//! JsonPath implementation written in Rust. //! //! # Example //! ``` //! extern crate jsonpath_lib as jsonpath; //! #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; //! let json_obj = json!({ //! "store": { //! "book": [ //! { //! "category": "reference", //! "author": "Nigel Rees", //! "title": "Sayings of the Century", //! "price": 8.95 //! }, //! { //! "category": "fiction", //! "author": "Evelyn Waugh", //! "title": "Sword of Honour", //! "price": 12.99 //! }, //! { //! "category": "fiction", //! "author": "Herman Melville", //! "title": "Moby Dick", //! "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", //! "price": 8.99 //! }, //! { //! "category": "fiction", //! "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien", //! "title": "The Lord of the Rings", //! "isbn": "0-395-19395-8", //! "price": 22.99 //! } //! ], //! "bicycle": { //! "color": "red", //! "price": 19.95 //! } //! }, //! "expensive": 10 //! }); //! //! let mut selector = jsonpath::selector(&json_obj); //! //! assert_eq!(selector("$.store.book[*].author").unwrap(), //! vec![ //! "Nigel Rees", "Evelyn Waugh", "Herman Melville", "J. R. R. Tolkien" //! ]); //! //! assert_eq!(selector("$..author").unwrap(), //! vec![ //! "Nigel Rees", "Evelyn Waugh", "Herman Melville", "J. R. R. Tolkien" //! ]); //! //! assert_eq!(selector("$.store.*").unwrap(), //! vec![ //! &json!([ //! { "category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95 }, //! { "category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99 }, //! { "category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99 }, //! { "category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title": "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn": "0-395-19395-8", "price": 22.99 } //! ]), //! &json!({ "color": "red", "price": 19.95 }) //! ]); //! //! assert_eq!(selector("$.store..price").unwrap(), //! vec![ //! 8.95, 12.99, 8.99, 22.99, 19.95 //! ]); //! //! assert_eq!(selector("$..book[2]").unwrap(), //! vec![ //! &json!({ //! "category" : "fiction", //! "author" : "Herman Melville", //! "title" : "Moby Dick", //! "isbn" : "0-553-21311-3", //! "price" : 8.99 //! }) //! ]); //! //! assert_eq!(selector("$..book[-2]").unwrap(), //! vec![ //! &json!({ //! "category" : "fiction", //! "author" : "Herman Melville", //! "title" : "Moby Dick", //! "isbn" : "0-553-21311-3", //! "price" : 8.99 //! }) //! ]); //! //! assert_eq!(selector("$..book[0,1]").unwrap(), //! vec![ //! &json!({"category" : "reference","author" : "Nigel Rees","title" : "Sayings of the Century","price" : 8.95}), //! &json!({"category" : "fiction","author" : "Evelyn Waugh","title" : "Sword of Honour","price" : 12.99}) //! ]); //! //! assert_eq!(selector("$..book[:2]").unwrap(), //! vec![ //! &json!({"category" : "reference","author" : "Nigel Rees","title" : "Sayings of the Century","price" : 8.95}), //! &json!({"category" : "fiction","author" : "Evelyn Waugh","title" : "Sword of Honour","price" : 12.99}) //! ]); //! //! assert_eq!(selector("$..book[:2]").unwrap(), //! vec![ //! &json!({"category" : "reference","author" : "Nigel Rees","title" : "Sayings of the Century","price" : 8.95}), //! &json!({"category" : "fiction","author" : "Evelyn Waugh","title" : "Sword of Honour","price" : 12.99}) //! ]); //! //! assert_eq!(selector("$..book[?(@.isbn)]").unwrap(), //! vec![ //! &json!({"category" : "fiction","author" : "Herman Melville","title" : "Moby Dick","isbn" : "0-553-21311-3","price" : 8.99}), //! &json!({"category" : "fiction","author" : "J. R. R. Tolkien","title" : "The Lord of the Rings","isbn" : "0-395-19395-8","price" : 22.99}) //! ]); //! //! assert_eq!(selector("$.store.book[?(@.price < 10)]").unwrap(), //! vec![ //! &json!({"category" : "reference","author" : "Nigel Rees","title" : "Sayings of the Century","price" : 8.95}), //! &json!({"category" : "fiction","author" : "Herman Melville","title" : "Moby Dick","isbn" : "0-553-21311-3","price" : 8.99}) //! ]); //! ``` extern crate array_tool; extern crate core; extern crate env_logger; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_json; use serde_json::Value; pub use parser::Parser; // TODO private pub use select::JsonPathError; pub use select::{Selector, SelectorMut}; use parser::Node; #[doc(hidden)] mod ffi; #[doc(hidden)] mod parser; #[doc(hidden)] mod select; /// It is a high-order function. it compile a jsonpath and then returns a closure that has JSON as argument. if you need to reuse a jsonpath, it is good for performance. /// /// ```rust /// extern crate jsonpath_lib as jsonpath; /// #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; /// /// let mut first_firend = jsonpath::compile("$..friends[0]"); /// /// let json_obj = json!({ /// "school": { /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구1", "age": 20}, /// {"name": "친구2", "age": 20} /// ] /// }, /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구3", "age": 30}, /// {"name": "친구4"} /// ]}); /// /// let json = first_firend(&json_obj).unwrap(); /// /// assert_eq!(json, vec![ /// &json!({"name": "친구3", "age": 30}), /// &json!({"name": "친구1", "age": 20}) /// ]); /// ``` #[deprecated( since = "0.2.5", note = "Please use the Compiled::compile function instead" )] pub fn compile(path: &str) -> impl FnMut(&Value) -> Result, JsonPathError> { let node = parser::Parser::compile(path); move |json| match &node { Ok(node) => { let mut selector = Selector::default(); selector.compiled_path(node).value(json).select() } Err(e) => Err(JsonPathError::Path(e.to_string())), } } /// It is a high-order function. it returns a closure that has a jsonpath string as argument. you can use diffenent jsonpath for one JSON object. /// /// ```rust /// extern crate jsonpath_lib as jsonpath; /// #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; /// /// let json_obj = json!({ /// "school": { /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구1", "age": 20}, /// {"name": "친구2", "age": 20} /// ] /// }, /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구3", "age": 30}, /// {"name": "친구4"} /// ]}); /// /// let mut selector = jsonpath::selector(&json_obj); /// /// let json = selector("$..friends[0]").unwrap(); /// /// assert_eq!(json, vec![ /// &json!({"name": "친구3", "age": 30}), /// &json!({"name": "친구1", "age": 20}) /// ]); /// /// let json = selector("$..friends[1]").unwrap(); /// /// assert_eq!(json, vec![ /// &json!({"name": "친구4"}), /// &json!({"name": "친구2", "age": 20}) /// ]); /// ``` #[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] pub fn selector<'a>(json: &'a Value) -> impl FnMut(&str) -> Result, JsonPathError> { let mut selector = Selector::default(); let _ = selector.value(json); move |path: &str| selector.str_path(path)?.reset_value().select() } /// It is the same to `selector` function. but it deserialize the result as given type `T`. /// /// ```rust /// extern crate jsonpath_lib as jsonpath; /// extern crate serde; /// #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; /// /// use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; /// /// let json_obj = json!({ /// "school": { /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구1", "age": 20}, /// {"name": "친구2", "age": 20} /// ] /// }, /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구3", "age": 30}, /// {"name": "친구4"} /// ]}); /// /// #[derive(Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] /// struct Friend { /// name: String, /// age: Option, /// } /// /// let mut selector = jsonpath::selector_as::(&json_obj); /// /// let json = selector("$..friends[0]").unwrap(); /// /// let ret = vec!( /// Friend { name: "친구3".to_string(), age: Some(30) }, /// Friend { name: "친구1".to_string(), age: Some(20) } /// ); /// assert_eq!(json, ret); /// /// let json = selector("$..friends[1]").unwrap(); /// /// let ret = vec!( /// Friend { name: "친구4".to_string(), age: None }, /// Friend { name: "친구2".to_string(), age: Some(20) } /// ); /// /// assert_eq!(json, ret); /// ``` pub fn selector_as( json: &Value, ) -> impl FnMut(&str) -> Result, JsonPathError> + '_ { let mut selector = Selector::default(); let _ = selector.value(json); move |path: &str| selector.str_path(path)?.reset_value().select_as() } /// It is a simple select function. but it compile the jsonpath argument every time. /// /// ```rust /// extern crate jsonpath_lib as jsonpath; /// #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; /// /// let json_obj = json!({ /// "school": { /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구1", "age": 20}, /// {"name": "친구2", "age": 20} /// ] /// }, /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구3", "age": 30}, /// {"name": "친구4"} /// ]}); /// /// let json = jsonpath::select(&json_obj, "$..friends[0]").unwrap(); /// /// assert_eq!(json, vec![ /// &json!({"name": "친구3", "age": 30}), /// &json!({"name": "친구1", "age": 20}) /// ]); /// ``` pub fn select<'a>(json: &'a Value, path: &str) -> Result, JsonPathError> { Selector::default().str_path(path)?.value(json).select() } /// It is the same to `select` function but it return the result as string. /// /// ```rust /// extern crate jsonpath_lib as jsonpath; /// #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; /// /// let ret = jsonpath::select_as_str(r#" /// { /// "school": { /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구1", "age": 20}, /// {"name": "친구2", "age": 20} /// ] /// }, /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구3", "age": 30}, /// {"name": "친구4"} /// ] /// } /// "#, "$..friends[0]").unwrap(); /// /// assert_eq!(ret, r#"[{"name":"친구3","age":30},{"name":"친구1","age":20}]"#); /// ``` pub fn select_as_str(json_str: &str, path: &str) -> Result { let json = serde_json::from_str(json_str).map_err(|e| JsonPathError::Serde(e.to_string()))?; let ret = Selector::default().str_path(path)?.value(&json).select()?; serde_json::to_string(&ret).map_err(|e| JsonPathError::Serde(e.to_string())) } /// It is the same to `select` function but it deserialize the the result as given type `T`. /// /// ```rust /// extern crate jsonpath_lib as jsonpath; /// extern crate serde; /// #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; /// /// use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; /// /// #[derive(Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] /// struct Person { /// name: String, /// age: u8, /// phones: Vec, /// } /// /// let ret: Vec = jsonpath::select_as(r#" /// { /// "person": /// { /// "name": "Doe John", /// "age": 44, /// "phones": [ /// "+44 1234567", /// "+44 2345678" /// ] /// } /// } /// "#, "$.person").unwrap(); /// /// let person = Person { /// name: "Doe John".to_string(), /// age: 44, /// phones: vec!["+44 1234567".to_string(), "+44 2345678".to_string()], /// }; /// /// assert_eq!(ret[0], person); /// ``` pub fn select_as( json_str: &str, path: &str, ) -> Result, JsonPathError> { let json = serde_json::from_str(json_str).map_err(|e| JsonPathError::Serde(e.to_string()))?; Selector::default().str_path(path)?.value(&json).select_as() } /// Delete(= replace with null) the JSON property using the jsonpath. /// /// ```rust /// extern crate jsonpath_lib as jsonpath; /// #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; /// /// let json_obj = json!({ /// "school": { /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구1", "age": 20}, /// {"name": "친구2", "age": 20} /// ] /// }, /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구3", "age": 30}, /// {"name": "친구4"} /// ]}); /// /// let ret = jsonpath::delete(json_obj, "$..[?(20 == @.age)]").unwrap(); /// /// assert_eq!(ret, json!({ /// "school": { /// "friends": [ /// null, /// null /// ] /// }, /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구3", "age": 30}, /// {"name": "친구4"} /// ]})); /// ``` pub fn delete(value: Value, path: &str) -> Result { let mut selector = SelectorMut::default(); let value = selector.str_path(path)?.value(value).delete()?; Ok(value.take().unwrap_or(Value::Null)) } /// Select JSON properties using a jsonpath and transform the result and then replace it. via closure that implements `FnMut` you can transform the selected results. /// /// ```rust /// extern crate jsonpath_lib as jsonpath; /// #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; /// /// use serde_json::Value; /// /// let json_obj = json!({ /// "school": { /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구1", "age": 20}, /// {"name": "친구2", "age": 20} /// ] /// }, /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구3", "age": 30}, /// {"name": "친구4"} /// ]}); /// /// let ret = jsonpath::replace_with(json_obj, "$..[?(@.age == 20)].age", &mut |v| { /// let age = if let Value::Number(n) = v { /// n.as_u64().unwrap() * 2 /// } else { /// 0 /// }; /// /// Some(json!(age)) /// }).unwrap(); /// /// assert_eq!(ret, json!({ /// "school": { /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구1", "age": 40}, /// {"name": "친구2", "age": 40} /// ] /// }, /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구3", "age": 30}, /// {"name": "친구4"} /// ]})); /// ``` pub fn replace_with(value: Value, path: &str, fun: &mut F) -> Result where F: FnMut(Value) -> Option, { let mut selector = SelectorMut::default(); let value = selector.str_path(path)?.value(value).replace_with(fun)?; Ok(value.take().unwrap_or(Value::Null)) } /// A pre-compiled expression. /// /// Calling the select function of this struct will re-use the existing, compiled expression. /// /// ## Example /// /// ```rust /// extern crate jsonpath_lib as jsonpath; /// #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; /// /// let mut first_friend = jsonpath::Compiled::compile("$..friends[0]").unwrap(); /// /// let json_obj = json!({ /// "school": { /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구1", "age": 20}, /// {"name": "친구2", "age": 20} /// ] /// }, /// "friends": [ /// {"name": "친구3", "age": 30}, /// {"name": "친구4"} /// ]}); /// /// // call a first time /// /// let json = first_friend.select(&json_obj).unwrap(); /// /// assert_eq!(json, vec![ /// &json!({"name": "친구3", "age": 30}), /// &json!({"name": "친구1", "age": 20}) /// ]); /// /// // call a second time /// /// let json = first_friend.select(&json_obj).unwrap(); /// /// assert_eq!(json, vec![ /// &json!({"name": "친구3", "age": 30}), /// &json!({"name": "친구1", "age": 20}) /// ]); /// ``` #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Compiled { node: Node, } impl Compiled { /// Compile a path expression and return a compiled instance. /// /// If parsing the path fails, it will return an error. pub fn compile(path: &str) -> Result { let node = parser::Parser::compile(path)?; Ok(Compiled{ node }) } /// Execute the select operation on the pre-compiled path. pub fn select<'a>(&self, value: &'a Value) -> Result, JsonPathError> { let mut selector = Selector::default(); selector.compiled_path(&self.node).value(value).select() } }