// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
//! A persistent vector.
//! This is a sequence of elements in insertion order - if you need a
//! list of things, any kind of list of things, this is what you're
//! looking for.
//! It's implemented as an [RRB vector][rrbpaper] with [smart
//! head/tail chunking][chunkedseq]. In performance terms, this means
//! that practically every operation is O(log n), except push/pop on
//! both sides, which will be O(1) amortised, and O(log n) in the
//! worst case. In practice, the push/pop operations will be
//! blindingly fast, nearly on par with the native
//! [`VecDeque`][VecDeque], and other operations will have decent, if
//! not high, performance, but they all have more or less the same
//! O(log n) complexity, so you don't need to keep their performance
//! characteristics in mind - everything, even splitting and merging,
//! is safe to use and never too slow.
//! ## Performance Notes
//! Because of the head/tail chunking technique, until you push a
//! number of items above double the tree's branching factor (that's
//! `self.len()` = 2 × *k* (where *k* = 64) = 128) on either side, the
//! data structure is still just a handful of arrays, not yet an RRB
//! tree, so you'll see performance and memory characteristics fairly
//! close to [`Vec`][Vec] or [`VecDeque`][VecDeque].
//! This means that the structure always preallocates four chunks of
//! size *k* (*k* being the tree's branching factor), equivalent to a
//! [`Vec`][Vec] with an initial capacity of 256. Beyond that, it will
//! allocate tree nodes of capacity *k* as needed.
//! In addition, vectors start out as single chunks, and only expand into the
//! full data structure once you go past the chunk size. This makes them
//! perform identically to [`Vec`][Vec] at small sizes.
//! [rrbpaper]: https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/213452/files/rrbvector.pdf
//! [chunkedseq]: http://deepsea.inria.fr/pasl/chunkedseq.pdf
//! [Vec]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/vec/struct.Vec.html
//! [VecDeque]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/collections/struct.VecDeque.html
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Error, Formatter};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::iter::Sum;
use std::iter::{FromIterator, FusedIterator};
use std::mem::{replace, swap};
use std::ops::{Add, Index, IndexMut, RangeBounds};
use sized_chunks::InlineArray;
use crate::nodes::chunk::{Chunk, CHUNK_SIZE};
use crate::nodes::rrb::{Node, PopResult, PushResult, SplitResult};
use crate::sort;
use crate::util::{clone_ref, swap_indices, to_range, Pool, PoolDefault, PoolRef, Ref, Side};
use self::VectorInner::{Full, Inline, Single};
mod focus;
pub use self::focus::{Focus, FocusMut};
mod pool;
pub use self::pool::RRBPool;
#[cfg(all(threadsafe, any(test, feature = "rayon")))]
pub mod rayon;
/// Construct a vector from a sequence of elements.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::vector::Vector;
/// # fn main() {
/// assert_eq!(
/// vector![1, 2, 3],
/// Vector::from(vec![1, 2, 3])
/// );
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! vector {
() => { $crate::vector::Vector::new() };
( $($x:expr),* ) => {{
let mut l = $crate::vector::Vector::new();
( $($x:expr ,)* ) => {{
let mut l = $crate::vector::Vector::new();
/// A persistent vector.
/// This is a sequence of elements in insertion order - if you need a list of
/// things, any kind of list of things, this is what you're looking for.
/// It's implemented as an [RRB vector][rrbpaper] with [smart head/tail
/// chunking][chunkedseq]. In performance terms, this means that practically
/// every operation is O(log n), except push/pop on both sides, which will be
/// O(1) amortised, and O(log n) in the worst case. In practice, the push/pop
/// operations will be blindingly fast, nearly on par with the native
/// [`VecDeque`][VecDeque], and other operations will have decent, if not high,
/// performance, but they all have more or less the same O(log n) complexity, so
/// you don't need to keep their performance characteristics in mind -
/// everything, even splitting and merging, is safe to use and never too slow.
/// ## Performance Notes
/// Because of the head/tail chunking technique, until you push a number of
/// items above double the tree's branching factor (that's `self.len()` = 2 ×
/// *k* (where *k* = 64) = 128) on either side, the data structure is still just
/// a handful of arrays, not yet an RRB tree, so you'll see performance and
/// memory characteristics similar to [`Vec`][Vec] or [`VecDeque`][VecDeque].
/// This means that the structure always preallocates four chunks of size *k*
/// (*k* being the tree's branching factor), equivalent to a [`Vec`][Vec] with
/// an initial capacity of 256. Beyond that, it will allocate tree nodes of
/// capacity *k* as needed.
/// In addition, vectors start out as single chunks, and only expand into the
/// full data structure once you go past the chunk size. This makes them
/// perform identically to [`Vec`][Vec] at small sizes.
/// [rrbpaper]: https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/213452/files/rrbvector.pdf
/// [chunkedseq]: http://deepsea.inria.fr/pasl/chunkedseq.pdf
/// [Vec]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/vec/struct.Vec.html
/// [VecDeque]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/collections/struct.VecDeque.html
pub struct Vector {
vector: VectorInner,
enum VectorInner {
Inline(RRBPool, InlineArray>),
Single(RRBPool, PoolRef>),
Full(RRBPool, Rrb),
pub struct Rrb {
length: usize,
middle_level: usize,
outer_f: PoolRef>,
inner_f: PoolRef>,
middle: Ref>,
inner_b: PoolRef>,
outer_b: PoolRef>,
impl Clone for Rrb {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Rrb {
length: self.length,
middle_level: self.middle_level,
outer_f: self.outer_f.clone(),
inner_f: self.inner_f.clone(),
middle: self.middle.clone(),
inner_b: self.inner_b.clone(),
outer_b: self.outer_b.clone(),
impl Vector {
/// Get a reference to the memory pool this `Vector` is using.
/// Note that if you didn't specifically construct it with a pool, you'll
/// get back a reference to a pool of size 0.
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "pool"), doc(hidden))]
pub fn pool(&self) -> &RRBPool {
match self.vector {
Inline(ref pool, _) => pool,
Single(ref pool, _) => pool,
Full(ref pool, _) => pool,
/// True if a vector is a full inline or single chunk, ie. must be promoted
/// to grow further.
fn needs_promotion(&self) -> bool {
match &self.vector {
Inline(_, chunk) if chunk.is_full() => true,
Single(_, chunk) if chunk.is_full() => true,
_ => false,
/// Promote an inline to a single.
fn promote_inline(&mut self) {
if let Inline(pool, chunk) = &mut self.vector {
self.vector = Single(pool.clone(), PoolRef::new(&pool.value_pool, chunk.into()));
/// Promote a single to a full, with the single chunk becoming inner_f, or
/// promote an inline to a single.
fn promote_front(&mut self) {
self.vector = match &mut self.vector {
Inline(pool, chunk) => {
Single(pool.clone(), PoolRef::new(&pool.value_pool, chunk.into()))
Single(pool, chunk) => {
let chunk = chunk.clone();
Rrb {
length: chunk.len(),
middle_level: 0,
outer_f: PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
inner_f: chunk,
middle: Ref::new(Node::new()),
inner_b: PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
outer_b: PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
Full(_, _) => return,
/// Promote a single to a full, with the single chunk becoming inner_b, or
/// promote an inline to a single.
fn promote_back(&mut self) {
self.vector = match &mut self.vector {
Inline(pool, chunk) => {
Single(pool.clone(), PoolRef::new(&pool.value_pool, chunk.into()))
Single(pool, chunk) => {
let chunk = chunk.clone();
Rrb {
length: chunk.len(),
middle_level: 0,
outer_f: PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
inner_f: PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
middle: Ref::new(Node::new()),
inner_b: chunk,
outer_b: PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
Full(_, _) => return,
/// Construct an empty vector.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
vector: Inline(RRBPool::default(), InlineArray::new()),
/// Construct an empty vector using a specific memory pool.
#[cfg(feature = "pool")]
pub fn with_pool(pool: &RRBPool) -> Self {
Self {
vector: Inline(pool.clone(), InlineArray::new()),
/// Get the length of a vector.
/// Time: O(1)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// assert_eq!(5, vector![1, 2, 3, 4, 5].len());
/// ```
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
match &self.vector {
Inline(_, chunk) => chunk.len(),
Single(_, chunk) => chunk.len(),
Full(_, tree) => tree.length,
/// Test whether a vector is empty.
/// Time: O(1)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::Vector;
/// let vec = vector!["Joe", "Mike", "Robert"];
/// assert_eq!(false, vec.is_empty());
/// assert_eq!(true, Vector::::new().is_empty());
/// ```
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
/// Test whether a vector is currently inlined.
/// Vectors small enough that their contents could be stored entirely inside
/// the space of `std::mem::size_of::>()` bytes are stored inline on
/// the stack instead of allocating any chunks. This method returns `true` if
/// this vector is currently inlined, or `false` if it currently has chunks allocated
/// on the heap.
/// This may be useful in conjunction with [`ptr_eq()`][ptr_eq], which checks if
/// two vectors' heap allocations are the same, and thus will never return `true`
/// for inlined vectors.
/// Time: O(1)
/// [ptr_eq]: #method.ptr_eq
pub fn is_inline(&self) -> bool {
matches!(&self.vector, Inline(_, _))
/// Test whether two vectors refer to the same content in memory.
/// This uses the following rules to determine equality:
/// * If the two sides are references to the same vector, return true.
/// * If the two sides are single chunk vectors pointing to the same chunk, return true.
/// * If the two sides are full trees pointing to the same chunks, return true.
/// This would return true if you're comparing a vector to itself, or
/// if you're comparing a vector to a fresh clone of itself. The exception to this is
/// if you've cloned an inline array (ie. an array with so few elements they can fit
/// inside the space a `Vector` allocates for its pointers, so there are no heap allocations
/// to compare).
/// Time: O(1)
pub fn ptr_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
fn cmp_chunk(left: &PoolRef>, right: &PoolRef>) -> bool {
(left.is_empty() && right.is_empty()) || PoolRef::ptr_eq(left, right)
if std::ptr::eq(self, other) {
return true;
match (&self.vector, &other.vector) {
(Single(_, left), Single(_, right)) => cmp_chunk(left, right),
(Full(_, left), Full(_, right)) => {
cmp_chunk(&left.outer_f, &right.outer_f)
&& cmp_chunk(&left.inner_f, &right.inner_f)
&& cmp_chunk(&left.inner_b, &right.inner_b)
&& cmp_chunk(&left.outer_b, &right.outer_b)
&& ((left.middle.is_empty() && right.middle.is_empty())
|| Ref::ptr_eq(&left.middle, &right.middle))
_ => false,
/// Get an iterator over a vector.
/// Time: O(1)
pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, A> {
/// Get a mutable iterator over a vector.
/// Time: O(1)
pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<'_, A> {
/// Get an iterator over the leaf nodes of a vector.
/// This returns an iterator over the [`Chunk`s][Chunk] at the leaves of the
/// RRB tree. These are useful for efficient parallelisation of work on
/// the vector, but should not be used for basic iteration.
/// Time: O(1)
/// [Chunk]: ../chunk/struct.Chunk.html
pub fn leaves(&self) -> Chunks<'_, A> {
/// Get a mutable iterator over the leaf nodes of a vector.
/// This returns an iterator over the [`Chunk`s][Chunk] at the leaves of the
/// RRB tree. These are useful for efficient parallelisation of work on
/// the vector, but should not be used for basic iteration.
/// Time: O(1)
/// [Chunk]: ../chunk/struct.Chunk.html
pub fn leaves_mut(&mut self) -> ChunksMut<'_, A> {
/// Construct a [`Focus`][Focus] for a vector.
/// Time: O(1)
/// [Focus]: enum.Focus.html
pub fn focus(&self) -> Focus<'_, A> {
/// Construct a [`FocusMut`][FocusMut] for a vector.
/// Time: O(1)
/// [FocusMut]: enum.FocusMut.html
pub fn focus_mut(&mut self) -> FocusMut<'_, A> {
/// Get a reference to the value at index `index` in a vector.
/// Returns `None` if the index is out of bounds.
/// Time: O(log n)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::Vector;
/// let vec = vector!["Joe", "Mike", "Robert"];
/// assert_eq!(Some(&"Robert"), vec.get(2));
/// assert_eq!(None, vec.get(5));
/// ```
pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&A> {
if index >= self.len() {
return None;
match &self.vector {
Inline(_, chunk) => chunk.get(index),
Single(_, chunk) => chunk.get(index),
Full(_, tree) => {
let mut local_index = index;
if local_index < tree.outer_f.len() {
return Some(&tree.outer_f[local_index]);
local_index -= tree.outer_f.len();
if local_index < tree.inner_f.len() {
return Some(&tree.inner_f[local_index]);
local_index -= tree.inner_f.len();
if local_index < tree.middle.len() {
return Some(tree.middle.index(tree.middle_level, local_index));
local_index -= tree.middle.len();
if local_index < tree.inner_b.len() {
return Some(&tree.inner_b[local_index]);
local_index -= tree.inner_b.len();
/// Get a mutable reference to the value at index `index` in a
/// vector.
/// Returns `None` if the index is out of bounds.
/// Time: O(log n)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector!["Joe", "Mike", "Robert"];
/// {
/// let robert = vec.get_mut(2).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(&mut "Robert", robert);
/// *robert = "Bjarne";
/// }
/// assert_eq!(vector!["Joe", "Mike", "Bjarne"], vec);
/// ```
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut A> {
if index >= self.len() {
return None;
match &mut self.vector {
Inline(_, chunk) => chunk.get_mut(index),
Single(pool, chunk) => PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, chunk).get_mut(index),
Full(pool, tree) => {
let mut local_index = index;
if local_index < tree.outer_f.len() {
let outer_f = PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.outer_f);
return Some(&mut outer_f[local_index]);
local_index -= tree.outer_f.len();
if local_index < tree.inner_f.len() {
let inner_f = PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.inner_f);
return Some(&mut inner_f[local_index]);
local_index -= tree.inner_f.len();
if local_index < tree.middle.len() {
let middle = Ref::make_mut(&mut tree.middle);
return Some(middle.index_mut(pool, tree.middle_level, local_index));
local_index -= tree.middle.len();
if local_index < tree.inner_b.len() {
let inner_b = PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.inner_b);
return Some(&mut inner_b[local_index]);
local_index -= tree.inner_b.len();
let outer_b = PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.outer_b);
Some(&mut outer_b[local_index])
/// Get the first element of a vector.
/// If the vector is empty, `None` is returned.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn front(&self) -> Option<&A> {
/// Get a mutable reference to the first element of a vector.
/// If the vector is empty, `None` is returned.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn front_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut A> {
/// Get the first element of a vector.
/// If the vector is empty, `None` is returned.
/// This is an alias for the [`front`][front] method.
/// Time: O(log n)
/// [front]: #method.front
pub fn head(&self) -> Option<&A> {
/// Get the last element of a vector.
/// If the vector is empty, `None` is returned.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn back(&self) -> Option<&A> {
if self.is_empty() {
} else {
self.get(self.len() - 1)
/// Get a mutable reference to the last element of a vector.
/// If the vector is empty, `None` is returned.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn back_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut A> {
if self.is_empty() {
} else {
let len = self.len();
self.get_mut(len - 1)
/// Get the last element of a vector.
/// If the vector is empty, `None` is returned.
/// This is an alias for the [`back`][back] method.
/// Time: O(log n)
/// [back]: #method.back
pub fn last(&self) -> Option<&A> {
/// Get the index of a given element in the vector.
/// Searches the vector for the first occurrence of a given value,
/// and returns the index of the value if it's there. Otherwise,
/// it returns `None`.
/// Time: O(n)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
/// assert_eq!(Some(2), vec.index_of(&3));
/// assert_eq!(None, vec.index_of(&31337));
/// ```
pub fn index_of(&self, value: &A) -> Option
A: PartialEq,
for (index, item) in self.iter().enumerate() {
if value == item {
return Some(index);
/// Test if a given element is in the vector.
/// Searches the vector for the first occurrence of a given value,
/// and returns `true` if it's there. If it's nowhere to be found
/// in the vector, it returns `false`.
/// Time: O(n)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
/// assert_eq!(true, vec.contains(&3));
/// assert_eq!(false, vec.contains(&31337));
/// ```
pub fn contains(&self, value: &A) -> bool
A: PartialEq,
/// Discard all elements from the vector.
/// This leaves you with an empty vector, and all elements that
/// were previously inside it are dropped.
/// Time: O(n)
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
if !self.is_empty() {
self.vector = Inline(self.pool().clone(), InlineArray::new());
/// Binary search a sorted vector for a given element using a comparator
/// function.
/// Assumes the vector has already been sorted using the same comparator
/// function, eg. by using [`sort_by`][sort_by].
/// If the value is found, it returns `Ok(index)` where `index` is the index
/// of the element. If the value isn't found, it returns `Err(index)` where
/// `index` is the index at which the element would need to be inserted to
/// maintain sorted order.
/// Time: O(log n)
/// [sort_by]: #method.sort_by
pub fn binary_search_by(&self, mut f: F) -> Result
F: FnMut(&A) -> Ordering,
let mut size = self.len();
if size == 0 {
return Err(0);
let mut base = 0;
while size > 1 {
let half = size / 2;
let mid = base + half;
base = match f(&self[mid]) {
Ordering::Greater => base,
_ => mid,
size -= half;
match f(&self[base]) {
Ordering::Equal => Ok(base),
Ordering::Greater => Err(base),
Ordering::Less => Err(base + 1),
/// Binary search a sorted vector for a given element.
/// If the value is found, it returns `Ok(index)` where `index` is the index
/// of the element. If the value isn't found, it returns `Err(index)` where
/// `index` is the index at which the element would need to be inserted to
/// maintain sorted order.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn binary_search(&self, value: &A) -> Result
A: Ord,
self.binary_search_by(|e| e.cmp(value))
/// Binary search a sorted vector for a given element with a key extract
/// function.
/// Assumes the vector has already been sorted using the same key extract
/// function, eg. by using [`sort_by_key`][sort_by_key].
/// If the value is found, it returns `Ok(index)` where `index` is the index
/// of the element. If the value isn't found, it returns `Err(index)` where
/// `index` is the index at which the element would need to be inserted to
/// maintain sorted order.
/// Time: O(log n)
/// [sort_by_key]: #method.sort_by_key
pub fn binary_search_by_key(&self, b: &B, mut f: F) -> Result
F: FnMut(&A) -> B,
B: Ord,
self.binary_search_by(|k| f(k).cmp(b))
impl Vector {
/// Construct a vector with a single value.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::vector::Vector;
/// let vec = Vector::unit(1337);
/// assert_eq!(1, vec.len());
/// assert_eq!(
/// vec.get(0),
/// Some(&1337)
/// );
/// ```
pub fn unit(a: A) -> Self {
let pool = RRBPool::default();
if InlineArray::>::CAPACITY > 0 {
let mut array = InlineArray::new();
Self {
vector: Inline(pool, array),
} else {
let chunk = PoolRef::new(&pool.value_pool, Chunk::unit(a));
Self {
vector: Single(pool, chunk),
/// Create a new vector with the value at index `index` updated.
/// Panics if the index is out of bounds.
/// Time: O(log n)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![1, 2, 3];
/// assert_eq!(vector![1, 5, 3], vec.update(1, 5));
/// ```
pub fn update(&self, index: usize, value: A) -> Self {
let mut out = self.clone();
out[index] = value;
/// Update the value at index `index` in a vector.
/// Returns the previous value at the index.
/// Panics if the index is out of bounds.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn set(&mut self, index: usize, value: A) -> A {
replace(&mut self[index], value)
/// Swap the elements at indices `i` and `j`.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn swap(&mut self, i: usize, j: usize) {
swap_indices(self, i, j)
/// Push a value to the front of a vector.
/// Time: O(1)*
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![5, 6, 7];
/// vec.push_front(4);
/// assert_eq!(vector![4, 5, 6, 7], vec);
/// ```
pub fn push_front(&mut self, value: A) {
if self.needs_promotion() {
match &mut self.vector {
Inline(_, chunk) => {
chunk.insert(0, value);
Single(pool, chunk) => PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, chunk).push_front(value),
Full(pool, tree) => tree.push_front(pool, value),
/// Push a value to the back of a vector.
/// Time: O(1)*
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![1, 2, 3];
/// vec.push_back(4);
/// assert_eq!(vector![1, 2, 3, 4], vec);
/// ```
pub fn push_back(&mut self, value: A) {
if self.needs_promotion() {
match &mut self.vector {
Inline(_, chunk) => {
Single(pool, chunk) => PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, chunk).push_back(value),
Full(pool, tree) => tree.push_back(pool, value),
/// Remove the first element from a vector and return it.
/// Time: O(1)*
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![1, 2, 3];
/// assert_eq!(Some(1), vec.pop_front());
/// assert_eq!(vector![2, 3], vec);
/// ```
pub fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option {
if self.is_empty() {
} else {
match &mut self.vector {
Inline(_, chunk) => chunk.remove(0),
Single(pool, chunk) => Some(PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, chunk).pop_front()),
Full(pool, tree) => tree.pop_front(pool),
/// Remove the last element from a vector and return it.
/// Time: O(1)*
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![1, 2, 3];
/// assert_eq!(Some(3), vec.pop_back());
/// assert_eq!(vector![1, 2], vec);
/// ```
pub fn pop_back(&mut self) -> Option {
if self.is_empty() {
} else {
match &mut self.vector {
Inline(_, chunk) => chunk.pop(),
Single(pool, chunk) => Some(PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, chunk).pop_back()),
Full(pool, tree) => tree.pop_back(pool),
/// Append the vector `other` to the end of the current vector.
/// Time: O(log n)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::vector::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![1, 2, 3];
/// vec.append(vector![7, 8, 9]);
/// assert_eq!(vector![1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9], vec);
/// ```
pub fn append(&mut self, mut other: Self) {
if other.is_empty() {
if self.is_empty() {
*self = other;
let total_length = self
.expect("Vector length overflow");
match &mut self.vector {
Inline(_, _) => unreachable!("inline vecs should have been promoted"),
Single(pool, left) => {
match &mut other.vector {
Inline(_, _) => unreachable!("inline vecs should have been promoted"),
// If both are single chunks and left has room for right: directly
// memcpy right into left
Single(_, ref mut right) if total_length <= CHUNK_SIZE => {
PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, left)
.append(PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, right));
// If only left is a single chunk and has room for right: push
// right's elements into left
_ if total_length <= CHUNK_SIZE => {
while let Some(value) = other.pop_front() {
PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, left).push_back(value);
_ => {}
Full(pool, left) => {
if let Full(_, mut right) = other.vector {
// If left and right are trees with empty middles, left has no back
// buffers, and right has no front buffers: copy right's back
// buffers over to left
if left.middle.is_empty()
&& right.middle.is_empty()
&& left.outer_b.is_empty()
&& left.inner_b.is_empty()
&& right.outer_f.is_empty()
&& right.inner_f.is_empty()
left.inner_b = right.inner_b;
left.outer_b = right.outer_b;
left.length = total_length;
// If left and right are trees with empty middles and left's buffers
// can fit right's buffers: push right's elements onto left
if left.middle.is_empty()
&& right.middle.is_empty()
&& total_length <= CHUNK_SIZE * 4
while let Some(value) = right.pop_front(pool) {
left.push_back(pool, value);
// Both are full and big: do the full RRB join
let inner_b1 = left.inner_b.clone();
left.push_middle(pool, Side::Right, inner_b1);
let outer_b1 = left.outer_b.clone();
left.push_middle(pool, Side::Right, outer_b1);
let inner_f2 = right.inner_f.clone();
right.push_middle(pool, Side::Left, inner_f2);
let outer_f2 = right.outer_f.clone();
right.push_middle(pool, Side::Left, outer_f2);
let mut middle1 = clone_ref(replace(&mut left.middle, Ref::from(Node::new())));
let mut middle2 = clone_ref(right.middle);
let normalised_middle = match left.middle_level.cmp(&right.middle_level) {
Ordering::Greater => {
middle2 = middle2.elevate(pool, left.middle_level - right.middle_level);
Ordering::Less => {
middle1 = middle1.elevate(pool, right.middle_level - left.middle_level);
Ordering::Equal => left.middle_level,
left.middle = Ref::new(Node::merge(pool, middle1, middle2, normalised_middle));
left.middle_level = normalised_middle + 1;
left.inner_b = right.inner_b;
left.outer_b = right.outer_b;
left.length = total_length;
// No optimisations available, and either left, right or both are
// single: promote both to full and retry
/// Retain only the elements specified by the predicate.
/// Remove all elements for which the provided function `f`
/// returns false from the vector.
/// Time: O(n)
pub fn retain(&mut self, mut f: F)
F: FnMut(&A) -> bool,
let len = self.len();
let mut del = 0;
let mut focus = self.focus_mut();
for i in 0..len {
if !f(focus.index(i)) {
del += 1;
} else if del > 0 {
focus.swap(i - del, i);
if del > 0 {
self.split_off(len - del);
/// Split a vector at a given index.
/// Split a vector at a given index, consuming the vector and
/// returning a pair of the left hand side and the right hand side
/// of the split.
/// Time: O(log n)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::vector::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9];
/// let (left, right) = vec.split_at(3);
/// assert_eq!(vector![1, 2, 3], left);
/// assert_eq!(vector![7, 8, 9], right);
/// ```
pub fn split_at(mut self, index: usize) -> (Self, Self) {
let right = self.split_off(index);
(self, right)
/// Split a vector at a given index.
/// Split a vector at a given index, leaving the left hand side in
/// the current vector and returning a new vector containing the
/// right hand side.
/// Time: O(log n)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::vector::Vector;
/// let mut left = vector![1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9];
/// let right = left.split_off(3);
/// assert_eq!(vector![1, 2, 3], left);
/// assert_eq!(vector![7, 8, 9], right);
/// ```
pub fn split_off(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self {
assert!(index <= self.len());
match &mut self.vector {
Inline(pool, chunk) => Self {
vector: Inline(pool.clone(), chunk.split_off(index)),
Single(pool, chunk) => Self {
vector: Single(
PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, chunk).split_off(index),
Full(pool, tree) => {
let mut local_index = index;
if local_index < tree.outer_f.len() {
let of2 = PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.outer_f)
let right = Rrb {
length: tree.length - index,
middle_level: tree.middle_level,
outer_f: PoolRef::new(&pool.value_pool, of2),
inner_f: replace_pool_def(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.inner_f),
middle: std::mem::take(&mut tree.middle),
inner_b: replace_pool_def(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.inner_b),
outer_b: replace_pool_def(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.outer_b),
tree.length = index;
tree.middle_level = 0;
return Self {
vector: Full(pool.clone(), right),
local_index -= tree.outer_f.len();
if local_index < tree.inner_f.len() {
let if2 = PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.inner_f)
let right = Rrb {
length: tree.length - index,
middle_level: tree.middle_level,
outer_f: PoolRef::new(&pool.value_pool, if2),
inner_f: PoolRef::>::default(&pool.value_pool),
middle: std::mem::take(&mut tree.middle),
inner_b: replace_pool_def(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.inner_b),
outer_b: replace_pool_def(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.outer_b),
tree.length = index;
tree.middle_level = 0;
swap(&mut tree.outer_b, &mut tree.inner_f);
return Self {
vector: Full(pool.clone(), right),
local_index -= tree.inner_f.len();
if local_index < tree.middle.len() {
let mut right_middle = tree.middle.clone();
let (c1, c2) = {
let m1 = Ref::make_mut(&mut tree.middle);
let m2 = Ref::make_mut(&mut right_middle);
match m1.split(pool, tree.middle_level, Side::Right, local_index) {
SplitResult::Dropped(_) => (),
SplitResult::OutOfBounds => unreachable!(),
match m2.split(pool, tree.middle_level, Side::Left, local_index) {
SplitResult::Dropped(_) => (),
SplitResult::OutOfBounds => unreachable!(),
let c1 = match m1.pop_chunk(pool, tree.middle_level, Side::Right) {
PopResult::Empty => PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
PopResult::Done(chunk) => chunk,
PopResult::Drained(chunk) => {
let c2 = match m2.pop_chunk(pool, tree.middle_level, Side::Left) {
PopResult::Empty => PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
PopResult::Done(chunk) => chunk,
PopResult::Drained(chunk) => {
(c1, c2)
let mut right = Rrb {
length: tree.length - index,
middle_level: tree.middle_level,
outer_f: c2,
inner_f: PoolRef::>::default(&pool.value_pool),
middle: right_middle,
inner_b: replace_pool_def(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.inner_b),
outer_b: replace(&mut tree.outer_b, c1),
tree.length = index;
return Self {
vector: Full(pool.clone(), right),
local_index -= tree.middle.len();
if local_index < tree.inner_b.len() {
let ib2 = PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.inner_b)
let right = Rrb {
length: tree.length - index,
outer_b: replace_pool_def(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.outer_b),
outer_f: PoolRef::new(&pool.value_pool, ib2),
tree.length = index;
swap(&mut tree.outer_b, &mut tree.inner_b);
return Self {
vector: Full(pool.clone(), right),
local_index -= tree.inner_b.len();
let ob2 =
PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut tree.outer_b).split_off(local_index);
tree.length = index;
Self {
vector: Single(pool.clone(), PoolRef::new(&pool.value_pool, ob2)),
/// Construct a vector with `count` elements removed from the
/// start of the current vector.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn skip(&self, count: usize) -> Self {
// FIXME can be made more efficient by dropping the unwanted side without constructing it
/// Construct a vector of the first `count` elements from the
/// current vector.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn take(&self, count: usize) -> Self {
// FIXME can be made more efficient by dropping the unwanted side without constructing it
let mut left = self.clone();
/// Truncate a vector to the given size.
/// Discards all elements in the vector beyond the given length.
/// Panics if the new length is greater than the current length.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn truncate(&mut self, len: usize) {
// FIXME can be made more efficient by dropping the unwanted side without constructing it
/// Extract a slice from a vector.
/// Remove the elements from `start_index` until `end_index` in
/// the current vector and return the removed slice as a new
/// vector.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn slice(&mut self, range: R) -> Self
R: RangeBounds,
let r = to_range(&range, self.len());
if r.start >= r.end || r.start >= self.len() {
return Vector::new();
let mut middle = self.split_off(r.start);
let right = middle.split_off(r.end - r.start);
/// Insert an element into a vector.
/// Insert an element at position `index`, shifting all elements
/// after it to the right.
/// ## Performance Note
/// While `push_front` and `push_back` are heavily optimised
/// operations, `insert` in the middle of a vector requires a
/// split, a push, and an append. Thus, if you want to insert
/// many elements at the same location, instead of `insert`ing
/// them one by one, you should rather create a new vector
/// containing the elements to insert, split the vector at the
/// insertion point, and append the left hand, the new vector and
/// the right hand in order.
/// Time: O(log n)
pub fn insert(&mut self, index: usize, value: A) {
if index == 0 {
return self.push_front(value);
if index == self.len() {
return self.push_back(value);
assert!(index < self.len());
if if let Inline(_, chunk) = &self.vector {
} else {
} {
match &mut self.vector {
Inline(_, chunk) => {
chunk.insert(index, value);
Single(pool, chunk) if chunk.len() < CHUNK_SIZE => {
PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, chunk).insert(index, value)
// TODO a lot of optimisations still possible here
_ => {
let right = self.split_off(index);
/// Remove an element from a vector.
/// Remove the element from position 'index', shifting all
/// elements after it to the left, and return the removed element.
/// ## Performance Note
/// While `pop_front` and `pop_back` are heavily optimised
/// operations, `remove` in the middle of a vector requires a
/// split, a pop, and an append. Thus, if you want to remove many
/// elements from the same location, instead of `remove`ing them
/// one by one, it is much better to use [`slice`][slice].
/// Time: O(log n)
/// [slice]: #method.slice
pub fn remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> A {
assert!(index < self.len());
match &mut self.vector {
Inline(_, chunk) => chunk.remove(index).unwrap(),
Single(pool, chunk) => PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, chunk).remove(index),
_ => {
if index == 0 {
return self.pop_front().unwrap();
if index == self.len() - 1 {
return self.pop_back().unwrap();
// TODO a lot of optimisations still possible here
let mut right = self.split_off(index);
let value = right.pop_front().unwrap();
/// Insert an element into a sorted vector.
/// Insert an element into a vector in sorted order, assuming the vector is
/// already in sorted order.
/// Time: O(log n)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::vector::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9];
/// vec.insert_ord(5);
/// assert_eq!(vector![1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9], vec);
/// ```
pub fn insert_ord(&mut self, item: A)
A: Ord,
match self.binary_search(&item) {
Ok(index) => self.insert(index, item),
Err(index) => self.insert(index, item),
/// Sort a vector.
/// Time: O(n log n)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::vector::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![3, 2, 5, 4, 1];
/// vec.sort();
/// assert_eq!(vector![1, 2, 3, 4, 5], vec);
/// ```
pub fn sort(&mut self)
A: Ord,
/// Sort a vector using a comparator function.
/// Time: O(n log n)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate im_rc as im;
/// # use im::vector::Vector;
/// let mut vec = vector![3, 2, 5, 4, 1];
/// vec.sort_by(|left, right| left.cmp(right));
/// assert_eq!(vector![1, 2, 3, 4, 5], vec);
/// ```
pub fn sort_by(&mut self, cmp: F)
F: Fn(&A, &A) -> Ordering,
let len = self.len();
if len > 1 {
sort::quicksort(self.focus_mut(), &cmp);
/// Verify the internal consistency of a vector.
/// This method walks the RRB tree making up the current `Vector`
/// (if it has one) and verifies that all the invariants hold.
/// If something is wrong, it will panic.
/// This method requires the `debug` feature flag.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "debug"))]
pub fn assert_invariants(&self) {
if let Full(_, ref tree) = self.vector {
// Implementation details
impl Rrb {
fn new(pool: &RRBPool) -> Self {
Rrb {
length: 0,
middle_level: 0,
outer_f: PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
inner_f: PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
middle: Ref::new(Node::new()),
inner_b: PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
outer_b: PoolRef::default(&pool.value_pool),
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "debug"))]
fn assert_invariants(&self) {
let ml = self.middle.assert_invariants(self.middle_level);
self.outer_f.len() + self.inner_f.len() + ml + self.inner_b.len() + self.outer_b.len()
fn prune(&mut self) {
if self.middle.is_empty() {
self.middle = Ref::new(Node::new());
self.middle_level = 0;
} else {
while self.middle_level > 0 && self.middle.is_single() {
// FIXME could be optimised, cloning the node is expensive
self.middle = Ref::new(self.middle.first_child().clone());
self.middle_level -= 1;
fn pop_front(&mut self, pool: &RRBPool) -> Option {
if self.length == 0 {
return None;
if self.outer_f.is_empty() {
if self.inner_f.is_empty() {
if self.middle.is_empty() {
if self.inner_b.is_empty() {
swap(&mut self.outer_f, &mut self.outer_b);
} else {
swap(&mut self.outer_f, &mut self.inner_b);
} else {
self.outer_f = self.pop_middle(pool, Side::Left).unwrap();
} else {
swap(&mut self.outer_f, &mut self.inner_f);
self.length -= 1;
let outer_f = PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut self.outer_f);
fn pop_back(&mut self, pool: &RRBPool) -> Option {
if self.length == 0 {
return None;
if self.outer_b.is_empty() {
if self.inner_b.is_empty() {
if self.middle.is_empty() {
if self.inner_f.is_empty() {
swap(&mut self.outer_b, &mut self.outer_f);
} else {
swap(&mut self.outer_b, &mut self.inner_f);
} else {
self.outer_b = self.pop_middle(pool, Side::Right).unwrap();
} else {
swap(&mut self.outer_b, &mut self.inner_b);
self.length -= 1;
let outer_b = PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut self.outer_b);
fn push_front(&mut self, pool: &RRBPool, value: A) {
if self.outer_f.is_full() {
swap(&mut self.outer_f, &mut self.inner_f);
if !self.outer_f.is_empty() {
let mut chunk = PoolRef::new(&pool.value_pool, Chunk::new());
swap(&mut chunk, &mut self.outer_f);
self.push_middle(pool, Side::Left, chunk);
self.length = self.length.checked_add(1).expect("Vector length overflow");
let outer_f = PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut self.outer_f);
fn push_back(&mut self, pool: &RRBPool, value: A) {
if self.outer_b.is_full() {
swap(&mut self.outer_b, &mut self.inner_b);
if !self.outer_b.is_empty() {
let mut chunk = PoolRef::new(&pool.value_pool, Chunk::new());
swap(&mut chunk, &mut self.outer_b);
self.push_middle(pool, Side::Right, chunk);
self.length = self.length.checked_add(1).expect("Vector length overflow");
let outer_b = PoolRef::make_mut(&pool.value_pool, &mut self.outer_b);
fn push_middle(&mut self, pool: &RRBPool, side: Side, chunk: PoolRef>) {
if chunk.is_empty() {
let new_middle = {
let middle = Ref::make_mut(&mut self.middle);
match middle.push_chunk(pool, self.middle_level, side, chunk) {
PushResult::Done => return,
PushResult::Full(chunk, _num_drained) => Ref::from({
match side {
Side::Left => Node::from_chunk(pool, self.middle_level, chunk)
.join_branches(pool, middle.clone(), self.middle_level),
Side::Right => middle.clone().join_branches(
Node::from_chunk(pool, self.middle_level, chunk),
self.middle_level += 1;
self.middle = new_middle;
fn pop_middle(&mut self, pool: &RRBPool, side: Side) -> Option>> {
let chunk = {
let middle = Ref::make_mut(&mut self.middle);
match middle.pop_chunk(pool, self.middle_level, side) {
PopResult::Empty => return None,
PopResult::Done(chunk) => chunk,
PopResult::Drained(chunk) => {
self.middle_level = 0;
fn replace_pool_def(pool: &Pool, dest: &mut PoolRef) -> PoolRef {
replace(dest, PoolRef::default(pool))
// Core traits
impl Default for Vector {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Clone for Vector {
/// Clone a vector.
/// Time: O(1), or O(n) with a very small, bounded *n* for an inline vector.
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
vector: match &self.vector {
Inline(pool, chunk) => Inline(pool.clone(), chunk.clone()),
Single(pool, chunk) => Single(pool.clone(), chunk.clone()),
Full(pool, tree) => Full(pool.clone(), tree.clone()),
impl Debug for Vector {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
// match self {
// Full(rrb) => {
// writeln!(f, "Head: {:?} {:?}", rrb.outer_f, rrb.inner_f)?;
// rrb.middle.print(f, 0, rrb.middle_level)?;
// writeln!(f, "Tail: {:?} {:?}", rrb.inner_b, rrb.outer_b)
// }
// Single(_) => write!(f, "nowt"),
// }
impl PartialEq for Vector {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.len() == other.len() && self.iter().eq(other.iter())
impl PartialEq for Vector {
default fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.len() == other.len() && self.iter().eq(other.iter())
impl PartialEq for Vector {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
fn cmp_chunk(left: &PoolRef>, right: &PoolRef>) -> bool {
(left.is_empty() && right.is_empty()) || PoolRef::ptr_eq(left, right)
if std::ptr::eq(self, other) {
return true;
match (&self.vector, &other.vector) {
(Single(_, left), Single(_, right)) => {
if cmp_chunk(left, right) {
return true;
(Full(_, left), Full(_, right)) => {
if left.length != right.length {
return false;
if cmp_chunk(&left.outer_f, &right.outer_f)
&& cmp_chunk(&left.inner_f, &right.inner_f)
&& cmp_chunk(&left.inner_b, &right.inner_b)
&& cmp_chunk(&left.outer_b, &right.outer_b)
&& ((left.middle.is_empty() && right.middle.is_empty())
|| Ref::ptr_eq(&left.middle, &right.middle))
return true;
_ => self.len() == other.len() && self.iter().eq(other.iter()),
impl Eq for Vector {}
impl PartialOrd for Vector {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option {
impl Ord for Vector {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl Hash for Vector {
fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) {
for i in self {
impl Sum for Vector {
fn sum(it: I) -> Self
I: Iterator- ,
it.fold(Self::new(), |a, b| a + b)
impl Add for Vector {
type Output = Vector;
/// Concatenate two vectors.
/// Time: O(log n)
fn add(mut self, other: Self) -> Self::Output {
impl<'a, A: Clone> Add for &'a Vector {
type Output = Vector;
/// Concatenate two vectors.
/// Time: O(log n)
fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self::Output {
let mut out = self.clone();
impl Extend for Vector {
/// Add values to the end of a vector by consuming an iterator.
/// Time: O(n)
fn extend(&mut self, iter: I)
I: IntoIterator
- ,
for item in iter {
impl Index for Vector {
type Output = A;
/// Get a reference to the value at index `index` in the vector.
/// Time: O(log n)
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
match self.get(index) {
Some(value) => value,
None => panic!(
"Vector::index: index out of bounds: {} < {}",
impl IndexMut for Vector {
/// Get a mutable reference to the value at index `index` in the
/// vector.
/// Time: O(log n)
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output {
match self.get_mut(index) {
Some(value) => value,
None => panic!("Vector::index_mut: index out of bounds"),
// Conversions
impl<'a, A: Clone> IntoIterator for &'a Vector {
type Item = &'a A;
type IntoIter = Iter<'a, A>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl IntoIterator for Vector {
type Item = A;
type IntoIter = ConsumingIter;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl FromIterator for Vector {
/// Create a vector from an iterator.
/// Time: O(n)
fn from_iter(iter: I) -> Self
I: IntoIterator
- ,
let mut seq = Self::new();
for item in iter {
impl<'s, 'a, A, OA> From<&'s Vector<&'a A>> for Vector
A: ToOwned,
OA: Borrow + Clone,
fn from(vec: &Vector<&A>) -> Self {
vec.iter().map(|a| (*a).to_owned()).collect()
impl<'a, A: Clone> From<&'a [A]> for Vector {
fn from(slice: &[A]) -> Self {
impl From> for Vector {
/// Create a vector from a [`std::vec::Vec`][vec].
/// Time: O(n)
/// [vec]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/vec/struct.Vec.html
fn from(vec: Vec) -> Self {
impl<'a, A: Clone> From<&'a Vec> for Vector {
/// Create a vector from a [`std::vec::Vec`][vec].
/// Time: O(n)
/// [vec]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/vec/struct.Vec.html
fn from(vec: &Vec) -> Self {
// Iterators
/// An iterator over vectors with values of type `A`.
/// To obtain one, use [`Vector::iter()`][iter].
/// [iter]: enum.Vector.html#method.iter
pub struct Iter<'a, A> {
focus: Focus<'a, A>,
front_index: usize,
back_index: usize,
impl<'a, A: Clone> Iter<'a, A> {
fn new(seq: &'a Vector) -> Self {
Iter {
focus: seq.focus(),
front_index: 0,
back_index: seq.len(),
fn from_focus(focus: Focus<'a, A>) -> Self {
Iter {
front_index: 0,
back_index: focus.len(),
impl<'a, A: Clone> Iterator for Iter<'a, A> {
type Item = &'a A;
/// Advance the iterator and return the next value.
/// Time: O(1)*
fn next(&mut self) -> Option {
if self.front_index >= self.back_index {
return None;
let focus: &'a mut Focus<'a, A> = unsafe { &mut *(&mut self.focus as *mut _) };
let value = focus.get(self.front_index);
self.front_index += 1;
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) {
let remaining = self.back_index - self.front_index;
(remaining, Some(remaining))
impl<'a, A: Clone> DoubleEndedIterator for Iter<'a, A> {
/// Advance the iterator and return the next value.
/// Time: O(1)*
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option {
if self.front_index >= self.back_index {
return None;
self.back_index -= 1;
let focus: &'a mut Focus<'a, A> = unsafe { &mut *(&mut self.focus as *mut _) };
impl<'a, A: Clone> ExactSizeIterator for Iter<'a, A> {}
impl<'a, A: Clone> FusedIterator for Iter<'a, A> {}
/// A mutable iterator over vectors with values of type `A`.
/// To obtain one, use [`Vector::iter_mut()`][iter_mut].
/// [iter_mut]: enum.Vector.html#method.iter_mut
pub struct IterMut<'a, A> {
focus: FocusMut<'a, A>,
front_index: usize,
back_index: usize,
impl<'a, A> IterMut<'a, A>
A: Clone,
fn new(seq: &'a mut Vector) -> Self {
let focus = seq.focus_mut();
let len = focus.len();
IterMut {
front_index: 0,
back_index: len,
fn from_focus(focus: FocusMut<'a, A>) -> Self {
IterMut {
front_index: 0,
back_index: focus.len(),
impl<'a, A> Iterator for IterMut<'a, A>
A: 'a + Clone,
type Item = &'a mut A;
/// Advance the iterator and return the next value.
/// Time: O(1)*
fn next(&mut self) -> Option {
if self.front_index >= self.back_index {
return None;
let focus: &'a mut FocusMut<'a, A> = unsafe { &mut *(&mut self.focus as *mut _) };
let value = focus.get_mut(self.front_index);
self.front_index += 1;
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) {
let remaining = self.back_index - self.front_index;
(remaining, Some(remaining))
impl<'a, A> DoubleEndedIterator for IterMut<'a, A>
A: 'a + Clone,
/// Remove and return an element from the back of the iterator.
/// Time: O(1)*
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option {
if self.front_index >= self.back_index {
return None;
self.back_index -= 1;
let focus: &'a mut FocusMut<'a, A> = unsafe { &mut *(&mut self.focus as *mut _) };
impl<'a, A: Clone> ExactSizeIterator for IterMut<'a, A> {}
impl<'a, A: Clone> FusedIterator for IterMut<'a, A> {}
/// A consuming iterator over vectors with values of type `A`.
pub struct ConsumingIter {
vector: Vector,
impl ConsumingIter {
fn new(vector: Vector) -> Self {
Self { vector }
impl Iterator for ConsumingIter {
type Item = A;
/// Advance the iterator and return the next value.
/// Time: O(1)*
fn next(&mut self) -> Option {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) {
let len = self.vector.len();
(len, Some(len))
impl DoubleEndedIterator for ConsumingIter {
/// Remove and return an element from the back of the iterator.
/// Time: O(1)*
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option {
impl ExactSizeIterator for ConsumingIter {}
impl FusedIterator for ConsumingIter {}
/// An iterator over the leaf nodes of a vector.
/// To obtain one, use [`Vector::chunks()`][chunks].
/// [chunks]: enum.Vector.html#method.chunks
pub struct Chunks<'a, A> {
focus: Focus<'a, A>,
front_index: usize,
back_index: usize,
impl<'a, A: Clone> Chunks<'a, A> {
fn new(seq: &'a Vector) -> Self {
Chunks {
focus: seq.focus(),
front_index: 0,
back_index: seq.len(),
impl<'a, A: Clone> Iterator for Chunks<'a, A> {
type Item = &'a [A];
/// Advance the iterator and return the next value.
/// Time: O(1)*
fn next(&mut self) -> Option {
if self.front_index >= self.back_index {
return None;
let focus: &'a mut Focus<'a, A> = unsafe { &mut *(&mut self.focus as *mut _) };
let (range, value) = focus.chunk_at(self.front_index);
self.front_index = range.end;
impl<'a, A: Clone> DoubleEndedIterator for Chunks<'a, A> {
/// Remove and return an element from the back of the iterator.
/// Time: O(1)*
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option {
if self.front_index >= self.back_index {
return None;
self.back_index -= 1;
let focus: &'a mut Focus<'a, A> = unsafe { &mut *(&mut self.focus as *mut _) };
let (range, value) = focus.chunk_at(self.back_index);
self.back_index = range.start;
impl<'a, A: Clone> FusedIterator for Chunks<'a, A> {}
/// A mutable iterator over the leaf nodes of a vector.
/// To obtain one, use [`Vector::chunks_mut()`][chunks_mut].
/// [chunks_mut]: enum.Vector.html#method.chunks_mut
pub struct ChunksMut<'a, A> {
focus: FocusMut<'a, A>,
front_index: usize,
back_index: usize,
impl<'a, A: Clone> ChunksMut<'a, A> {
fn new(seq: &'a mut Vector) -> Self {
let len = seq.len();
ChunksMut {
focus: seq.focus_mut(),
front_index: 0,
back_index: len,
impl<'a, A: Clone> Iterator for ChunksMut<'a, A> {
type Item = &'a mut [A];
/// Advance the iterator and return the next value.
/// Time: O(1)*
fn next(&mut self) -> Option {
if self.front_index >= self.back_index {
return None;
let focus: &'a mut FocusMut<'a, A> = unsafe { &mut *(&mut self.focus as *mut _) };
let (range, value) = focus.chunk_at(self.front_index);
self.front_index = range.end;
impl<'a, A: Clone> DoubleEndedIterator for ChunksMut<'a, A> {
/// Remove and return an element from the back of the iterator.
/// Time: O(1)*
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option {
if self.front_index >= self.back_index {
return None;
self.back_index -= 1;
let focus: &'a mut FocusMut<'a, A> = unsafe { &mut *(&mut self.focus as *mut _) };
let (range, value) = focus.chunk_at(self.back_index);
self.back_index = range.start;
impl<'a, A: Clone> FusedIterator for ChunksMut<'a, A> {}
// Proptest
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest"))]
pub mod proptest {
since = "14.3.0",
note = "proptest strategies have moved to im::proptest"
pub use crate::proptest::vector;
// Tests
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::proptest::vector;
use ::proptest::collection::vec;
use ::proptest::num::{i32, usize};
use ::proptest::proptest;
fn macro_allows_trailing_comma() {
let vec1 = vector![1, 2, 3];
let vec2 = vector![1, 2, 3,];
assert_eq!(vec1, vec2);
fn indexing() {
let mut vec = vector![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
assert_eq!(0, *vec.get(0).unwrap());
assert_eq!(0, vec[0]);
fn large_vector_focus() {
let input = (0..100_000).collect::>();
let vec = input.clone();
let mut sum: i64 = 0;
let mut focus = vec.focus();
for i in 0..input.len() {
sum += *focus.index(i);
let expected: i64 = (0..100_000).sum();
assert_eq!(expected, sum);
fn large_vector_focus_mut() {
let input = (0..100_000).collect::>();
let mut vec = input.clone();
let mut focus = vec.focus_mut();
for i in 0..input.len() {
let p = focus.index_mut(i);
*p += 1;
let expected: Vector = input.into_iter().map(|i| i + 1).collect();
assert_eq!(expected, vec);
fn issue_55_fwd() {
let mut l = Vector::new();
for i in 0..4098 {
assert_eq!(Some(&4097), l.get(4097));
assert_eq!(Some(&4096), l.get(4096));
fn issue_55_back() {
let mut l = Vector::unit(0);
for i in 0..4099 {
let mut tmp = Vector::unit(i + 1);
l = tmp;
assert_eq!(Some(&4098), l.get(1));
assert_eq!(Some(&4097), l.get(2));
let len = l.len();
fn issue_55_append() {
let mut vec1 = (0..92).collect::>();
let vec2 = (0..165).collect::>();
fn issue_70() {
let mut x = Vector::new();
for _ in 0..262 {
for _ in 0..97 {
for &offset in &[160, 163, 160] {
for _ in 0..64 {
// At this point middle contains three chunks of size 64, 64 and 1
// respectively. Previously the next `push_back()` would append another
// zero-sized chunk to middle even though there is enough space left.
match x.vector {
VectorInner::Full(_, ref tree) => {
assert_eq!(129, tree.middle.len());
assert_eq!(3, tree.middle.number_of_children());
_ => unreachable!(),
match x.vector {
VectorInner::Full(_, ref tree) => {
assert_eq!(131, tree.middle.len());
assert_eq!(3, tree.middle.number_of_children())
_ => unreachable!(),
for _ in 0..64 {
for _ in x.iter() {}
fn issue_67() {
let mut l = Vector::unit(4100);
for i in (0..4099).rev() {
let mut tmp = Vector::unit(i);
l = tmp;
assert_eq!(4100, l.len());
let len = l.len();
let tail = l.slice(1..len);
assert_eq!(1, l.len());
assert_eq!(4099, tail.len());
assert_eq!(Some(&0), l.get(0));
assert_eq!(Some(&1), tail.get(0));
fn issue_74_simple_size() {
use crate::nodes::rrb::NODE_SIZE;
let mut x = Vector::new();
for _ in 0..(CHUNK_SIZE
* (
1 // inner_f
+ (2 * NODE_SIZE) // middle: two full Entry::Nodes (4096 elements each)
+ 1 // inner_b
+ 1
// outer_b
let middle_first_node_start = CHUNK_SIZE;
let middle_second_node_start = middle_first_node_start + NODE_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE;
// This reduces the size of the second node to 4095.
// As outer_b is full, this will cause inner_b (length 64) to be pushed
// to middle. The first element will be merged into the second node, the
// remaining 63 elements will end up in a new node.
match x.vector {
VectorInner::Full(_, tree) => {
assert_eq!(3, tree.middle.number_of_children());
_ => unreachable!(),
fn issue_77() {
let mut x = Vector::new();
for _ in 0..44 {
for _ in 0..20 {
x.insert(0, 0);
x.insert(1, 0);
for _ in 0..441 {
for _ in 0..58 {
x.insert(0, 0);
x.insert(514, 0);
for _ in 0..73 {
for _ in 0..10 {
x.insert(0, 0);
x.insert(514, 0);
fn issue_105() {
let mut v = Vector::new();
for i in 0..270_000 {
while !v.is_empty() {
v = v.take(v.len() - 1);
fn issue_107_split_off_causes_overflow() {
let mut vec = (0..4289).collect::>();
let mut control = (0..4289).collect::>();
let chunk = 64;
while vec.len() >= chunk {
vec = vec.split_off(chunk);
control = control.split_off(chunk);
assert_eq!(vec.len(), control.len());
assert_eq!(control, vec.iter().cloned().collect::>());
fn collect_crash() {
let _vector: Vector = (0..5953).collect();
// let _vector: Vector = (0..16384).collect();
fn issue_116() {
let vec = (0..300).collect::>();
let rev_vec: Vector = vec.clone().into_iter().rev().collect();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), rev_vec.len());
fn issue_131() {
let smol = std::iter::repeat(42).take(64).collect::>();
let mut smol2 = smol.clone();
smol2.set(63, 420);
let huge = std::iter::repeat(42).take(65).collect::>();
let mut huge2 = huge.clone();
huge2.set(63, 420);
fn ptr_eq() {
for len in 32..256 {
let input = std::iter::repeat(42).take(len).collect::>();
let mut inp2 = input.clone();
inp2.set(len - 1, 98);
assert_ne!(inp2.get(len - 1), input.get(len - 1));
proptest! {
fn iter(ref vec in vec(i32::ANY, 0..1000)) {
let seq: Vector = vec.iter().cloned().collect::>();
for (index, item) in seq.iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(&vec[index], item);
assert_eq!(vec.len(), seq.len());
fn push_front_mut(ref input in vec(i32::ANY, 0..1000)) {
let mut vector = Vector::new();
for (count, value) in input.iter().cloned().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(count, vector.len());
assert_eq!(count + 1, vector.len());
let input2 = input.iter().rev().cloned().collect::>();
assert_eq!(input2, vector.iter().cloned().collect::>());
fn push_back_mut(ref input in vec(i32::ANY, 0..1000)) {
let mut vector = Vector::new();
for (count, value) in input.iter().cloned().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(count, vector.len());
assert_eq!(count + 1, vector.len());
assert_eq!(input, &vector.iter().cloned().collect::>());
fn pop_back_mut(ref input in vec(i32::ANY, 0..1000)) {
let mut vector = input.iter().cloned().collect::>();
assert_eq!(input.len(), vector.len());
for (index, value) in input.iter().cloned().enumerate().rev() {
match vector.pop_back() {
None => panic!("vector emptied unexpectedly"),
Some(item) => {
assert_eq!(index, vector.len());
assert_eq!(value, item);
assert_eq!(0, vector.len());
fn pop_front_mut(ref input in vec(i32::ANY, 0..1000)) {
let mut vector = input.iter().cloned().collect::>();
assert_eq!(input.len(), vector.len());
for (index, value) in input.iter().cloned().rev().enumerate().rev() {
match vector.pop_front() {
None => panic!("vector emptied unexpectedly"),
Some(item) => {
assert_eq!(index, vector.len());
assert_eq!(value, item);
assert_eq!(0, vector.len());
// #[test]
// fn push_and_pop(ref input in vec(i32::ANY, 0..1000)) {
// let mut vector = Vector::new();
// for (count, value) in input.iter().cloned().enumerate() {
// assert_eq!(count, vector.len());
// vector.push_back(value);
// assert_eq!(count + 1, vector.len());
// }
// for (index, value) in input.iter().cloned().rev().enumerate().rev() {
// match vector.pop_front() {
// None => panic!("vector emptied unexpectedly"),
// Some(item) => {
// assert_eq!(index, vector.len());
// assert_eq!(value, item);
// }
// }
// }
// assert_eq!(true, vector.is_empty());
// }
fn split(ref vec in vec(i32::ANY, 1..2000), split_pos in usize::ANY) {
let split_index = split_pos % (vec.len() + 1);
let mut left = vec.iter().cloned().collect::>();
let right = left.split_off(split_index);
assert_eq!(left.len(), split_index);
assert_eq!(right.len(), vec.len() - split_index);
for (index, item) in left.iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(& vec[index], item);
for (index, item) in right.iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(&vec[split_index + index], item);
fn append(ref vec1 in vec(i32::ANY, 0..1000), ref vec2 in vec(i32::ANY, 0..1000)) {
let mut seq1 = vec1.iter().cloned().collect::>();
let seq2 = vec2.iter().cloned().collect::>();
assert_eq!(seq1.len(), vec1.len());
assert_eq!(seq2.len(), vec2.len());
let mut vec = vec1.clone();
assert_eq!(seq1.len(), vec.len());
for (index, item) in seq1.into_iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(vec[index], item);
fn iter_mut(ref input in vector(i32::ANY, 0..10000)) {
let mut vec = input.clone();
for p in vec.iter_mut() {
*p = p.overflowing_add(1).0;
let expected: Vector = input.clone().into_iter().map(|i| i.overflowing_add(1).0).collect();
assert_eq!(expected, vec);
fn focus(ref input in vector(i32::ANY, 0..10000)) {
let mut vec = input.clone();
let mut focus = vec.focus_mut();
for i in 0..input.len() {
let p = focus.index_mut(i);
*p = p.overflowing_add(1).0;
let expected: Vector = input.clone().into_iter().map(|i| i.overflowing_add(1).0).collect();
assert_eq!(expected, vec);
fn focus_mut_split(ref input in vector(i32::ANY, 0..10000)) {
let mut vec = input.clone();
fn split_down(focus: FocusMut<'_, i32>) {
let len = focus.len();
if len < 8 {
for p in focus {
*p = p.overflowing_add(1).0;
} else {
let (left, right) = focus.split_at(len / 2);
let expected: Vector = input.clone().into_iter().map(|i| i.overflowing_add(1).0).collect();
assert_eq!(expected, vec);
fn chunks(ref input in vector(i32::ANY, 0..10000)) {
let output: Vector<_> = input.leaves().flatten().cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(input, &output);
let rev_in: Vector<_> = input.iter().rev().cloned().collect();
let rev_out: Vector<_> = input.leaves().rev().map(|c| c.iter().rev()).flatten().cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(rev_in, rev_out);
fn chunks_mut(ref mut input_src in vector(i32::ANY, 0..10000)) {
let mut input = input_src.clone();
let output: Vector<_> = input.leaves_mut().flatten().map(|v| *v).collect();
assert_eq!(input, output);
let rev_in: Vector<_> = input.iter().rev().cloned().collect();
let rev_out: Vector<_> = input.leaves_mut().rev().map(|c| c.iter().rev()).flatten().cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(rev_in, rev_out);
// The following two tests are very slow and there are unit tests above
// which test for regression of issue #55. It would still be good to
// run them occasionally.
// #[test]
// fn issue55_back(count in 0..10000, slice_at in usize::ANY) {
// let count = count as usize;
// let slice_at = slice_at % count;
// let mut l = Vector::unit(0);
// for _ in 0..count {
// let mut tmp = Vector::unit(0);
// tmp.append(l);
// l = tmp;
// }
// let len = l.len();
// l.slice(slice_at..len);
// }
// #[test]
// fn issue55_fwd(count in 0..10000, slice_at in usize::ANY) {
// let count = count as usize;
// let slice_at = slice_at % count;
// let mut l = Vector::new();
// for i in 0..count {
// l.append(Vector::unit(i));
// }
// assert_eq!(Some(&slice_at), l.get(slice_at));
// }