#[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; use common::{read_json, select_and_then_compare, setup}; mod common; #[test] fn example_authros_of_all_books() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$.store.book[*].author"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), json!([ "Nigel Rees", "Evelyn Waugh", "Herman Melville", "J. R. R. Tolkien" ]), ); } #[test] fn all_authors() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$..author"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), json!([ "Nigel Rees", "Evelyn Waugh", "Herman Melville", "J. R. R. Tolkien" ]), ); } #[test] fn all_things_both_books_and_bicycles() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$.store.*"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), json!([ [ {"category" : "reference", "author" : "Nigel Rees","title" : "Sayings of the Century", "price" : 8.95}, {"category" : "fiction", "author" : "Evelyn Waugh","title" : "Sword of Honour","price" : 12.99}, {"category" : "fiction", "author" : "Herman Melville","title" : "Moby Dick","isbn" : "0-553-21311-3","price" : 8.99}, {"category" : "fiction", "author" : "J. R. R. Tolkien","title" : "The Lord of the Rings","isbn" : "0-395-19395-8","price" : 22.99} ], {"color" : "red","price" : 19.95}, ]), ); } #[test] fn the_price_of_everything() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$.store..price"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), json!([8.95, 12.99, 8.99, 22.99, 19.95]), ); } #[test] fn the_third_book() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$..book[2]"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), json!([ { "category" : "fiction", "author" : "Herman Melville", "title" : "Moby Dick", "isbn" : "0-553-21311-3", "price" : 8.99 } ]), ); } #[test] fn the_second_to_last_book() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$..book[-2]"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), json!([ { "category" : "fiction", "author" : "Herman Melville", "title" : "Moby Dick", "isbn" : "0-553-21311-3", "price" : 8.99 } ]), ); } #[test] fn the_first_two_books() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$..book[0, 1]"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), json!([ { "category" : "reference", "author" : "Nigel Rees", "title" : "Sayings of the Century", "price" : 8.95 }, { "category" : "fiction", "author" : "Evelyn Waugh", "title" : "Sword of Honour", "price" : 12.99 } ]), ); } #[test] fn all_books_from_index_0_inclusive_until_index_2_exclusive() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$..book[:2]"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), json!([ { "category" : "reference", "author" : "Nigel Rees", "title" : "Sayings of the Century", "price" : 8.95 }, { "category" : "fiction", "author" : "Evelyn Waugh", "title" : "Sword of Honour", "price" : 12.99 } ]), ); } #[test] fn all_books_from_index_1_inclusive_until_index_2_exclusive() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$..book[2:]"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), json!([ { "category" : "fiction", "author" : "Herman Melville", "title" : "Moby Dick", "isbn" : "0-553-21311-3", "price" : 8.99 }, { "category" : "fiction", "author" : "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title" : "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn" : "0-395-19395-8", "price" : 22.99 } ]), ); } #[test] fn all_books_with_an_isbn_number() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$..book[?(@.isbn)]"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), json!([ { "category" : "fiction", "author" : "Herman Melville", "title" : "Moby Dick", "isbn" : "0-553-21311-3", "price" : 8.99 }, { "category" : "fiction", "author" : "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title" : "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn" : "0-395-19395-8", "price" : 22.99 } ]), ); } #[test] fn all_books_in_store_cheaper_than_10() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$.store.book[?(@.price < 10)]"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), json!([ { "category" : "reference", "author" : "Nigel Rees", "title" : "Sayings of the Century", "price" : 8.95 }, { "category" : "fiction", "author" : "Herman Melville", "title" : "Moby Dick", "isbn" : "0-553-21311-3", "price" : 8.99 } ]), ); } #[test] fn give_me_every_thing() { setup(); select_and_then_compare( r#"$..*"#, read_json("./benchmark/example.json"), read_json("./benchmark/giveme_every_thing_result.json"), ); }