// Copyright 2014-2017 The html5ever Project Developers. See the
// COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license
// , at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! This module contains functionality for managing the DOM, including adding/removing nodes.
//! It can be used by a parser to create the DOM graph structure in memory.
use crate::interface::{Attribute, ExpandedName, QualName};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use tendril::StrTendril;
pub use self::NodeOrText::{AppendNode, AppendText};
pub use self::QuirksMode::{LimitedQuirks, NoQuirks, Quirks};
/// Something which can be inserted into the DOM.
/// Adjacent sibling text nodes are merged into a single node, so
/// the sink may not want to allocate a `Handle` for each.
pub enum NodeOrText {
/// A document's quirks mode, for compatibility with old browsers. See [quirks mode on wikipedia]
/// for more information.
/// [quirks mode on wikipedia]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quirks_mode
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum QuirksMode {
/// Full quirks mode
/// Almost standards mode
/// Standards mode
/// Whether to interrupt further parsing of the current input until
/// the next explicit resumption of the tokenizer, or continue without
/// any interruption.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum NextParserState {
/// Stop further parsing.
/// Continue without interruptions.
/// Special properties of an element, useful for tagging elements with this information.
pub struct ElementFlags {
/// A document fragment should be created, associated with the element,
/// and returned in TreeSink::get_template_contents.
/// See [template-contents in the whatwg spec][whatwg template-contents].
/// [whatwg template-contents]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#template-contents
pub template: bool,
/// This boolean should be recorded with the element and returned
/// in TreeSink::is_mathml_annotation_xml_integration_point
/// See [html-integration-point in the whatwg spec][whatwg integration-point].
/// [whatwg integration-point]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#html-integration-point
pub mathml_annotation_xml_integration_point: bool,
// Prevent construction from outside module
_private: (),
/// A constructor for an element.
/// # Examples
/// Create an element like ``:
pub fn create_element(sink: &mut Sink, name: QualName, attrs: Vec) -> Sink::Handle
Sink: TreeSink,
let mut flags = ElementFlags::default();
match name.expanded() {
expanded_name!(html "template") => flags.template = true,
expanded_name!(mathml "annotation-xml") => {
flags.mathml_annotation_xml_integration_point = attrs.iter().any(|attr| {
attr.name.expanded() == expanded_name!("", "encoding") &&
(attr.value.eq_ignore_ascii_case("text/html") ||
_ => {},
sink.create_element(name, attrs, flags)
/// Methods a parser can use to create the DOM. The DOM provider implements this trait.
/// Having this as a trait potentially allows multiple implementations of the DOM to be used with
/// the same parser.
pub trait TreeSink {
/// `Handle` is a reference to a DOM node. The tree builder requires
/// that a `Handle` implements `Clone` to get another reference to
/// the same node.
type Handle: Clone;
/// The overall result of parsing.
/// This should default to Self, but default associated types are not stable yet.
/// [rust-lang/rust#29661](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/29661)
type Output;
/// Consume this sink and return the overall result of parsing.
/// TODO:This should default to `fn finish(self) -> Self::Output { self }`,
/// but default associated types are not stable yet.
/// [rust-lang/rust#29661](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/29661)
fn finish(self) -> Self::Output;
/// Signal a parse error.
fn parse_error(&mut self, msg: Cow<'static, str>);
/// Get a handle to the `Document` node.
fn get_document(&mut self) -> Self::Handle;
/// What is the name of this element?
/// Should never be called on a non-element node;
/// feel free to `panic!`.
fn elem_name<'a>(&'a self, target: &'a Self::Handle) -> ExpandedName<'a>;
/// Create an element.
/// When creating a template element (`name.ns.expanded() == expanded_name!(html "template")`),
/// an associated document fragment called the "template contents" should
/// also be created. Later calls to self.get_template_contents() with that
/// given element return it.
/// See [the template element in the whatwg spec][whatwg template].
/// [whatwg template]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#the-template-element
fn create_element(
&mut self,
name: QualName,
attrs: Vec,
flags: ElementFlags,
) -> Self::Handle;
/// Create a comment node.
fn create_comment(&mut self, text: StrTendril) -> Self::Handle;
/// Create a Processing Instruction node.
fn create_pi(&mut self, target: StrTendril, data: StrTendril) -> Self::Handle;
/// Append a node as the last child of the given node. If this would
/// produce adjacent sibling text nodes, it should concatenate the text
/// instead.
/// The child node will not already have a parent.
fn append(&mut self, parent: &Self::Handle, child: NodeOrText);
/// When the insertion point is decided by the existence of a parent node of the
/// element, we consider both possibilities and send the element which will be used
/// if a parent node exists, along with the element to be used if there isn't one.
fn append_based_on_parent_node(
&mut self,
element: &Self::Handle,
prev_element: &Self::Handle,
child: NodeOrText,
/// Append a `DOCTYPE` element to the `Document` node.
fn append_doctype_to_document(
&mut self,
name: StrTendril,
public_id: StrTendril,
system_id: StrTendril,
/// Mark a HTML `