain.is_empty() || domain.split('.').any(|label| label.is_empty()) { errors.too_short_for_dns = true; } if domain.len() > 253 || domain.split('.').any(|label| label.len() > 63) { errors.too_long_for_dns = true; } } errors.into() } /// http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/#ToUnicode #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)] pub fn to_unicode<'a>(&'a mut self, domain: &str, out: &mut String) -> Result<(), Errors> { if is_simple(domain) { out.push_str(domain); return Errors::default().into(); } processing(domain, self.config, &mut self.normalized, out).into() } } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct Config { use_std3_ascii_rules: bool, transitional_processing: bool, verify_dns_length: bool, check_hyphens: bool, use_idna_2008_rules: bool, } /// The defaults are that of https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#idna impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Self { Config { use_std3_ascii_rules: false, transitional_processing: false, check_hyphens: false, // check_bidi: true, // check_joiners: true, // Only use for to_ascii, not to_unicode verify_dns_length: false, use_idna_2008_rules: false, } } } impl Config { #[inline] pub fn use_std3_ascii_rules(mut self, value: bool) -> Self { self.use_std3_ascii_rules = value; self } #[inline] pub fn transitional_processing(mut self, value: bool) -> Self { self.transitional_processing = value; self } #[inline] pub fn verify_dns_length(mut self, value: bool) -> Self { self.verify_dns_length = value; self } #[inline] pub fn check_hyphens(mut self, value: bool) -> Self { self.check_hyphens = value; self } #[inline] pub fn use_idna_2008_rules(mut self, value: bool) -> Self { self.use_idna_2008_rules = value; self } /// http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/#ToASCII pub fn to_ascii(self, domain: &str) -> Result { let mut result = String::with_capacity(domain.len()); let mut codec = Idna::new(self); codec.to_ascii(domain, &mut result).map(|()| result) } /// http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/#ToUnicode pub fn to_unicode(self, domain: &str) -> (String, Result<(), Errors>) { let mut codec = Idna::new(self); let mut out = String::with_capacity(domain.len()); let result = codec.to_unicode(domain, &mut out); (out, result) } } fn is_bidi_domain(s: &str) -> bool { for c in s.chars() { if c.is_ascii_graphic() { continue; } match bidi_class(c) { BidiClass::R | BidiClass::AL | BidiClass::AN => return true, _ => {} } } false } /// Errors recorded during UTS #46 processing. /// /// This is opaque for now, indicating what types of errors have been encountered at least once. /// More details may be exposed in the future. #[derive(Default)] pub struct Errors { punycode: bool, check_hyphens: bool, check_bidi: bool, start_combining_mark: bool, invalid_mapping: bool, nfc: bool, disallowed_by_std3_ascii_rules: bool, disallowed_mapped_in_std3: bool, disallowed_character: bool, too_long_for_dns: bool, too_short_for_dns: bool, disallowed_in_idna_2008: bool, } impl Errors { fn is_err(&self) -> bool { let Errors { punycode, check_hyphens, check_bidi, start_combining_mark, invalid_mapping, nfc, disallowed_by_std3_ascii_rules, disallowed_mapped_in_std3, disallowed_character, too_long_for_dns, too_short_for_dns, disallowed_in_idna_2008, } = *self; punycode || check_hyphens || check_bidi || start_combining_mark || invalid_mapping || nfc || disallowed_by_std3_ascii_rules || disallowed_mapped_in_std3 || disallowed_character || too_long_for_dns || too_short_for_dns || disallowed_in_idna_2008 } } impl fmt::Debug for Errors { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let Errors { punycode, check_hyphens, check_bidi, start_combining_mark, invalid_mapping, nfc, disallowed_by_std3_ascii_rules, disallowed_mapped_in_std3, disallowed_character, too_long_for_dns, too_short_for_dns, disallowed_in_idna_2008, } = *self; let fields = [ ("punycode", punycode), ("check_hyphens", check_hyphens), ("check_bidi", check_bidi), ("start_combining_mark", start_combining_mark), ("invalid_mapping", invalid_mapping), ("nfc", nfc), ( "disallowed_by_std3_ascii_rules", disallowed_by_std3_ascii_rules, ), ("disallowed_mapped_in_std3", disallowed_mapped_in_std3), ("disallowed_character", disallowed_character), ("too_long_for_dns", too_long_for_dns), ("too_short_for_dns", too_short_for_dns), ("disallowed_in_idna_2008", disallowed_in_idna_2008), ]; let mut empty = true; f.write_str("Errors { ")?; for (name, val) in &fields { if *val { if !empty { f.write_str(", ")?; } f.write_str(*name)?; empty = false; } } if !empty { f.write_str(" }") } else { f.write_str("}") } } } impl From for Result<(), Errors> { fn from(e: Errors) -> Result<(), Errors> { if !e.is_err() { Ok(()) } else { Err(e) } } } impl StdError for Errors {} impl fmt::Display for Errors { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{find_char, Mapping}; #[test] fn mapping_fast_path() { assert_matches!(find_char('-'), &Mapping::Valid); assert_matches!(find_char('.'), &Mapping::Valid); for c in &['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] { assert_matches!(find_char(*c), &Mapping::Valid); } for c in &[ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', ] { assert_matches!(find_char(*c), &Mapping::Valid); } } }